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James 05-13-2002 04:38 AM

Aquarium user age group
Looking those avatars, I'm wonder what's the age group in the forum?
it seems the age gruop are most above 20
so I would like to do a little survey here
the result should be interesting to know what kind of age group ppl like this kind of Aquarium stuff :D
usually it turns out younger ppl like this kind of stuff but it seems the idea doesn't apply in this forum...hummmm...interesting...

hpman77 05-13-2002 01:59 PM

make a poll then :) I'm 24 btw

drfish 05-14-2002 11:11 AM

According to the poll, after 28 votes I'm still the youngest; I wouldn't have expected that.

Darkness2k 05-14-2002 05:00 PM

Well I'm 19.....

I just like quality products :)

Gerty 05-14-2002 06:59 PM

looks like the 30-35 age group have it so far. i love mine & i'm in that age group. (32 to be exact)

apollo 05-15-2002 01:08 AM

I wonder who the people in the above 60 group are? I'm in the 30-35 age group...I'm 32 the same as Gerty...

Jim Sachs 05-15-2002 09:04 AM

A large percentage of our customers are over 60. They may not take polls, but they sure show up in the customer-service logs.

cjmaddy 05-15-2002 12:37 PM

Age !
Watch it Jim!

That's an ageist remark.

Are you saying that it's mainly old people who require help?

Not in my experience!

Keep up the good work though - all the best - Cliff. (67)

Swede 05-15-2002 12:52 PM

Maybe when you are older and wiser you look for help when you need it, instead of trying to fix it yourself like some of us youngsters does. Often with not so good results I might add!

On the other hand, you learn from mistakes, hehe :)

hpman77 05-15-2002 02:51 PM

I agree with swede.
Best things about older people is that when they need help, they just ask for it, not as all of us who always think we can fix everything, and at the end we find that the "small problem" has become a "awesome problem"... and when we realise we should ask for help, it's too late.

We met here a nice example in cjmaddy, and I'll give you another one: In cybertown (a 3d community) you can see from time to time an user who's nick is JAN, and he's always giving help to everybody on the newcomer's club. I think he's more or less the same experience as cjmaddy, about 67, although I'm not sure. It's always a pleasure to chat with him :)

cjmaddy 05-15-2002 04:22 PM

Age !
I believe you are either computer literate - or you are not. You are technically proficient - or you are not
.... and age has very little to do with it .... but experience and practice has everything to do with it -
together with a desire for knowledge of your chosen subject. I know that I know more about computers this year
than I did last year, and I knew more last year than the year before. But age, other than the fact that I was
a year older, had nothing to do with it. Maybe the over 60's who ask for help, came to computing late in life
- give them time. Or maybe they are not too proud to ask when they don't know - instead of bungling along in
ignorance. As Swede says, " learn from mistakes". But not necessarily age (which doesn’t guarantee wisdom
by the way) - only practice, practice and more practice.

Ho, and why does apollo wonder who the people in the above 60 group are? We are quite normal !!!

Now I think I will rest my one remaining brain cell .... This is getting far too deep!

Good night all,


p.s. Thank you hpman77

Tiny Turtle 05-15-2002 04:26 PM


Ho, and why does apollo wonder who the people in the above 60 group are?
Good question

/Tiny Age

Jim Sachs 05-15-2002 06:51 PM

I've got nothing against Seniors - I'm an AARP member myself. I was just noting that a disproportionately large percentage of our customer-service time is spent with a certain age group from a certain state. Typically, the Aquarium is the only product they have ever bought over the Internet and the only thing they have ever attempted to download. Not that I'm complaining -- I'm glad they get so much joy from the Aquarium when they finally get it up and running. Some of the phone conversations are out of the X-Files. Several have broken down in tears when we finally talk them through the installation and they see the Aquarium running properly for the first time. My pal Kim spent over an hour with one gentleman who just could not find the Fish.scr file anywhere on his computer, even using Search. Turned out he was spelling it Firsh.scr.

