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wong01 06-18-2004 01:23 AM

color logos pack
There are some very pretty and good color logos posted in the forum. Anyone care to compile them into a color logo pack. I would love to install them. Have a nice day, everyone.

stoorat 07-03-2004 08:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Don't know if these are your style, but here are a few that I created today. Not sure how many attachments I can get in one post, so I'll put previews here and a .zip file in the following post.

I don't have time to arrange them nicely like so many others--just take my word for it that this picture doesn't do them justice. They look much better in the program.

stoorat 07-03-2004 08:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here are the 3 eagle logos.

stoorat 07-03-2004 08:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here are the dragon and sax logos.

stoorat 07-03-2004 08:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
One more, it's a tiger. .zip file will follow.

stoorat 07-03-2004 08:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here it is. If all these posts at once are unacceptable I'll tone it down in the future. Let me know if you like these and I might get around to doing more soon.

feldon34 07-04-2004 06:54 AM

Look pretty cool to me. Keep em coming. :)

feldon34 07-04-2004 07:05 AM

Some good logos. If you don't mind reading a critique of your work, read on, otherwise skip this message!

I think with a few finishing touches, these logos could be put up at my Logo download site. A lot of people seem to be just pasting photos or logos they find on the net. That's great that people are getting creative, but it's not really what I'm looking for in a downloadable logo pack. The logos you've done are much closer to what I think would appeal to people. Ok, now for the critique...

The dragon could be brighter or more distictive.

The tiger is nice but can it be bigger?

The Eagles logo looks pretty good and is shadowed just right, but it's not fully cut out. Some white gaps remain.

The sax gets lost in the crystal because of the way it's cut out. Thin outlines are always tricky. Maybe it should be reversed out (white sax with shadowing)?

The eagle head is a bit too sharply cut out. I know that cutting out logos is a PAIN. It is the hardest part of this logo creation process.

The flaming eagle is definitely the most dramatic logo of the bunch. I'd love to see it lower and bigger.

stoorat 07-04-2004 05:35 PM

Thanks for the critique, I appreciate your input! After having looked at all of these for a while while the screensaver was running, the thoughts running through my head paralleled what you posted almost word for word.

re: dragon logo--I agree. The problem is whenever I tried to lighten it up it started to look washed out. And I'm far from being a PhotoShop guru. Any ideas on how to lighten the image without losing detail?

re: tiger logo--I would LOVE to make it bigger, but whenever I tried the MAT2 would resize it waaaaaay down and put it offcenter somewhere on the crystal. How do I fix that?

re: "EAGLES" logo--I noticed that myself finally. It was the first logo I created and I wasn't paying close enough attention. Dur. Dumb mistake, but at least this one is easily fixable.

re: sax logo--Gotta try inverting the image. I was ready to pull my hair out with this one. I didn't want to thicken the outline too much, but I couldn't figure out how to make it show up better.

re: eagle head logo--would softening the embossing fix this? Or should I redo the logo from scratch and go for softer angles? The original was supposed to look like it was cut out of razor sharp steel.

re: phoenix eagle logo--see tiger logo. I'm having real trouble making these things large but not so big that MAT2 doesn't resize them and align them in some screwy fashion.

stoorat 07-04-2004 05:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here are some aquatic themed logos. I'm not sure how well they'll display here, so I'll tell you what they are. The two on top are humpback whales-the left one monochrome and the right one is a deep, muted green. The two in the middle, from left to right are a pod of dolphins and a water sprite. The bottom logo is a shark. .zip file to follow.

As an aside, is it bad form in these parts to take up bandwidth by just posting these things? Should I post previews and then wait until someone askes for the compressed files? Just wondering.

stoorat 07-04-2004 05:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
.zip of the above logos.

feldon34 07-04-2004 11:06 PM


Originally posted by stoorat
re: dragon logo--I agree. The problem is whenever I tried to lighten it up it started to look washed out. And I'm far from being a PhotoShop guru. Any ideas on how to lighten the image without losing detail?
Hard to lighten something that's black without washing it out. But if there is some shadow detail, then Levels or Curves can help.


Originally posted by stoorat
re: tiger logo--I would LOVE to make it bigger, but whenever I tried the MAT2 would resize it waaaaaay down and put it offcenter somewhere on the crystal. How do I fix that?
Sounds like a problem someone else was having. Make absolutely sure the logo is 256 x 256 pixels and a PNG-24 image.


Originally posted by stoorat
re: sax logo--Gotta try inverting the image. I was ready to pull my hair out with this one. I didn't want to thicken the outline too much, but I couldn't figure out how to make it show up better.
I suppose you could double the logo somehow.


Originally posted by stoorat
re: eagle head logo--would softening the embossing fix this? Or should I redo the logo from scratch and go for softer angles? The original was supposed to look like it was cut out of razor sharp steel.
Razor sharp steel still has a smooth flawless edge. Aliasing = ragged edge.

Can you post the original PNGs and an example PNG that is "freaking out" so I can improve my instructions to catch this problem?

stoorat 07-05-2004 02:13 AM


Originally posted by feldon28
Razor sharp steel still has a smooth flawless edge. Aliasing = ragged edge.
Ah! Sorry, I misunderstood. I thought you were referring to the sharp ends, but you were talking about aliasing. Sorry. Yeah, that should be easy to correct.


Originally posted by feldon28
Can you post the original PNGs and an example PNG that is "freaking out" so I can improve my instructions to catch this problem?
D'oh! I'm such a complete moron. I was resizing the entire image/canvas, rather than just making the subject take up a greater percentage of the canvas.

Fixed both (I think) and even did a couple of Celtic knotwork designs. The eagle now has smooth edges (and I even added some "sparklies") and the tiger is much larger. Lemme know what you think. All these PNGs, including the fixed tiger and steel eagle zipped in following post.

Edit: Feh. The embossing and whatnot didn't show up at all in this preview, so I'll just post the PNGs one at a time in the following posts.

stoorat 07-05-2004 02:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Fixed Eagle

stoorat 07-05-2004 02:34 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Fixed tiger

stoorat 07-05-2004 02:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Celtic knot art

stoorat 07-05-2004 02:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Celtic circle

stoorat 07-05-2004 02:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Celtic Oval Cantle

AKcrab 07-05-2004 02:44 AM

MUCH better! :)

stoorat 07-05-2004 02:53 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Enlarged phoenix

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