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Old 03-26-2008, 12:14 PM   #1470
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Originally posted by Overlord:
Hello everyone. I've haven't been logged in for sometime but I am constantly keeping up with and nervously awaiting MA3. I wanted to commend Jim for his hard work, especially this last thread about getting a machine together for old 440 cards. I think this is wonderful. I just thought I would interject something and I mean no disrespect to anyone.
Yesterday the 9800gx2 came out and just before that the 9600gt. Which means that even nvidia 6 and 7 series cards are starting to sell for almost nothing. If people have an ancient graphics card with some problems you can pick one of these up for as little as 40 to 50 dollars or less depending on where you shop online. Newegg, tigerdirect, and are always having price wars. And that's just to name a few. But I do understand in these times that 50 dollars can be a great deal to some, myself included and may not be able to upgrade. So again, I want to commend Jim for bending over backwards for everyone. Says a lot about his character. Meanwhile I'll be watching in the wings.  
The problem would come in for someone that has an embedded card and no expansion slot. Those kinds of machines were pretty common at one time.
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