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999-JAY-999 03-25-2003 05:30 AM

what is CalcNormals ?
Read and heard about such, and it can be turned on and off with the 'n' key.

But what does it do ??, I hit 'n' key but see no difference..

cjmaddy 03-25-2003 05:54 AM


I'm not falling for that one!

Leviathan 03-25-2003 07:03 AM

Anyone else have an explanation? I too was wondering what this feature does.

Tiny Turtle 03-25-2003 07:18 AM

Please fall for it – They're begging, y'know :)


cjmaddy 03-25-2003 08:19 AM

SereneScreen Forum > Search > CalcNormals > Perform Search ................ or:-

999-JAY-999 03-25-2003 08:52 AM

"With CalcNormals turned off, assumptions about the amount of light hitting each part of each fish are made. With CalcNormals turned on, no assumptions are made. Even the slightest turn of a fin can either catch a glint of light or suddenly be in shadow. Actually, I think the effect can be a tad too strong at times."


Something not major drastic on the eye then...

Thanks for the pointer.

cjmaddy 03-25-2003 09:31 AM

Choose a fish like the Queen Angel, (old type in v1.1)
Look closely at the caudal peduncle, (that bit between the tail and the body)
Toggle the N key on and off a few times!
If no difference is seen, check out:-
If you DO see a difference, .............. Congratulations! - you've become a believer! :TU:

..................... May the CalcNormals be with you! :)

Wizwad 03-25-2003 05:55 PM


Originally posted by cjmaddy

I'm not falling for that one!

ROFL - almost literally! I fell out of my chair!

It may take you a while to see what it does JAY, certainly if you're not sure what you're looking for, but once you notice it it's as clear as day, and you instantly miss it when it's not there any more. At least that's what I found!

I notice it most in the muscles where the tail and the body join. The rippling of the muscles is a joy to behold, though the occasional flashes from the fins are neat too. :)

Thanks to everyone who pointed out the 'n key' shortcut to me. I felt like slapping myself on the forehead when you mentioned that and Cliff's tag line suddenly made sense! (I originally thought it must be a registry key of some sort! :o)

cjmaddy 03-25-2003 06:41 PM

Some posts on this page may bring a smile, - if you haven't already seen them!
You'll see how that tag line came into existence! :)

999-JAY-999 03-27-2003 06:54 AM


cjmaddy said:

Toggle the N key on and off a few times!
If no difference is seen, check out:-
If you DO see a difference, .............. Congratulations! - you've become a believer!

HA--- love the links, perhaps I do need to get my eyes tested or get a decent monitor at least as I can not for the life of me see any difference when I press the 'N' key. Must be this crap monitor... or my glass eye just is not doing the trick!

><}}}'> ><}}}'> ><}}}'>

cjmaddy 03-27-2003 12:43 PM

Jay, - Sorry to hear of your failure to see any difference! - Don't know what else we can do!

Mark's description sums it up well:-

I notice it most in the muscles where the tail and the body join. The rippling of the muscles is a joy to behold, though the occasional flashes from the fins are neat too.
All I can add, is that on my setup, the effect is VERY minimal at very low fps! - When we first started testing MAT, I was getting only ~18 fps, - and the N key had no noticeable effect. As various problems were sorted out, my fps increased to ~44 and the N key started to work it's charms. (but resulting in a slight drop in fps to ~39)

Summarizing, - The higher the fps, - the more noticeable the CalcNormals effect, - and the greater are fps lost after the N key is pressed!

If you can get 35/40 fps with CalcNormals ON, but see no difference, - then it's new monitor/Optician time! :) Sorry!

999-JAY-999 03-28-2003 02:43 AM

I hit 40/45 fps here at work, 85fps at home....still cant see it.

Not to worry.... CalcNormals or no goes on.....

Ralph 03-28-2003 06:02 PM

Hmmmmmm 115 fps and I can see no difference with "N" but then the control Alt F key sequence mentioned in another post does not work for me either.

ROBERT CRONSHAW 04-03-2003 01:28 PM

Well on first glance i thought this topic was a wind-up,but on pressing the n key and dropping from 60fps to 59fps,and noticing the difference(quite blatant with open eyes) I'M A BELIEVER.

cjmaddy 04-03-2003 04:39 PM


Would I wind anyone up? .... (Don't answer that!) .... Welcome to the believers club! :TU:

Mountainmaster 04-03-2003 04:41 PM

Well done nCLIFF! Just what we need here, another born again CalcNormals paranoid obsessive. :D

Did you notice that that new logo of yours could easily be changed to resemble the fish sign! I mean the one that was used by the early christians. And besides, as it is now you might be running the risk of pi**ing off nVidia.

feldon34 04-03-2003 07:18 PM

The way copyright is written in this country, if a company doesn't protect their copyrights by suing people for using an altered version of the logo, they can lose the copyright. Anyone can use the name "Coca-Cola" in certain countries because of this.

It's silly.

Tiny Turtle 04-04-2003 01:31 AM

I don't see nVidia UK messing with Cliff on this one – It's used pretty locally, wouldn't you say?

Got a good example on the fish sign? Did some quick Googling, but didn't come up with anything good. Is it just the " ><> "?

I still have a 1200x1000 copy of the NCliff logo and could try and convert it if you're ok with the Jesus reference.

/Tiny Modification

feldon34 04-04-2003 03:17 AM

Tiny Turtle 04-04-2003 03:26 AM

Oh, thanks.

/Tiny Simplicity

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