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celebensis 10-03-2001 11:22 AM

Status of Next version
Any updates for us on the status of the next version, inclusions, improvement or general developments ?

feldon34 10-03-2001 11:29 AM

Re: Status of Next version
I'll let Jim answer this one.

Jim Sachs 10-03-2001 11:53 AM

Re: Status of Next version
I've been so bogged down in production details that I haven't had time for any forward progress lately. A major problem has shown up in DirectX 8.1 which causes the textures in the Aquarium to turn white. Microsoft is looking into it, but in the meantime if you experience this, I recommend downloading and installing the Win2000 drivers for your card. WinXP machines have started shipping (with the DX8 3-fish demo of the Aquarium). Even though the Microsoft link to our website is not hooked up yet, some XP users are finding it anyway and downloading the full DX6 Aquarium. Since XP comes with DX8.1, many are seeing the white-texture problem. So now I'm trying to resurrect the DX8 version of the Aquarium just for those users.

feldon34 10-03-2001 12:05 PM

Re: Status of Next version
You shouldn't have to do all that or maintain two codebases because of yet another Microsoft mistake.

Put a note on the MS download page that they need to install 2K drivers until Microsoft fixes a bug in DirectX 8.1.

10-05-2001 04:20 PM

Re: Status of Next version
Hi, I am currently using Windows XP Pro and have no problems with the demo version of the aquarium. The one that comes with plus, as well as the one from your web site both work. I am using the Detonator XP Drivers.

10-08-2001 03:42 PM

I am glad to hear the DX8 full version will be coming out. Backward compatability is good but not at the expense of natural progression. I think people with todays systems would like Jim to not be limited by yesterday's technologies, and would like him to be able to take full advantage of everything available today for the best possible results.

feldon34 10-08-2001 06:28 PM

Re: DX8
Windows ME is hardly "yesterday's technologies".

I think it would be ridiculous if Jim required everyone to upgrade to Windows 2000 or XP.

And the solution is for people to downgrade to more compatible, less cutting-edge drivers.

Every time nVidia gets in the mood, they release a new version of their drivers which are more incompatible than the last. They release betas and alphas as "final release version" and provide NO WAY to download more stable PROPER versions of the drivers on their websites. So websites like and have to foot hosting bills to make up for nVidia's incompetance. Am I mad? YES! nVidia should know better.

As for the white texture, this certainly isn't new.

I saw this with 12.41, 12.91, 21.81, and 21.85 versions of the nVidia drivers on a TnT Riva 16mb this weekend.

Rule #1, Blame nVidia

almark 10-09-2001 02:35 AM

Next version?
Is there a planned date for the full version (V1)?

Jav400 10-09-2001 06:28 AM

Re: Next version?

There isn't so much a planned date as there is a planned process. Jim has been spending much of his time lately working on the box art work and various things along those lines, while Prolific has spent time working on the installer that will go with the retail version, and is looking at reported bugs and working on proofing things, and preparing for the creation of the 1.0 retail version. Once both parties are satisfied with the results, then we will see the release of version 1.0 and Jim will return to the foward progress of creating the new 3D background.

10-10-2001 09:34 AM

I don't believe is't worth running any undated versions untill the Background
is Coral animated.

P.S. I was at a computer show this weekend and three different venders were using
the program to demo there systems.

feldon34 10-10-2001 09:51 AM

Re: Versions
Well, we'll have to agree to disagree on that.

I don't think Prolific wants to wait any longer for 1.0.

Digital Lungfish 10-10-2001 12:27 PM

Re: Versions
Is it safe to say that December is the current "guestimate" then? At least when it comes to the 3D background with animated corals that is (not 1.0).

- DL

feldon34 10-10-2001 12:58 PM

Re: Versions
I really ought to stop giving months/dates. I've edited my post. I thought October was reachable when I first casually mentioned it back in August. Now, I just steal id software's tagline "When it's done."

10-10-2001 06:49 PM

Re: Versions
Actually thats 3D Realms line...........

Digital Lungfish 10-10-2001 09:26 PM

Re: Versions
Hahaha, not to worry Morgan, I'm not going to hold you to any specific dates.

It was more out of curiousity than anything else that I asked. I just need to remind myself that we have an easily excitable crowd here on the forum, especially when it comes to new versions, so I'll bite my lip and say sorry for asking! :)

- DL

Jav400 10-10-2001 10:04 PM

Re: Versions

lol, you haven't been the first to ask, and I'm sure that you won't be the last. Everyone has gotten used to Jim's monthly releases. We have gotten spoiled.:) I'm sure that Jim is hard at work, but the point we are at now is a major one, and it takes time for everything to be worked out to the high standards that Jim has maintained up to now. I can only imagine how Jim feels at this point, I would hazard a guess that he is as anxious as everyone else to get where we are all rooting for him to be.

almark 10-11-2001 07:25 PM

Getting it right
is important. The users of Swish 1.5 were waiting for V2 to come out and had been given save disabled beta versions. When V2 was released, there was a mad rush to get the latesy version.

However there was a problem with the installer, the internet registration system was overwhelmed,and Norton Defrag wiped all licence settings. Some people were charged twice, some people had bought it but couldn't regsiter it, and so on.

It was a diaster, and it took them weeks to sort it out, with 1,000's of emails of complaint and looking support. It is fine now, but it was obvious that they released the new version too early.

FishyBusiness 10-20-2001 03:17 AM

Re: Getting it right
Here's a quote from Jim Sachs himself.

"I have never been able to figure out why people think they should wait for v1.0. It's just a number, and upgrades are free. You can enjoy the latest version now, and simply download v1.0 when it is ready."

I think that says it all.

Tiny Turtle 10-20-2001 07:56 AM

Why people are waiting for One-Point-Oh
The reason people keep asking for 1.0 is that, apart from Mr. Sachs, most software producers hurry to release a first version, and worry about fixes as the bugs are discovered. Think about it, - would you consider using Ms Word 0.99 or maybe Adobe InDesign 0.99? The word "beta" in a version number normally means "use at your own risk, the real version is due out soon" and over a year as a (released) beta-version is something rather unique in this business. Therefore, until 1.0 is released, having people asking for the "real" version is unavoidable.


Jav400 10-20-2001 08:13 AM

Re: Why people are waiting for One-Point-Oh
How true, its nice to have someone do it the right way for a change.

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