apollo 05-15-2002 08:06 PM

Alright....I have nothing against older people...I have a grandmother that's 72....I just saw that 2-3 people who took the poll were in that age group and wondered who they might be....I think older people are just as equal as everybody else...sorry if anyone thought I ment differently:) :) :)

hpman77 05-16-2002 02:54 AM


Some of the phone conversations are out of the X-Files.
3 years ago I was helping a friend who works in an ISP's customer support, and I didn't believe him when he told me about the weird things ppl ask sometimes.
From that day on, I believe him. Somebody called and asked why none of his emails arrived. After checking all his system, pinging him and any test we could imagine, we found no answer, so we told him we would have a look and call him later.
After 2 hours checking the smtp logs we found the problem.
He wasn't sending emails to, let's say "", but to "James White, 58 General Street [city] [State] (Country)"
(the names are fake, as I don't remember them and they were many of them and spanish addresses)

Working in a customer service can be sometimes hard, sometimes great, sometimes funny :TU:

cjmaddy 05-16-2002 11:09 AM

After reading both Jim's and hpman77's posts, and having been fascinated by some of the episodes of the x-files, I am tempted to ask for more of their experiences. As we say in the north of England - "There's nowt funnier then folk" (which could probably also apply to retirees in Florida ? .... Have I guessed right Jim ? - you don't have to answer that!)
And yes you are right apollo, we should all be classed equal, - no offence taken though, I was just puzzled why anyone should wonder who we are! - One of my other interests, outside of Computers, Web Design, Hi-Fi, Conifers, Photography, etc. etc. is Horse Riding. When I first started about 15 years ago, one of the first things to impress me was the way that both sexes and all ages were classed equally - it was you against the horse! The horse doesn't care how old you are, or what sex you are, if you don't do it right - you're off!

Now all we need is to find the other 2 (60+'s)

In an attempt to return to this forum's main subject, throughout the 60's and 70's I kept a fresh water tropical aquarium, so you can imagine Jim, that I am greatly looking forward to your next, and hopefully soon, masterpiece.

Keep up the great work!

feldon34 05-16-2002 03:32 PM

CJ, can you provide any input re: SENNHEISER SUPRA-AURAL HD-495 headphones?

Saw your Hi-Fi and Photography interest. :)

cjmaddy 05-16-2002 05:18 PM

Morgan, I have no experience of the HD-495's but I do have 3 sets of Sennheiser 'phones. My first pair were bought about 10 years ago, and still in use today as my 'cooking' headphones. They are HD-480 Classic, and cost about 40/50 UKP. I get the impression that the 495's are the current top of the range in that 400 series. I would think that they would be a very good general purpose 'phone. I also notice that they have a one point fixing on one side only, for the cable. I think that is a step in the right direction, as my only beef about Sennheiser's is their 2 pin connector in each earpiece, gives nothing but trouble, but I still think their headphones are superb! However, I got serious about headphone listening, and some 5 or so years ago, I bought the HD-565 Ovation 'phones. They cost about 120 UKP, and served me well untill I splashed out last Autumn and bought the HD-600's. Now they really are GOOD !!!
Check out HeadRoom at for everything you are likely to want to know about headphones, and there is an excellent review of the HD-600's on the Stereophile web site. I use them via a Musical Fidelity X-Can V2, by the way.
Hope that may be of some use, and remember, the HD-600's will cost you, but at least you wont be ripped off in the US like we are here in the UK !!

cjmaddy 05-18-2002 05:33 PM

There's something strange happening that I don't understand. I have seen this happening in the past also, on occasions, with other peoples posts. But this time it's on one of my posts, the one above about headphones. The post was made around midnight UK time on the 16th. but keeps appearing as the latest post made, on the "Inside: SereneScreen Aquarium" list, and also keeps appearing on the "Go to first new post" It is currently showing as being posted at 9:37pm on the 18th. Then when you go to it, it's shown as 12:18am on the 17th. - as it should be. What is going on !!!

apollo 05-18-2002 09:20 PM

Yes, I have seen this also...when I click on the view new posts button...some peoples posts reoccur even if they have not posted any for a while....maybe Morgan can explain click on mark all posts as read...and when you return next on view new posts... some of the posts your just read will still be there...this doesn't happen all the time.... but some times...

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