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Old 02-23-2008, 11:53 PM   #1314
Jim Sachs
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farrix - Morgan's right, I ran out of band-width in the fish-byte site. I had been using it for the Beta-testers to download the MA3 updates, and the bandwidth went over the limit. I tried to increase the allowance a week ago, but apparently something happened in the middle of the transaction and it didn't go through. I successfully completed the form this evening and got a confirmation email, but of course they are closed until Monday, so I guess the site will remain off the air until then.

Davethegecko - Welcome, and thanks for the suggestions. The subject of "flotsom" has come up before, but I've always resisted it. When I look at a real tank, floating particles just mean poor filtration to me. Last night we ate in a Thai restaurant which had two saltwater tanks. One was crytal-clear, and the other had slightly cloudy water, with some visible floating specks. We were seated near the "dirty" tank, and I didn't enjoy the evening much.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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