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Darkness2k 10-24-2002 02:53 PM

Freshwater Beta

I been away from the forum for some time...
I don't know if this has been asked before, but will there be, or is there already, a beta test for the Freshwaer Aquarium?


Swede 10-24-2002 03:06 PM

I think most of us are ready to do Alfa, Beta or Gamma testing of anything right now... :)

Darkness2k 10-24-2002 03:21 PM

Alpha usually :P
but I know what you mean...

Tiny Turtle 10-27-2002 02:30 AM

Isn't this poll like asking if anybody would like a suitcase full of money?

Being a poll and all this topic will of course take ages to drop from the first page of threads...

/Tiny Use

Darkness2k 10-27-2002 04:28 AM

Sounds good to me, It might actually make someone release a beta.

They are free to give me a suitcase full of money as well if they want. :P

Tiny Turtle 10-27-2002 05:08 AM


Vish 10-28-2002 12:38 AM

So, It seems the aquarium is almost done...Wow...I can't wait no longer...

Jim: Is there any date avaiable for Beat release?

Tiny Turtle 10-28-2002 02:33 AM

I know it was a typo, Vish, but an image of an airplane opening the bomb doors and beginning to drop beats on an unsuspecting below popped into my head and just refuses to get out! :D

/Tiny Beat Release

Darkness2k 10-28-2002 05:05 AM

I assume your talking about avaiable?

unless you mean Beat... then some type of 70's funk seems to annoy me :D

patscarr 10-28-2002 05:46 AM

I would love to be a beta tester! I hope my long standing on this forum will help my chances. :)

Darkness2k 10-28-2002 06:16 AM

Await Beta
I think we have to wait until Lord Sachs chooses to have any type of test.

All Hail Lord Sachs!

Tiny Turtle 10-28-2002 08:51 AM

Re: Await Beta

Originally posted by Darkness2k
All Hail Lord Sachs!
I think someone missed their happy pill this morning... :rolleyes:

/Tiny Unnecessity

Darkness2k 10-28-2002 09:48 AM

Hey, someones gotta get on his good side to try and get the beta out earlier...

Someones actually voted that they'd rather not have the beta at all lol..

drfish 10-28-2002 02:09 PM

The opportunity to be "clever" makes itself present... How about a one fish Betta beta? :) *ducks*

Darkness2k 10-28-2002 03:35 PM

one fish?

Socrates 10-28-2002 06:12 PM


Originally posted by Darkness2k
one fish?

Thos cool Japanese Betta Fighting fish are always one in a tank.

I guess they tear each other up otherwise.

Darkness2k 10-28-2002 06:25 PM

thought it was Siamese Fighting Fish...
or is that another type lol :P
we want.. um... Angels... Prawns/crabs :P (dunno about Frogs)..
Silver Sharks, Red-Finned Albino Sharks.

CephaloP 10-28-2002 11:15 PM

Bettas and Siamese Fighting Fish are the same thing. The males do fight to the death if put together.

Not've ever tried it. It would be cruel.

Darkness2k 10-29-2002 05:01 AM

lol, I never tried it... just heard about it...

Just get a tank full of Pirahnas then :P

kona001 01-01-2003 06:32 PM

I had two Siamese fighting fish in a 10 gallon tank with a huge goldfish and some gourami's. They didn't fight to the death, but were amusing to watch when they interacted. They puff up their gills and get mad at each other. But I rarely saw them attack each other. They both seemed to like being away from each other though.

kona001 01-01-2003 07:27 PM

Jim, are the Siamese fighting fish going to puff up and get angry from time to time?? They really only do that when confronted with another. If you allow us to have two fighting fish in the tank, what you could do to make them act real is to have them avoid each other and every once in a blue moon, have them puff up and almost start a fight. That would probably take a lot of programming though. That alone would make me want to buy your aquarium. The funny thing is about beta's, is that in tank full of other fish, they get scared of the little guppies. And if you do have beta's, a blue and a red male would be great. And the colorless female. Also making the Beta's act more real, would be how they always go up to the top and make bubbles for air when they are preparing to mate. It's going to be a treat to download your freshwater aquarium. I know I won't be dissapointed. These are just suggestions, I won't be dissapointed if the beta's just swim around and look pretty. =) Oooh can't wait.

kona001 01-01-2003 07:30 PM

And yes, I'd love to beta test a tank with beta's, or any other freshwater fish =)

Jim Sachs 01-01-2003 08:49 PM

I know that some fans have suggested that Betas would be able to mix in with regular tropical fish, but I've never actually seen this done. I'll have to do some more research on it.

Swede 01-02-2003 06:56 AM

Here is one impressive Betta resource site:

Betta Talk

It seems that Bettas can be mixed with other species but not without problems for the Bettas involved...

kona001 01-03-2003 05:51 PM

Ahh yes, if you do find what kind of fishes beta's can mix with, you could lock it so you can only choose the beta either by itself, or with those compatible fish. I know they get along with pearl gourami's and bigger goldfish. Loaches also didn't mind them much. The thing is you can't have a powerful filter with a beta in the tank, they get sucked into the filter because they prefer still water. What I had was two filters meant for 5 gallon tanks in a 20 gallon one and a bottom gravel filter. I had 1 big redcap goldfish, 2 smaller black moors, and 3 pearl gourami's. I had 2 male beta's in the tank and one female. They did puff up when they came in contact with each other, but they never attacked or hurt each other. If anything, they were just scared of the big goldfish, and not the little ones or the gourami's.

