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drb123 03-30-2009 09:08 AM

New to Forum; Wishlist
I have been using your screensaver for years now, and just upgraded to 3.0; excellent job!

Until now, I have taken a backseat, but i have a few wishes for a next upgrade.

First, there are some neat bottom dwelling fish such as the beautiful Mandarin Goby, that wold love to crawl along the bottom.

Second, there is nothing more fun on the reef than watching the clownfish interact with their host anenome. Can we get that interaction?

Last would be to ad some cool inverts such as the CandyCane Shrimp or even a colorful sea slug

I, of course, have no idea how difficult it would be to create this creatures and to create a sub-echo system like clownfish and anemone etc.

Thank you :TU:

Jav400 03-30-2009 09:18 AM

stay tuned, all planned

You can check out our wishlist fro fish and creatures here.

philosopher 03-30-2009 10:18 AM


I hadn't looked at the wishlist for quite a while. The thumbs-up, thumbs-down, and question marks are a nice addition.

Looking over the wishlist items it's easy to tell that Jim has knocked off quite a few of these. Would it be possible to add a "completed" column with check boxes for the ones that are done? I think it would be a great visual which would demonstrate all of Jim's hard work to date.

Jav400 03-30-2009 10:58 AM

The ones that are done are on the fish guide page located here.

Since the release of MA3 Morgan and I need to go over all our pages and redo and update. But so far there haven't been enough hours in a day. We'll get there though..........

Wizwad 03-30-2009 03:07 PM

Heh - you'll also need to add the clams to that guide page soon. Or are you going to do a separate Fish Guide and Creature Guide as with the Wishlist?

cynigel 04-01-2009 09:42 AM

Truly Amazing.
I would just like to express my appreciation to Jim (& Co) for this wonderful enhancement to what was already a stunning product.

I purchased SereneScreen way back at V1.1 & having been a keeper of marine fish & inverts for more than 20 years I really can see the realism, but V3 (even in Beta) just goes to a whole new level.

I had to give up keeping marines when I moved to Cyprus (too darn hot & chillers cost too much) and SereneScreen has always filled the massive whole left by my missing tanks.

OK so it's not an 8 footer, but V3 spreads beautifully across my 3x 24" w/s monitors to the point where I worry about falling in.

Jim you truly are a genius, please keep up the hard work. It's really appreciated.:TU:


P.S. I have seen you mention "the competition" in your posts, you really should stop this, THERE IS NO COMPETITION!! SereneScreen is and will remain No. 1

Jav400 04-01-2009 10:05 AM

Glad you are enjoying it so much;

Welcome to the forums. :TU: :)

henemly 04-01-2009 10:42 AM

Welcome to the forum. Maybe a pic of yer monitors in action??

Originally Posted by cynigel (Post 112219)
V3 spreads beautifully across my 3x 24" w/s monitors to the point where I worry about falling in.

patscarr 04-01-2009 04:18 PM

Wooo! I'd love to see 3 x 24" w/s monitors in action running MA3!

Simple Steve 04-07-2009 06:44 PM

Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?

Jack Gilvey 04-08-2009 08:05 AM

I'd been a beta guy and forum member from the original version oh so long ago, but had lost track of development. I remembered it yesterday and was excited to see a new version, so I grabbed the demo. Of course, after having my breath taken away I purchased it immediately. :) Absolutely stunning, Jim.

I'm running a Core i7 cpu w/ a Radeon 4850 for video and at 1600x900/8x AA with 28 fish it's simply breathtaking. I can get it over 400fps with low sleep settings, but I have no idea what that does. ;)

I'll be actively following your progress, for sure, and grabbing updates while they're hot!

feldon34 04-09-2009 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Jack Gilvey (Post 112408)
I'm running a Core i7 cpu w/ a Radeon 4850 for video and at 1600x900/8x AA with 28 fish it's simply breathtaking. I can get it over 400fps with low sleep settings, but I have no idea what that does. ;)

The vast majority of LCD monitors are capped at 60 or 70 Hz, so more than 400fps doesn't help, it just runs your graphics card hot.

Jack Gilvey 04-09-2009 10:29 AM

Of course, just playing with the setting to see its effect.

Jim Sachs 04-09-2009 11:30 AM

Welcome back, Jack.

Gus 04-12-2009 10:22 PM

Jim, am sure you have heard this many times over, but wanna add mine to say - You do GREAT work!!! Really enjoy it!

Jim Sachs 04-13-2009 10:24 AM

Thanks, Gus.

cohiba420 04-13-2009 11:06 AM

Love the Clams!
Once again... great work Mr. Sachs. I know its still in dev., but you've done a beautiful job good sir!

Thanks for the early 33rd Birthday present!

Jim Sachs 04-13-2009 11:22 AM

Hmmm, you look a lot older.

Jav400 04-13-2009 11:28 AM

Must be the Esplendidos ;)

cohiba420 04-13-2009 12:44 PM

heh... it comes with the 2 kids and running a call center for the last few years... :-D Nothing compared to the frustration/stress you must deal with trying to get this beautiful string of code to function as fully imagined. :-D

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