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cjmaddy 01-15-2009 11:21 AM

Longfin Bannerfish, - blue pectoral fin.
1 Attachment(s)
I've only noticed this today, and only with Beta8a and 8b. - I updated my video card driver the other day, and if no one else has seen this effect, I will roll back to the previous driver to see if it makes any difference. - However, I've also checked back to Beta8, and that one is not affected, (ie, all fins are black with Beta8!), - so could this be caused by the recent fish shaders modifications etc?
.... BTW, it's only the right-hand fin that is blue, - the other is all black! :erm:

Whoops! - that should be 'pelvic' fin! :o ... (not pectoral fin).

Nicki 01-15-2009 12:47 PM

This is going to add to the confusion - sorry. I'm not getting this on my desktop ( Radeon X1050 , Celeron D , XP ), but I am getting it on my laptop ( Radeon Xpress 200M , Sempron Mobile , XP ), although I will have to check if it is just the one fin or both.

Nicki 01-15-2009 12:59 PM

Yes it's just the right one-on the outside it's black at the tip and blue at the base(like the picture), and inside it's blue at the base and black at the tip.

Edit-oh and yes, this appeared in the version with the new shaders-not before.

cjmaddy 01-15-2009 01:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks, - I was beginning to think it was only me!

My current system...
AMD Athlon XP2500+
nVidia 7900GS (Driver 181.20)
Dx 9.0c (Nov.2008)
Win2kPro SP4
Dual VP920 ViewSonic Monitors

..... Look, - blue fin! ;):)

Bigmouse 01-15-2009 02:01 PM

2 Attachment(s)
While check whether I have the same problem, got the attached funny display. In window mode, I create a new tank with all (30)Longfin bannerfish, apply and press 'F' to show full screen, all the fishes on the secondary monitor (left hand side for my setup) become Longfin bannerfish shape but with different fish textures,It display correctly in window mode.

Jim Sachs 01-15-2009 02:31 PM

Excellent bug - a real mystery.

Cliff - is this happening on all monitors?

cjmaddy 01-15-2009 03:01 PM

Yes. - On both, - or on either, when selected individually, and/or when cloned together.

Edit: Jim. - I've also just transferred Beta8b on to my wife's 'single-monitor' computer. - It's an even older AMD K6 II with a Geforce FX5200 card....

Same problem! .... blue, on just the right-hand pelvic fin.

feldon34 01-15-2009 03:08 PM

Wow, I want the bug where you get all different fish textures on the Wimplefish body. ;)

Nicki 01-15-2009 04:46 PM

I know this is irrelevant since I'm only running a single monitor, but I'm not getting what Bigmouse is getting . I just mention for the sake of completeness although yeah, it is pretty cool .

cjmaddy 01-15-2009 05:34 PM

For the record...

I'm running dual monitors, but I'm not getting what Bigmouse is getting either. :sad: - Just the same old boring (30) bannerfish with a blue fin! ;)

philosopher 01-16-2009 11:26 AM

Beta 8b - Nividia G-Force 8600M Latest beta driver from NVidia - No blue fin with two monitors spanning, two monitors same image, single monitor (even switching which individual monitor the screen saver is displayed on), or windowed mode on single or stretched across both...

Surferminn 01-16-2009 01:37 PM

Sorry, no blue fins here on my single monitor. Nor Big Mouse's bug.

cjmaddy 01-23-2009 10:35 AM

Bug fixed...
Bug fixed!

Sorry, I had forgotten to report back, that from '8e' onwards (I think it was), there have been no blue fins! :)

Jim Sachs 01-23-2009 11:28 AM

Oh, good - I had forgotton about this, too. I made some changes in the fish model, but since I couldn't duplicate the problem, I didn't know if it had worked.

Nicki 01-23-2009 12:33 PM

Yes it has worked . Thanks !

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