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Want3DBackground 10-21-2004 09:54 AM

Where is the 3D background
How many years have we been waiting?


bugsymcd24 10-21-2004 10:25 AM

--- it is in the works....

you sound a little disgruntled.....

have patience grasshopper...perfection takes time....

Want3DBackground 10-21-2004 11:01 AM

Hehe - actually - not really - just truly disappointed.... Patient for months or a year... This has been years. I have not been using the screensaver for a while - and then saw a link somewhere and said "Oh, Yeah!" and then quickly remembered this flaw... So I decided to check things out.

When a promised feature is ignored and ignored for YEARS to develop new products (goldfish and freshwater - which were both unavailable when I last used the SS), it becomes obvious that there is no intention on developing it...

Otherwise, wouldn't we see some beta action?

Lets see the schedule now!


AKcrab 10-21-2004 11:50 AM

Development has stalled. There is no schedule.

Want3DBackground 10-21-2004 01:04 PM

See - so then there's nothing to be patient about. Basically we were lied to.

Sure, we'll get the animated background...

SereneScreen for PRESIDENT!

drfish 10-21-2004 01:16 PM

Dude, you need to chill a little, there's been plenty of progress made while you've been gone, you just weren't around to wittness it and it wasn't what you were hoping for. We were never lied to, that's why Jim never gives ETAs, we can't be lied to... It'll show up eventually, but it's anybody's guess as to when...

ESHIREY 10-21-2004 01:35 PM

:D Ok, Here I am. :D First off, Welcome to the forums Want3DBackground. And second, Please........ take that chill pill.:D Like Doc has said, we were not lied too. It takes time to do it and the other programs had to be done first. Like the freshwater. When that one is done then we will have our 3d background. :TU: And it will be great.

So please buddy, don't get all upset. It is coming.:TU:

Wizwad 10-21-2004 05:53 PM

I think we'd better shoot the driver of that bus, though, just in case.

{ Currently feeling disgruntled at late buses, missing buses, late trains and trains that then crawl along causing one to miss one's connecting train and get in at 12:30 at night! Grrr! This is a perfect excuse for revenge!!! }

Jim Sachs 10-22-2004 04:57 PM

Turns out, creating a 3D backgound is hard.

EVERRET 10-22-2004 07:27 PM

Wasn't the main "reason" for making the fresh water screensaver and 3D background for it, (a couple of years ago) that in order to get serenescreen into stores there needed to be two products instead of just one. Now that you can go into any wal mart, best buy or comp usa and get serenescreen screensavers, is it still as important to get the freshwater screensaver out there? With the new goldfish and shark screensavers out, now im not so sure about another freshwater fish screensaver selling in any great numbers. Would not some creature packs for the existing marine aquarium make more since and or cents, while bringing back some life to a neglected screensaver that is still the best out there ?

Ralph 10-22-2004 09:30 PM


Originally posted by EVERRET
Would not some creature packs for the existing marine aquarium make more sense and or cents, while bringing back some life to a neglected screensaver that is still the best out there ?
For what it is worth... I would agree.

Jim Sachs 10-22-2004 11:18 PM

Didn't we just cover all this a week or two ago?

Ralph 10-23-2004 02:59 PM

Yes, and frequently before that as well. Any excuse to add my 2 cents towards developing enhancements to the current Screen Saver. It is not my call but if you polled the membership I would guess they would overwhelmingly favor all the "extras" that have been alluded to over the years instead of developing the 3D.

I appreciate the challenge (and honour) of trying to be the first to represent a realistic illusion of a 3D background. Serene Screen certainly set the standard for aquariums that is still unmatched several years later.... But!

feldon34 10-23-2004 08:08 PM

The "extras" are impossible without the 3D background.

Jim Sachs 10-23-2004 08:14 PM

Correct. For invertabrates to be crawling around and fish interacting with the background objects, those objects must actually exist in 3D space (OK, VIRTUALLY exist).

EVERRET 10-23-2004 11:26 PM

Thanks for the reply's, Sorry I missed the thread if this was allready discussed a week or two ago. Keep up the good work Jim, I will be the first in line when the freshwater screensaver, 3D background and creature packs are released. :)

AKcrab 10-24-2004 02:45 AM


Originally posted by EVERRET
I will be the first in line when the freshwater screensaver, 3D background and creature packs are released. :)
Assuming you're alive in 2015. ;)

Jim Sachs 10-25-2004 02:22 AM

... and assuming I'M alive in 2015 (a much bigger assumtion, given the fact that I'm roughly as old as dirt).

cjmaddy 10-25-2004 04:03 AM

... cheer up Jim, isn't dirt everlasting? ;) ..... It's been around here for quite a while! :)

Marian Nichols 10-25-2004 04:09 AM

Yeah, Cliff and I are still here.:D

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