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Cookie 01-22-2003 09:37 AM

Easter eggs?
Hi there.

Just registered the screen saver + after using the demo for a month on my G4 cube + 15" Apple LCD monitor.

I've even had my cat sit on the computer desk looking around the back of the monitor :)

I wondered if there are any hidden easter eggs or similar in the program? Something as top-rate as this should have a hidden space invaders game at least... (Maybe next release? )

Thanks to all involved in porting this to us well deserving, honest mac users who pay for our software.

I've never paid for a screen saver before, but anything that can fool my cat is well worth it.

Jav400 01-22-2003 10:10 AM

Jim has discussed having an Easter Egg in future versions. I doubt that it will be anything major like a full game or anything. One of his major concerns is total file size since Downloading the latest version has always been the goal.

Cookie 01-22-2003 10:27 AM

Thanks for the quick response.

Jav400 01-22-2003 11:18 AM

Most Welcome, and glad to have you join our forum.:)

JimO'Connor 01-22-2003 05:25 PM

Sorry -- no Easter Eggs in the Mac version at this time.

We REALLY appreciate users who pay for the product, particularly the Mac product.


mrtew 01-25-2003 06:11 AM


Originally posted by JimO'Connor
Sorry -- no Easter Eggs in the Mac version at this time.

We REALLY appreciate users who pay for the product, particularly the Mac product.


Speaking of Mac users who pay for the product.... is there EVER going to be anything new coming out for the Mac aquarium??? (or even a fix for the Jaguar jaggies?)

Tiny Turtle 01-25-2003 07:53 AM

This ain't exactly Mac specific, Tew. The PC version is without updates for over a year now...

/Tiny Updates

mrtew 01-25-2003 05:18 PM


Originally posted by Tiny Turtle
This ain't exactly Mac specific, Tew. The PC version is without updates for over a year now...

/Tiny Updates

Yeah, I am starting to wonder if Jim is really a workaholic at all. I bet that's just his public image and he's really a big slacker! :-]

Jav400 01-25-2003 06:14 PM


LoL, I have spent to many days and nights monitoring the forum and the chatroom and watching Jim work at all hours to even come close to thinking that. Unfortunately, everytime you just get to the point of greatness, something mundane steps in and causes a complete meltdown of your plans. I know that Jim is hard at work and I am sure that it is as frustrating to him as it is to us at times. But don't give up hope, new things are on the way.:)

patscarr 01-29-2003 07:49 AM

Jim, what kind of Easter eggs for future versions are you thinking about?

Jim Sachs 01-29-2003 09:44 AM

No plans for Easter eggs. Having a hard enough time just getting done the things that are supposed to be in there.

Jav400 01-29-2003 09:31 PM

Hi Jim,

I remember, "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away......" you had at one time mentioned that you thought it might be nice to have a small Easter Egg, just to see if anyone noticed it. But, this was long before the Freshwater version was even a thought in anyone's mind, much less in process. Has it gotten to the point that you:

A) Kind of like the idea, but just have absolutely no time to consider what it might be?
B) Just deceided that you would rather not do it?
C) Haven't had time since then to give it any thought either way...

I kind of think its probably "C". But it would be a nice inclusion, just to have something small for people to look for. :)

Jim Sachs 01-30-2003 01:23 AM

Well, it depends on what you mean by "Easter eggs". I have always planned on having events which happen very rarely, like a fish which has been buried in the sand suddenly popping up.

patscarr 01-30-2003 08:09 AM

Yeah, a fish which has been buried in the sand suddenly popping up, or anything that happens out of the ordinary would be considered an Easter egg to me.

Jeffx 02-08-2003 02:32 AM

Busby Berkely Numbers?
It seems to me that the occasional Busby Berkely aquatic dance number might be nice (i.e. all the fish spontaneously assembling and swimming in a circle, figure-eight, or other geometric patterns)

This also has the virtue of adding very little bulk to the program.

Jav400 02-08-2003 06:39 AM

That one might be to far outside the the parameters of reality for Jim to consider it. I think if we get one in there, it would be something realistic in an aquarium, but maybe a small, or a hidden creature that only comes out when you hit a combination of keys or something along those lines.

The_Thrill 02-08-2003 09:34 AM

I just put in a counter in php for a site i did. I'm just learing it all but maybe you could check that out too.

Jeffx 02-11-2003 02:01 AM

Octopods and Cuttlefish
If true-to-life realism is essential then how about a cuttlefish? These creatures are the damndest thing you ever saw. They have astonishing dynamic camoflage and can exhibit pulsating strobing patterns on their skin that I would have sworn could never occur in nature. I believe these strobing patterns are used to "hypnotize" prey. I think there is footage of this fish in the Discovery Channel's Blue Planet: Seas of Life series (now out on DVD.) In Marine Aquarium, it would offer the treat of being a fish that you would really have to look for when it was stationary. It would be nearly invisible until it started to move or strobe. In short, an easter egg hiding in plain sight!

fishbowl 02-11-2003 02:33 AM

For those who would like to see this display of colors, take a look at this video:
For more info on the cuttlefish, take a look here:

Liath 02-11-2003 10:50 AM

Re: Octopods and Cuttlefish

how about a cuttlefish?
Go Mollusks! *crying tears of joy* Oh to have a cuttlefish in my aquarium. It would make me so very happy.

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