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Ralph 12-21-2008 11:37 AM

Don't hide the SS
While playing around trying to see how thin I could make the SS I ended up with a catch 22.. That was hard to recover from:D
Making the SS thin and moving it to the top of the screen would most times crash the SS.. the normal Windows dialog box regarding a crash and would I like to send the info to MS.:).. Then the SS could be restarted and would open in a default window size:D

But.. while removing the title bar while the SS is at its minimum size tucked against the top of my screen.. it crashed and when restarted would come up with "Could not find compatible Direct 3D Device:( And now it will not start :erm:

Possibly editing the registry would have been a possible fix, instead I moved a copy of the SS into my Windows/System32 folder where I was able access the settings from settings>control panel>display and add / remove (forget which) the title bar at which point the SS would start and I could drag it back to size.

All this to say... the minimum size code is not quite bullet proof :TU:

Jim Sachs 12-21-2008 11:46 AM

This is another one that I can't duplicate. Regardless of how narrow the window is, moving it past the top of the screen just causes it to jump back down to where the client area of the window (everything but the titlebar) is on the screen.

Ralph 12-21-2008 11:50 AM

It was messing with "show" title bar while really thin where I created my mess

Jim Sachs 12-21-2008 12:06 PM

Dosn't happen here. Thin window, fat window, titlebar, no titlebar - I can move the window anywhere I want. If I move it off-screen at the top, it just jumps back on the screen.

drelojr 12-21-2008 01:19 PM

Problem with 4 monitors
With7M I get four windowed screeens with fish streaking multiple images on the 4th screen. I cannot get the image to strecth across the screen as it did in 7J. I anmusing nvidai 780 sli cards and had no problem until this release.

Jim Sachs 12-21-2008 05:41 PM

I'm considering discontinuing mutimonitor support. I fix one thing, and two more pop up. My multimonitor system is now in a broken state where one screen is off. Unfortunately, that's the screen with the Display Properties on it, which I need to turn the screen back on.

Rick Simon 12-21-2008 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 108572)
I'm considering discontinuing mutimonitor support. I fix one thing, and two more pop up. My multimonitor system is now in a broken state where one screen is off. Unfortunately, that's the screen with the Display Properties on it, which I need to turn the screen back on.

I'm sorry to hear that! One of the best features of MA3 (IMHO) is the multi-monitor support.

As far as the screen properties, if you're running WinXP, you can try this:

1) if you can get to the Start button and Run command, try running "desk.cpl". It should be in your %windir%/system32 folder.

2) immediately after running it, tap the Alt key once, then the down arrow key once, then the M key once. That should put the applet into Move mode and the arrow keys should then work in moving the applet onto a screen where you can get at it.

Jim Sachs 12-21-2008 07:27 PM

Good to know! Thanks, Rick.

Bob 12-22-2008 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 108572)
I'm considering discontinuing mutimonitor support.

Since I don't have more than one monitor, at this time, this isn't something that really concerns me.

However, if you've got the Aquarium working reliably on dual (or even 3) monitors, but not on more, I would suggest that you just put a notice in the release notes that only 2, or 3, monitors are supported and that mulitmonitor usage in excess of this limit may or may not work.


feldon34 12-22-2008 04:50 PM

It's not a case of being a problem on 4 monitors.

It's a case of this extra code he has added to make sure the Settings box is on the right monitor, and some other changes that are now causing the smearing on people's systems.

Mith 12-26-2008 01:38 AM

Seems to me, fish movements would be more of a priority than multi-monitors....:loco:

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