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Klunki 06-21-2011 02:56 PM

Screensaver doesn't work with 3D Display
Hi there,

I've just bought a new notebook with a Full HD 3D Display.

Unfortunately, the MarineAquarium doesn't like it :sad:

It really looks, as if you would see a 3D cinema film in the movie theater- without shutter glasses. The graphic card is a NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M.
On the screen are two identical pictures - one behind the other, slightly shifted.

Once I press the space-bar two times, the screen changes to 2D - but next time, the Screensaver will start in 3D mode again.

I have checked the setup of the Aquarium, but I can't find a way to switch 3D off.

Does anyone has a clou, what I could do, to get MA working again. I love ist sooooo very much and would be very, very sad, if I couldn't get it working on my new Notebook

Thanks for your help


Jim Sachs 06-21-2011 03:44 PM

3D output (stereoscopic) is created by the video card, from the polygons that MA3 provides. Since nothing changes within the code, there's no switch in the program to turn it on or off - that's handled entirely by the video card. On my computer, which has an nVidia 9800 card, there's a checkbox in the nVidia control panel to enable/disable 3D.

Or, get some shutter glasses and enjoy the Aquarium in 3D :)

feldon34 06-22-2011 12:17 AM

Exactly. If you don't use the 3D features of your laptop, disable them.

Klunki 06-22-2011 10:04 AM

You'r great - thanks so much for you help. Unfortunately, it seems that I'm to blond to follow your instructions :loco:

I'd love to switch the 3D facility off (especially because of the annoying fan noise :TD: ) but I can't find the "checkbox" :sad:f

Here is a screenshot of the NIVIDIA-Panel:

I know, it's in German - that may cause more difficulties - but if anyone had an Idea, I'd be very happy.

If you click the "Hinzufügen" button, I can't select the Screensaver, because it's an ".scr" file and this facility only allows ".exe" :confused:

Any Idea - apart from throwing that damed notebook through the window and buy another one :lol:

Kind regards from good old Germany


feldon34 06-22-2011 10:10 AM

Well, you could rename the Aquarium to MarineAquarium3.exe. ;) But then it wouldn't run as a screensaver without outside help.

Wizwad 06-22-2011 10:47 AM


There should be an nVidia applet in the Control Panel. Have you checked there? Or, alternatively, in Display Properties / Settings / Advanced, that should give you access to more settings for the adapter (i.e. graphics card), monitor, etc.

cjmaddy 06-22-2011 12:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)

I think you may be looking in the wrong place.

Instead of 'Manage 3D settings' .... Look in 'Set up stereoscopic 3D'

Then uncheck the box marked...'Enable stereoscopic 3D' .... I think that should do it!... :)

Klunki 06-22-2011 12:30 PM

oh noooo - that would mean, I can't have my loved Screensaver anymore???? :eek::sad::eek: (at least as long, as I'm going to use the new notebook?)

The thing I can't understand is, that other screensaver do not have the similar problem - something must be very special in MA, wich causes the system to work in 3D :confused:

EDIT - Problem has been resolved - yyyeeeaahhhhh

Klunki 06-22-2011 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by cjmaddy (Post 133558)

I think you may be looking in the wrong place.

Instead of 'Manage 3D settings' .... Look in 'Set up stereoscopic 3D'

Then uncheck the box marked...'Enable stereoscopic 3D' .... I think that should do it!... :)

cjmaddy - I LOVE you :D

Yeahh - it works :TU: :TU: :TU:

Thank you so very much

Kind regards


Jim Sachs 06-22-2011 12:40 PM

Cliff to the rescue :)

Wizwad 06-22-2011 05:02 PM

He da man! :D :TU:

Ralph 06-22-2011 08:28 PM

:TU: The true master

cjmaddy 06-23-2011 04:46 AM

Ok, We'll soon change all that. :) - This should rustle a few feathers.....

Stereoscopic3D (for TV or the cinema), is a total waste of time, space, effort, and money.
3D = A passing phase..... That has passed this way before (many times!).... Then disappeared into oblivion, - until its next reincarnation! :rolleyes:

Anyone buying a new 3D TV must have more money than sense.......... (In my personal opinion, of course!!! ).... ;)
HDTV ? - Yes, definitely! ...... 3DTV ? - Never! - I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot barge pole!

Jav400 06-23-2011 05:18 AM

Imho, Cliff has the correct opinion, for this point in time.. Until they get tv's to the place where 3d works without glasses, cords, etc. it won't get really main stream. If I could press a button on the remote and get it to work it might be a different thing.

loub516 06-23-2011 11:39 AM

Agreed, I've never even considered a 3D TV. :TD:

Nicki 06-23-2011 12:49 PM

Agreed too. Maybe 3D works better now, but I seem to remember spending more time fiddling with the controls on the tv than actually watching and the results were not impressive.

Jav400 06-23-2011 01:14 PM

Cliff and I from passed experience on computers concerning MA have traveled through probably 75 iterations of drivers and installs working with 3D long ago.

In addition I played allot of games on the computer in 3D. I must say that when it worked properly, it was very awesome. Unfortunately getting to that part was exasperating at the best of times on occasion. At worst it was an exercise in futility.

pan1987 02-21-2012 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by cjmaddy (Post 133558)

I think you may be looking in the wrong place.

Instead of 'Manage 3D settings' .... Look in 'Set up stereoscopic 3D'

Then uncheck the box marked...'Enable stereoscopic 3D' .... I think that should do it!... :)


I have the exactly the same problem, and I follow your instruction, and I solved the problem, thank you a lot!!!

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