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BitBasher 06-02-2001 06:31 PM

Two Simple Widescreen Aquarium Requests
I've tried the Widescreen Aquarium, and it looks NICE. Even on my 21" monitor (not widescreen), I think it looks better in a window stretched out as big as I can make it, than the original full screen version. Something about the widescreen version that LOOKS like a tank.

Anyways, Jim was mentioning he was concerned about an option to startup in a window, because some video cards don't support it. My suggestion is to do what some of the video game programs, like Diablo2, do: add a command line option like "-w" or "-window". This way, there's no obvious option to confuse normal users, but the power users with good video cards get to startup in a window.

The second suggestion is related to the first. If I startup in a window, it would be REALLY nice if the Aquarium remember the size and position of the window. Right now, everytime I fire up the tank, it's full screen, then I make it a window, then it's too small, and I have to move/size it to the correct place I want it. If the Aquarium remembered all this, I'd be in fish heaven!


Jim Sachs 06-02-2001 10:51 PM

Re: Two Simple Widescreen Aquarium Requests
I'll consider your requests.

FrogMastr 06-03-2001 01:09 AM

Re: Two Simple Widescreen Aquarium Requests
I second that , since i am using this program almost only as a Program not a ss!

I think i should react different when started as a scr or as a program... or if we could rename the scr into a exe... it WILLL work but if the ss could KNOW when it as been renamed as a EXE then react as a program... Normal or High Priority ( for us Win2k users) et ability to start as a windows! i would be sooooooooo glad!

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