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MattNW 07-06-2005 04:46 PM

Seeing MAT Everywhere
I just got back from Circuit City. They have MAT on every display computer there. Congrats on the deal with CC. What I noticed however is that everyone who saw the SS said it was the most awesome one they've seen and wanted a copy but nobody knew where to find one including the employees.

I didn't have my PDA with me at the time so I'll have to wait until the next trip to CC to give them the URL. I was thinking however that you may want to put a small splash screen into MAT and the others or maybe have the URL show for a minute or two in the background after starting the SS. So many people look for a SS like this but fail to find one or end up picking up one of the pirated copies that infects their computers with spyware.

That last I know because I'm a PC tech and spend a lot of time cleaning out people's mistakes in downloading pirated software. I've seen a number of computers messed up because folks just didn't know that MA and MAT are available otherwise. Of course there are the ones who just want something for nothing. That can't be helped but there are many others who actually would pay for this great piece of software if they knew where to get it.

To tell the truth I only found out about MAT after purchasing MA at Wall Mart. I found the URL on the package, visited the site and picked up the updated MA and MAT as well. Thanks for the wonderful SS by the way.

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