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nicknack 10-21-2014 06:40 AM

Video output?
Hi there,

Cool programme! I am a video producer and need a 2 minute video of an aquarium with fish. The issue with Marine Aquarium is that the aquarium is not 'complete' - in other words the plants get cut off by the edge of the app's window etc.

Also, doing a screen capture of a working screen saver is not ideal!

Do you guys have the option of selling me a VIDEO (1920 by 1080, 25fps), of a FUll aquarium so that I just need to wrap it with a suitable frame and voila, I can key it into a 3D room I am using...

Do you have a version which allows me to at least export frames of the animation as stills etc..

Thanks in advance!


Jim Sachs 10-21-2014 11:06 AM

Hi, Nick -

Originally, Marine Aquarium was a single 4:3 image of a complete aquarium. Then I added a 16:9 version. WIth MA3, I re-wrote the whole program to have a super-wide 3D background which scrolls from side to side.

We did sell a DVD of MA2.6 for a while, but it was not hi-def.

Exporting a series of frames is not difficult. I wrote a special vesion which did this when I was planning to make a 3D Blu-Ray DVD. As far as changing the background to show a complete aquarium in a single image, that's not possible. However, you might be able to come fairly close by turning off auto-pan and using the left-right arrow keys to manually position the camera to an acceptable section of the tank.

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