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nuthut 07-12-2002 10:51 PM

requests for fishes.
I have to agree with digital lungfish.... the African lungfish was the most interesting freshwater fish I have had. Not to sound like I am quoting Duece Biggalo, but use to feed my lungfish moon snails and kooli loches (he had an expensive diet) I would love to have one put in the freshwater aquarium alond with possibly an African Mudskipper

Not to rock the boat here... but I am not impressed with "common" fish for a display tank, when I was younger I always went for the more exotic fish. ie: whale fish (, elephant nose ( a whale fish with a snout), knife fish, African butterfly fish, and sturgen fish.

I guess my ultimate wish list would be an african lungfish followed by live bearing fish.


feldon34 07-13-2002 12:31 AM

Check out the rapidly growing "SereneScreen Freshwater Aquarium Wishlist". It's the very first topic in the list.

James 07-13-2002 05:52 AM

kooli loches(should be spell "Kuhli Loach") as ur lungfish's food?
oh my, Kuhli Loach is one of the fish among the wishlist....can't imaing how it looks like being snapped by lungfish....
this is definetly NOT Serene!!

IXNAY 07-13-2002 11:57 AM

Yes James, I don't want a fish wich eats Kuhli Loaches :( they looks so great!!!
Hehe but that African Mudskipper is cool :D

nuthut 07-14-2002 06:19 AM

lol Feldon, my mistake..... I should have hit reply instead of new thread in the other chat.
I also noticed a mention of a brackish water tank... Once upon a time I use to have fresh water flounder, those were cute fish to have. The biggest mine ever got were the size of quarters. I guess I was just spoiled with alll my unusual fish living in Florida and knowing a couple importers.

Digital Lungfish 07-16-2002 11:32 PM

Ahhhhh, a fellow lungfish fan, and here I thought I was alone in the murky waters. :)

James 07-17-2002 06:53 AM

Flounder....oh this become ur favorite being eaten, well, by human this time...I'm not joking....coz here in New Zealand's fish market, there r so many flounders for sale...many kiwi and asian love it...

IXNAY 07-17-2002 08:38 AM

Flounders taste great, I often eat them :)

nuthut 07-18-2002 09:04 PM

hey digi.... the lung hish you have.... does it like to do laps around the bottom of the tank? Or did I just have an over active one myself? I had a 29 gal long tank with two caves on either end. durring the night, he would get out of one cave do a few laps back and forth, grab some air, and then go into the other cave for a while.

nuthut 07-18-2002 09:28 PM

just checking out a website.... this looks like an awsome fish. I have never seen one before, if anyone else knows more, please tell...

feldon34 07-18-2002 10:02 PM

Well, they're commonly called Bichirs. Guess I will have to add them to the wishlist.

jragosta 07-22-2002 01:28 PM

New fish
Awesome screen saver.

My suggestions for freshwater fish (sorry if some of these are listed already):

Mickey Mouse platies
Turquoise gouramis
Red Fire gouramis
Rosy Barb
Harlequin Rasbora
Fancy guppies
Cardinal Tetras
Bleeding Heart Tetras

And how about a module where a piranha comes in once per hour and clears out the tank? :-)

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