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ESHIREY 01-03-2002 01:50 PM

Weird Dream
Boy oh Boy , This is what happens when you are on pain pills and then have a few drinks for New Years Eve .

I had a dream that the new update was out and the new fish was not a fish ..... well I should say not all fish . It was a mermaid .:D Boy was I sad when I woke up . She was sweet . And like all Mr. Sachs creatures , it was done perfect and in good taste . Not porn like ( if you know what I mean ) ?

Anyway no more drinking while on the pills again . :rolleyes:

So Mr. Sachs , did you have a good New Year ? I hope you took time to relax , after all the hard work you put into the aquarium .

Jim Sachs 01-03-2002 01:55 PM

Worked straight through on the Lionfish. It's very close now.

Socrates 01-03-2002 02:07 PM

How is it going to work with some people having 1.0 and some people having .99L. Will there be a lionfish added to both?

I am excited about this one. :)

ESHIREY 01-03-2002 02:11 PM

Wow , No break for the master . So how hard is the Lionfish compaired to the rest of the fish ? I know you can do it , I'm just asking .

feldon34 01-03-2002 04:48 PM


How is it going to work with some people having 1.0 and some people having .99L. Will there be a lionfish added to both?
New purchasers of 1.0 (when it appears at, and the boxed retail version) won't be entitled to the Lionfish. It will cost a little extra.

The rest of us who have 99L right now will be able to upgrade to 99M (guessing here) which has the Lionfish.

When we upgrade to 1.0, I'm guessing that we will be given a 16 digit key that has the Lionfish enable hidden inside it. I can't imagine Prolific creating a key system that doesn't have a few spaces available to turn on the 10-15 specialty creatures Jim has planned.

Otherwise, let's say we reformat our hard drive, if we have all the specialty creatures, then we would have to type or copy-and-paste one key for each special creature. That's a lot of keys!

Jim Sachs 01-03-2002 06:03 PM

That's pretty close. Everyone who is already in the database will be issued a new-style 20-digit Key Code which will unlock the Lionfish in v1.0. New purchasers will have to pay a little extra. Prolific hasn't decided how much yet.

The Lionfish was very difficult to program, and it's still not quite done. It's about the same amount of work as all the 20 other fish combined. Getting the fins to "flow" realistically has been quite a problem.

ESHIREY 01-03-2002 06:17 PM

Wow ............... I can't wait to see that . I had one about 15 years ago when I had a salt water tank and he was my favorite of them all .

I'm not going to ask if you have any idea when you think it will be done because I already know the answer ................ (when it's done) :D But I can tell you now without even seeing it , it will be my favorite .

I've had the aquarium ever since you had the 3 fish out . And I'm here everyday since then checking out what is going on .

Socrates 01-03-2002 08:36 PM


Originally posted by Jim Sachs
That's pretty close. Everyone who is already in the database will be issued a new-style 20-digit Key Code which will unlock the Lionfish in v1.0. New purchasers will have to pay a little extra. Prolific hasn't decided how much yet.

The Lionfish was very difficult to program, and it's still not quite done. It's about the same amount of work as all the 20 other fish combined. Getting the fins to "flow" realistically has been quite a problem.

So pretty much we're not going to get the lionfish until Prolific decides to finish it's database. Unless we buy a boxed version and pay for the fish. Or am I confused?

Jim Sachs 01-03-2002 09:15 PM

The Lionfish is not in the boxed version, since that's already released.

Occasionally, I have to draw a line and actually release something, otherwise the whole project just becomes a pipe dream. Sure, a short time later that version will be obsolete, but that's just the nature of a constantly evolving program. At least all updates have been free for the past 16 months.

As the old saying goes, there are good and bad consequences to everything we do, so all we can do is lean toward the light.

Tiny Turtle 01-04-2002 02:17 AM

Yes, yes, YES! I can't even begin to tell y'all how much I'm looking forward to getting to drop a lionfish into my tank!

A question for Mr. Sachs has risen (arisen?) though: Will it (the lionfish) use the same movement scheme as all the other fish? I totally understand that everything can't be completed at the same time, but a lionfish moves in a distinctly different way and would IMHO look quite odd pacing the aquarium the same way the current fish do.

If it came down to choosing between no lionfish and a turbo-charged one though, of course I'd take the latter...


Jim Sachs 01-04-2002 02:33 AM

The lionfish moves much slower, and the fins flow in different ways than the other fish. The mouth and gills also open and close slightly.

Jav400 01-04-2002 03:55 AM

Sounds great to me, bring him on. :)

pipeta 01-04-2002 05:08 AM

I can't wait!!!... But I will have to :(
I have two questions:
1.Is the lionfish the extra creature the beta tester's get?
2.Did prolific finish working on the code program? You mentioned they were in the beta testing stages a few weeks ago.
3. I said there would be 2 questions...

Tiny Turtle 01-04-2002 06:03 AM

Thank you, Mr Sachs. I found my mouth actually watering after reading your description...

Right now I'm preparing myself for removing all the other fish, bringing the background light down to zero and finally having my perfect setup!


feldon34 01-04-2002 09:19 AM


Yes, the Lionfish is for all us 99L people.

As for Prolific, I guess they're still working on the database engine for the website.

Taxman 01-04-2002 03:04 PM

..oh well as no-one else seems to want to stick their neck out here goes ..... how long before we have a lionfish swimming about our aquariums Jim? Days, hours, minutes ? I'll except anything to the nearest one hundredth of a nano-second!! (sorry to ask but I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say it's just a bit like being a kid in the candy store when you know something you want so bad is so close!!)

feldon34 01-04-2002 04:50 PM

I started getting prematurely excited yesterday. :)

Coelacanth 01-04-2002 08:14 PM

I'm really looking forward to this one.

Must have been a real pain to program it. So many separate parts to its fins!

hpman77 01-05-2002 01:17 PM

Now I wish I could set the lionfish as a regular fish, so I could make all 7 slots have a nice lionfish.... hmmmm that would be aawesome!!!

Any idea if the special creatures will be absolutely limited, or maybe there's a chance to have them as regular fishes?

I know Jim said they would be in separate slots, but hmmm.... well, I can drem, can't I? :D

feldon34 01-05-2002 01:25 PM

Good question.

In real life, the Lionfish would have a small feast between the Three-stripe Damsel and the Royal Gramma. All those extra fins are weapons, as they each have poison in them.

If you're curious, the Lionfish that we're getting is a Red Volitan Lionfish.

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