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totoro5166 10-12-2002 05:34 PM

Ever thought of making a goldfish tank?
Hi Jim!
First of all, let me tell you how much I love your marine tank. It's simply the awesomest ...

Now, I really can't wait to get my hands on the freshwater tank, but I also wanted to ask you this: hev you ever thought about a goldfish tank? Or at least, to have them among your freshwater fish list? Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!!!????

feldon34 10-12-2002 08:16 PM

I can't say anything. :)

Jim Sachs 10-12-2002 10:27 PM

Stay tuned to Prolific.

Socrates 10-13-2002 04:34 PM

Is your own label going to start trying to out do you?

Vish 10-14-2002 04:28 PM

I am so excited. It would be gr8 to have goldfish, koi and orandas in the freshwater tank...

Yellow Tang 10-15-2002 02:10 AM


Originally posted by feldon23
I can't say anything. :)
This sounds a bit ... interesting.

hpman77 10-15-2002 03:46 AM

yeah, it sounds like "I know something but I won't tell you" ;)

James 10-15-2002 05:39 AM

Exactly~~~~~~~ there really something?
Did Jim share you any Freshwater Aquarium secrect?
like some surprises releases?
haha...maybe i think too much....

Tiny Turtle 10-15-2002 06:50 AM

Hmmm, if I didn't know better – I'd say the members of this community is a little (;)) starved for news...

Tiny Slip of the Tounge

just some guy 10-17-2002 07:38 AM

starved for news?
At one time I used to check this forum daily. After months of no updates or even hints at release dates, I visited once a week.
...Now you're lucky if I come here once a month.

Look at the posts... NO ONE is coming, let alone posting here anymore. WHY? No friggin' updates, creature packages or ANY news regarding what we all thought this screamscreen was going to do. I can't remember when there was even talk about people having fun around here... fun, anticipation, hope, etc.

It's like a bad date, or perhaps a marriage that went sour. SO many promises unfulfilled...

You know, why don't you just close down this forum if there is no reason to have it anymore? They can go to prolific for tech support.

Everytime I've visited here over the last (almost a) YEAR, it's been nothing, nothing, and more nothing... what a downer to visit this forum now... a big darn downer.

Sheech. What a crock this has become.

feldon34 10-17-2002 10:02 AM

just some guy,

It's hard to argue with your sentiments. I have received similar e-mails from many others. Forum visitation is down 91% from February. People just don't come here any more. By the time Jim introduces another update, I fear we'll have a hard time just contacting all of them as they don't visit the forum and/or their e-mail addresses will have changed. :(

hpman77 10-17-2002 01:04 PM

hey, I'm checking the forum daily :) I just don't write in almost any thread because I have nothing to say, but I keep checking all 3 forums (coffee house, saltwater and freshwater) everyday and I read every new post :)

BUT imho, there would be some fresh air in the forum if Jim could give us something to look at. Maybe a screenshot, maybe a message from time to time... it doesn't take too much time to write something like "I'm improving XXXXXXXX" or "I had a problem with XXXX and I'm trying to solve it".... darn, I would be happy to see even a picture of Jim with the equipment he's working with at the moment :)

Swede 10-17-2002 02:29 PM

I agree. If no one is talking about your product it doesn't exist.

Socrates 10-17-2002 06:56 PM

I've been feeling like Just Some Guy, but this site is still in my daily rotation.

But the its disheartening to consider that the next release will be a whole new product and not an improvement to the one I already bought. Especially after so much time.

Enigma 10-17-2002 07:03 PM

I agree with the others.

While I visit the forum at least once a day (although I usually just lurk in the shadows and read the new threads) there really hasn't been that much in the way of news around here.

I know Jim has his hands full and (last I heard) was suffering from a bout of artist's block, it would be nice to hear what he's up to.

The only way to keep this forum alive, active, and happy is to get regular updates and teases from Jim.

Yellow Tang 10-18-2002 03:40 AM

Patience guys, patience...

Mayby Jim wants to introduce his upcoming masterpiece with a big bang! Like "It's done. Please download the freshwater demo at". Would be great.

feldon34 10-18-2002 11:49 AM

Well Jim suggested that the Freshwater Aquarium would be a ~45 day project. It's been ~200 days. That's a mean writer's block. :(

I think some more fish for the Saltwater would hold me over. How bout you guys?

patscarr 10-18-2002 11:59 AM

Sure, sure, we all know that's the way Jim wants to do it, but I have to agree with just some guy and the others on this one. I still come and check the board once or twice a week, but it is discouraging when there are no posts or new news from Jim. Now he's teasing us with a possible goldfish screensaver or something, I'm still not sure 'cause he only teased us with some secret hint, and we are all still waiting for 3d backgrounds, creature packs, and the freshwater saver. Jim, if you want to make your millions while your still alive to enjoy it and make your movie, you've got to hire some extra help and get these projects done.

feldon34 10-18-2002 12:23 PM

Goldfish is from Prolific.

Jim Sachs 10-18-2002 02:48 PM

Yes, Patscarr - it is a bad case of artists block, the worst I've ever had. Also, I'm in full panic mode trying to get a roof on my house before the rain hits. Had a rain scare yesterday, but it stopped after a half-hour. A lot of wet wood and equipment, but no real damage.

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