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Deezul 09-04-2007 09:52 PM

Keycode via email?
Formatted my PC, what a CHORE....anyways I don't have the key/lost it. I requested an emailed key from but nothing recieved in!

Tiny Turtle 09-05-2007 07:47 AM

That's because it's not an automated service. Someone at serenescreen/Prolific will manually have to look your code up and send it to you. Two hours is IMO nothing.

Deezul 09-05-2007 09:35 AM

its the next day and nothing yet :( I was under the impression it was automated, guess not....I want my ssaver back!

Jim Sachs 09-05-2007 11:59 AM

The "Recover Keycode" button on the SereneScreen page is supposed to be automated. If the email address you type in matches the one where the Key was originally sent, then it should just send it again.

feldon34 09-05-2007 01:41 PM

Recovery Keycode worked great about a year ago. Then it was redesigned to connect to Prolific's convoluted customer database system. I am not a dumb guy but it took me about 10 tries to figure out how to login to Prolific's website and view my keycodes. Just the names of the buttons and labels of stuff is very unintuitive. Perhaps I should write a tutorial on how to get your keycode.

patscarr 09-06-2007 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by feldon31
Perhaps I should write a tutorial on how to get your keycode.

Not a bad idea since we have that question pop up quite often.

Deezul 09-06-2007 02:35 PM

well I did the whole recover thing 2 days key. Is there somewhere to call or something?

cjmaddy 11-09-2007 03:49 PM

I think I need a tutorial also. - I've just failed miserably to recover my Goldfish keycode! :o

When I finally found the page that offered to "E-Mail me my Key Code!". - It answered saying, "Could not execute Query" :erm:

Tiny Turtle 11-09-2007 04:05 PM

That's probably good news if you are Mr. Query!

cjmaddy 11-09-2007 05:52 PM

After more searching, I've now found a list of my 'Order history', all the Keycodes are there, except for Goldfish 2.0, which seems to have been, "(Deleted from database)" :(

Not good news, - for me, ... or Mr Query!

Ralph 11-09-2007 10:32 PM

The email back worked for me.. went to clicked on the "keycode"... went to a page where I input my email address and my keys were sent back in an instant. Not a "history" though.. just key codes that covered all the various versions (4 for me) of Serene Screen.

Jim Sachs 11-09-2007 10:51 PM

I'm sure somebody at Prolific will help you, Cliff - once we attract their attention. There could be a minor problem getting a Goldfish keycode from the SereneScreen site using the automatic function, since it's a LifeGlobe product and not SereneScreen.

cjmaddy 11-10-2007 05:03 AM

Thanks, Ralph. - This morning I had an email waiting for me with 4 MA codes, 1 Sharks 2.0 code, and 1 Goldfish 1.0 code, - I think the delay getting a reply was at my end, (I've been having some problems receiving emails this last day or so).

Jim, - I started my search at LifeGlobe, then via Goldfish Aquarium 2, and the FAQ for lost Keycodes. Then ... Sign In / Orders history / Search All dates / Check all / Invoices for selected. ... This revealed 8 keycodes, 4 for MA, 1 for Sharks 2, 1 for Goldfish 1, and 2 keycodes where the 'Product' was marked as "(deleted from database)" - I assume the deleted ones are for Goldfish 2.

Back in May, I was critical about the plants in Goldfish 2, - Eric asked, "Could I trouble you all to articulate what you dislike most about the plants? Just so I don't fix the wrong things...". - I did! ... Apparently it is not wise to be truthful. - What Prolific gives you free for beta testing, Prolific can also take away. - Goldfish 2 stoped working shortly after that! - The Goldfish Keycodes no longer work.

patscarr 11-10-2007 05:52 AM

Hahahaha! Cliff, I'm sure that is not the reason.

cjmaddy 11-10-2007 06:05 AM

You have more faith in Prolific than I have!

patscarr 11-10-2007 08:01 AM

I believe beta testing key codes may be deleted or deactivated once beta testing is finished and I also believe that when this happens, a simple post in the beta test thread or perhaps a PM or an email to the beta test liaison should do the trick.

cjmaddy 11-10-2007 09:14 AM

Agreed. - I am more than willing to buy a GA 2 Windows Upgrade for my GA 1 screensaver. But deactivating my GA 2 keycode, without any notification, after having been in on GA from the start, is not the way, IMO, to treat beta testers. - Prolific have failed to impress on a number of occasions.

patscarr 11-10-2007 11:07 AM

Cliff. I am telling you that Prolific did not deactivate your beta testing key code because you were too critical during beta testing. I am telling you that all beta testing key codes become obsolete when beta testing is finished and that if you were a beta tester you can easily get another free key code for the final release version by simply PMing, e-mailing, or posting somewhere to someone in the know. Is that clear enough?

If you are trying to tell me that Prolific deactivated your free final release version key code because they held some ill will toward you and your stiff criticism, I don't believe it at all.

I don't know why there are so many Prolific bashers on this forum. I love them! I paid for one product 6 years ago. Gosh! Has it been six years already? :) I can't even remember the version letter anymore. Was it L, maybe? It was the one just before it became 1. Which letter was that? Anyways, since then, I've gotten several upgrades, been involved in beta testing, gotten another 4 products for free, get the latest news on future products, (Let's go, three point oh!) and get to use this lovely forum to tell people I've never met that my daughter was born or that I'm moving, again. Keep up the awesome work Prolific! :TU:

Jim Sachs 11-10-2007 11:24 AM

Nearly all companies which use Beta testing put time limits in the code. They don't want a bunch of unfinished programs floating around for years.

Cliff - I'll see what Prolific can do for you regarding a Goldfish Key. As far as criticism and deactivation goes (I know you're kidding about it), there is no connection. The request for input was from Eric personally, no one at Prolific would have even been aware of it. Eric is one of the most honest and straightforward guys I've ever met. If he asks for criticism, believe me he is prepared for criticism. His ego will not be bruised by it. With a shelf full of trophies (yes, even an Academy Award), he has nothing to prove.

Pat - While they've been a good, honest company for me to deal with (incredibly rare nowadays), Prolific can't take credit for quite everything you mention. This wonderful Forum is the sole creation of Morgan. As for the lovely people who frequent it - well I guess they are sort of responsible for themselves :)

cjmaddy 11-10-2007 11:49 AM

I hear what you are saying, Pat. (Very clearly! ;) ) - But you can't know that that is what happens. In fact that has NEVER happened in the past to my beta testing key codes. ALL the others still work! (Except for Goldfish 2).

Why are there so many Prolific bashers on this forum? ... Probably because we are not wearing rose tinted glasses. Perhaps if you received the sort of emails that I have from Reichart, you might see things differently.

If we can't report things as we see them, then beta testing becomes pointless. If all they want is positive comment, (and loving praise :rolleyes: ), then a group of yes-men will fill the bill. (...And a bug-ridden product would be the result). We are not owned or paid by Prolific, we do the work for no payment, our only reward is a keycode. Which looks like it has now timed-out.
At the very least, they could offer us the final product at a reduced rate. - Though I think I might tell them what they can do with it!

Without doubt, the fish in GA are the stars! - But the plants and background pale into the shadows when compared to Marine Aquarium or Dream Aquarium.

And BTW, - it is not Prolific, that we have to thank for this forum etc. ... it is J Sachs, Michael and Morgan.

In fact, if you saw some of the PMs that I have received over the years, you might be very surprised at who else agrees with me about Prolific.

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