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wong01 06-02-2004 01:47 AM

MAT2 logo packs.
I downloaded and installed the logo packs in the default directory.
However I am unable to import the logos into the scr. Any assistance in using the logos will be much appreciated. Thanks.

grape_jellyfish 06-02-2004 02:01 AM

If you want to run the logos you have to choose it from the dropdown list in the Misc section of the Clock tab, you can't have both at the same time.

wong01 06-02-2004 02:09 AM

Hi. I don't see any drop down list of logos when I did as you suggested. Is it because my scr is installed in D:\Programs\MAT2. Further help will again be much appreciated. Thanks again.

grape_jellyfish 06-02-2004 08:00 AM

It's not a drop down list of logos, it is a drop down list that allows you to choose between Day Date Time/ Analog/ Calender/ Logo. Choose Logo and start your ss and it should display them in the crystal.

feldon34 06-02-2004 09:28 AM


Hi. I don't see any drop down list of logos when I did as you suggested. Is it because my scr is installed in D:\Programs\MAT2. Further help will again be much appreciated. Thanks again.
You should put the logos wherever you have installed the Aquarium. Realize that the installation folder is just a few text files and an uninstall script.

wong01 06-02-2004 07:29 PM

Many thanks everyone for your kind assistance. Regards.

Donna68 06-17-2004 08:54 AM

i'm having the same problem. I've installed the icon pack and it's installed where my mat2 is but when i go to import it it's looking for a bmp picture file and the logos in the pack are png. what am i doing wrong? Thanks

Donna68 06-17-2004 08:57 AM

would i need to uninstall mat since i have mat 2? could that be the reason why it's not working for me.

Donna68 06-17-2004 09:21 AM

ok using photoshop i tried to save the png pic file as a bmp the picture will show up when i go to import it in the mat2 but it wont work said error cannot load bmp...i'm about to give up....

Donna68 06-17-2004 09:27 AM

ok finally got it to work. i do have to change the file by one there has to be a faster

Ingogringo 06-17-2004 09:35 AM

Logo pack
If u dl the zip-file with logos u have 2 unpack it. Save the png-files in the root directory where u have the Program.
Often C:/Program/SereneScreen/Marine Aquarium Time/
or C:Program Files/SereneScreen/Marine Aquarium Time/
or anything else but NOT where the MAT2.scr-file is(C:/Windows/System/)
If u put these .png-files in the proper place u should NOT import any logo.
The bmp-files can be imported and they can be saved anywhere on your computer.
If u imported a logo and u don't find the root dir search for logo.dat. This is a file that IS in the root dir and delete it if u dont want it to cycle with your png-files.

Donna68 06-17-2004 09:45 AM

That's what i did. I unzipped the file C:Program Files/SereneScreen/Marine Aquarium Time/ but when i go into clock, import logo it brings up a box and where it says file type it says bmp...under look in marine aquaium time folder there's nothing there . since it's looking for a bitmap file . I must be doing something worng. when i go to c/program files/serenescreen/marine aquaium time the png files are there...

Donna68 06-17-2004 09:49 AM

ok I got it working...It's cycling through all of them. so you can't just pick one picture it cycles through them all?

feldon34 06-17-2004 10:45 AM

I have updated the instructions on the Logo Pack download page:

These logos MUST be installed in the same folder that you installed MAT2 into. This is typically
C:\Program Files\SereneScreen\Marine Aquarium Time\

You CANNOT use the the Import Logo button in MAT2 to install these logos.
The Import Logo button is for black-and-white BMP logos only.

I've removed the ZIP files so that people will use the EXE. The EXE automatically installs in the correct place.

Donna68 06-17-2004 10:52 AM

that's what I did. what I'm asking is ...mine cycles through all the logo's on my mat2...can you just have one logo to stay on the crystal? The instuctions are very clear and I did exactly what it said too. I'm not an amateur around computer. lol Thanks


feldon34 06-17-2004 11:01 AM

You kept mentioning the "Import Logo" button which does not work with PNG logos. That is why I have improved the instructions.

MAT does not have a logo picker or any other way to control the logos except copying them into or deleting them from the installation folder. If you want 1 logo, drag just that logo into C:\Program Files\SereneScreen\Marine Aquarium Time\.

Donna68 06-17-2004 11:03 AM

ahhhhhhhhhhhh ok! That's what I was stuck on....gotcha now. thanks! sorry for being a pain in the behind.

Donna68 06-17-2004 11:09 AM

picked the logos's I wanted dragged them like you said. And the one's I picked are showing up. thanks again.

Mountainmaster 06-19-2004 06:47 PM


Originally posted by feldon28
I have updated the instructions on the Logo Pack download page:

These logos MUST be installed in the same folder that you installed MAT2 into. This is typically
C:\Program Files\SereneScreen\Marine Aquarium Time\

Not necessarily. For those who are comfortable with registry editing there is a workaround.

The location where MAT2 looks for logos is stored in the key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SereneScreen\MarineAqu ariumTime]

You can edit the value for "PluginDir" to point it to a different folder.

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