You could have a big redcap goldfish in the tank similar to the size of the lionfish. And even act like the lionfish, most big goldish are big because they get fed too much, and are always opening and closing their mouths looking for food. That in a tank with some smaller goldfish too would give it a very realistic effect. If you were planning to have goldfish at all. The pearl Gourami's have always been the calmest creatures of all the fish that I've ever had. The blue gourami's have always been aggressive, and the dwarf and giant gourami's are even more aggressive.

drfish 01-09-2003 12:46 PM

I hade a pair of small honey gourami's in a tank and I added a Betta to it, not a good idea! The betta attacked the female honey and popped her eye out! I was devestated, she was such a cute little fish! He fought with the male too and I took the betta out right away and put him in his own tank. I think they only fought because they were similar in size and related. I have never had a problem keeping Betta's in tanks with anything that isn't closely related to them though. Also, female bettas fight with each other too! Get a bigger size tank if you want them to live happily.

dennisberman 01-11-2003 06:54 PM

Happy New Year.

Any word on fresh water beta?


Jim Sachs 01-11-2003 08:02 PM

Happy New Year to you, Dennis.

I'm working steadily on the Freshwater Aquarium. Bits and pieces are starting to look pretty good.

kona001 01-12-2003 03:32 AM

Yikes drfish, your beta poked your gourami's eye out.

I guess I had two nice beta's in my tank. It looked like they were scared of all the other fish most of the time. ( Probably they were scared of a giant redcap goldfish I had which was constantly opening and closing its big mouth. Especially since I would feed it morsals of food balls about the same size as the beta's) By experience, honey gourami's have been the weakest of all the gourami's I've had. However the blue ones seem to be the ones that live the longest of all the different types I've had. My friend has had Pearl's in his tank for a long time though, and they survived a power outage while all the other fish in the tank did not survive. So from years of experience with gourami's, I'd have to say Blue's and Pearl's are stronger than the kissing gourami's and the honey. Honey being the ones you want in a tank without other gourami species and never alone.

Now, back to beta's. Honey gourami's did get attacked by Blue and Giant Gourami's when I had them in the tank. I did seperate them and bought a new tank for the honey's because i felt sorry for them. I can imagine the beta you placed in your tank fighting with your honey gourami. I'm wondering if you had the honey gourami all by itself, or in a school of three or more. That would make a difference since they always like to travel in groups thus the beta would have been less likely to attack it.

DrFish, hope I made some sense, it's really late over here and I'm passing out. Soo many things happen when it comes to fish tanks that it's very hard to determine a behavior pattern to a group of fish when they each seem to have their own unique personalities sometimes. I starting to think I had two beta's now which were unique, since they seemed to be OK sharing a tank with other fish.

memilm 01-13-2003 06:47 AM

I allways like the bettas and I think it will be fine, if by the fish settings will be an option to allow Betta - one male and one or more females, and when this fish are selected, the other species will be disabled.

drfish 01-13-2003 08:58 AM

kona, I had the pair of honey's in the tank and I think there was also a small school of neons, three corys and and three ottos. It was overcrowded for sure, but it was my first real tank, that was what? Like 8 years ago? Something like that anyway... Before I went all Tanganyikan...

Rich 01-28-2003 06:56 AM

I am new to this forum..
just been reading some of the reply's.. and topics..
Thought I would share my experiences with betta fish, or better known as siamese fighters... I am several each of course in its own tank, a red, a blue a black and a white, and each being a different type of betta, a long tail , a short tail, and a couple of crowns, which are the most vicious of the species, but all being very placid to all other aquarium fish....
Wouldnt it be grand to have ur choice of fighter and colour of the fish ? even if it was the only fish in the aquarium, it would make me very happy to have, maybe an option to even be able to feed the fish at the push of a key?

Yellow Tang 01-28-2003 08:05 AM

Hi Rich,

can you give us some pictures of your bettas? Would be nice.
And welcome to the forum.

Jav400 01-28-2003 10:47 AM

Ditto, I would like to see some small photo's of what you have, and like YT said; Welcome to our Forum.

Rich 02-03-2003 04:02 AM

how do I post pictures in the forum?

Tiny Turtle 02-03-2003 04:10 AM

If you click on the "post reply" button instead of writing your reply in the Grey "Quick Reply" box at the bottom of this page a new page will open up. On it you will find a "Attach file" option with a "Browse" button where you can choose a file on your computer to upload. Note that you can only attach one file per post. If you have a picture already on the internet you can insert it (and as many other as you like) in your post by clicking on the "IMG" button on the same page as previously mentioned. Just type (or paste) the correct address for the image in the small window that pops up and you're set to go!

/Tiny Tutorial

Rich 02-03-2003 04:48 AM

siamese fighter
1 Attachment(s)
ok here guys
this is my favorite fighter

thx turtle for the help also
much appreciated
sorry for the low quality pic, but its difficult to take a good pic when the darn fish wont pose long enuff to have photo taken.
will try to get pics of the other fighters ..
but enjoy this for now:TU:

Tiny Turtle 02-03-2003 05:27 AM

Being something of a Betta-illiterate, how large do these guys grow? The ones I see at the pet store have a two-inch body – is that a "normal" size?

/Tiny Betta

Jav400 02-03-2003 06:22 AM


You did fine with that photo. Thanks for not making it a huge one. :)

Yellow Tang 02-03-2003 07:30 AM

A bit tattered? The pic was taken just after a big fight, I suppose.

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