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Old 12-21-2008, 11:37 AM   #1
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Embarassed Don't hide the SS

While playing around trying to see how thin I could make the SS I ended up with a catch 22.. That was hard to recover from
Making the SS thin and moving it to the top of the screen would most times crash the SS.. the normal Windows dialog box regarding a crash and would I like to send the info to MS... Then the SS could be restarted and would open in a default window size

But.. while removing the title bar while the SS is at its minimum size tucked against the top of my screen.. it crashed and when restarted would come up with "Could not find compatible Direct 3D Device And now it will not start

Possibly editing the registry would have been a possible fix, instead I moved a copy of the SS into my Windows/System32 folder where I was able access the settings from settings>control panel>display and add / remove (forget which) the title bar at which point the SS would start and I could drag it back to size.

All this to say... the minimum size code is not quite bullet proof
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