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xdawgg 05-30-2002 01:37 AM

XP makes it slower......
I just installed XP and my screen saver dropped about 10 FPS....any tips on how to make it higher...and why did it do that?

IXNAY 05-30-2002 04:17 AM

XP slows down a lot of programs, sorry I have no idea.

chaosworrier 05-30-2002 08:13 PM

You will prob find the graphic driver XP is using is not optimised for your specific card (e.g. generic TNT driver rather then specific TNT Detonator).

Try going to the website of your graphics card manufacturer and looking for a XP driver to match your card.


Rob 06-05-2002 09:46 PM

when I installed XP it brought mine down to barely moving, I updated the driver for the processor and it fixed the problem.

*yep the processor, not the video card

feldon34 06-05-2002 10:08 PM

You mean the VIA 4-in-1 motherboard drivers?

jbh97 06-09-2002 12:15 PM

My First Post in this forum so first just Like to say to Jim: Truely Beautiful!! Keep up the good work and looking forward to the fresh water version.

With regards to XP refresh rate issues ..... the article at
addresses some issues on XP refresh rates and how to optermize them so may be helpful.

feldon34 06-09-2002 01:24 PM

Or in short,

Start menu -> Run...

Type dxdiag and Hit OK.

Click the More Help tab at the top.

Click Override next to "Click this button to override DirectDraw's refresh rate (for non-catatonic users only...)"

SpyCatcher 06-17-2002 11:28 PM

post your system, drivers and I will try and help.

Don't do the override will damage your montior. Trust me.....

feldon34 06-18-2002 12:39 AM

Actually, the entire forum is here to help, including Jim Sachs, author of the Aquarium, and several people in the gaming and 3D industry. Lots of resources of information here!

Override (as described above), is useful for getting around the frustrating, non-sensical 60 Hz barrier Windows 2000/XP have on DirectX applications. If you are running Windows at 75 Hz, and your monitor is listed as 75 Hz compatible at the target resolution, there is no safety reason why you can't use override to change all DirectX applications from to 75 Hz.

Now, if you use Override to set your refresh rate to something your monitor is not rated for, then yes you can do damage.

SpyCatcher 06-18-2002 09:21 AM

Somewhat true (not trying to be rude) the average person will damage their system this fix is Only for the Very Experienced it is not even recommended on the gaming sites. It is a last restort.

feldon34 06-18-2002 12:14 PM

Wonder when Service Pack 3 for 2000 and Service Pack 1 for XP are coming.

SpyCatcher 06-18-2002 12:58 PM

Rumor has it in two weeks....

Shinsa 06-18-2002 04:14 PM

info on the XP service pack release

Rexfelis 07-09-2002 01:15 AM

I use Win XP Pro at home & have never had a problem with it. i also had to use the ViaTech 4-in-1 Driver so that may have had something to do with it. i've never noticed any framerates being slow, but i've made some system changes also.

yea, i just kinda babble lol

Tiny Turtle 07-09-2002 02:34 PM

How about "XP makes it harder"?
I've gotten the weirdest error on my XP Pro. Launching anything using "explorer.exe" makes the cursor change into the hourglass and just about nothing more. This includes emptying the trashcan, launching the Windows Explorer pressing delete/Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V with a file highlighted and stuff like that. Killing explorer.exe in the taskmanager and launching a new one clears this up until I do something again. Using "My Computer" works fine and I can navigate through the directory tree and all (just don't touch delete or those buttons). I can drag stuff to the trashcan though. This whole thing started when I uninstalled some Office97 and Office 2k programs and installed Office XP instead. On the next reboot everything was smashed up... – Can you say Microsloth?

/Tiny Hope

monty_burns_007 07-10-2002 02:41 PM

XP sucks indeed,

everything runs slower unter XP, directx unter Win ME or 98 is much faster on my older Ati Rage 2c (8 Mb)
Under 98 I had to set off my vertical synchronisation and everything runs twice as fast as normal.
Unter XP this option has no effect:(

Maybe it's time to buy me a newer 3D card:D

But I can't stand that older hardware ran perfectly in the past on older systems, and newer software just f**ks everything up.:mad:

Where's are the better times like WINNT / W95/98.

Looking great Jim, your fishy screensaver, but where keeps the 3D background, it 's almost a half year ago since the last adaptation with the lion-fish wich was a bit a dissapointment, the lionfish doesn't move so beautifully like the older fishies, or it could also be me, don't know the lionfish in real, it also looks quite big though.

Well keep up the good work


Socrates 07-11-2002 01:04 AM

Well I have no hard data, but the few new XP machines I have installed have been flawless and very fast indeed.

One company recently bought two identical Dells, one with XP, onw with 2K (the one employee had a big ild hangup about XP).

Anyway the installations, and setup took me close to half as long on the XP machine, and the CAD programs they were running were far better off under XP.

Was this just some kind of fluke?

The one thing I don't like about XP is having to change a bunch of settings when you first start it up to make not try to be in your face.

However, I will say the new cartoon/jwelery box look is a WELCOME relief for a guy that sees WAY too many grey and blue boxes all day long.

The | Tycoon 07-12-2002 09:18 PM

I thought sp1 for XP had already been released
I thought sp1 for XP had already been released :D
It's certainly looking good here...

feldon34 07-13-2002 12:29 AM

Windows XP Service Pack 1 and Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 are most certainly not out yet.

A few weeks away still.

The | Tycoon 07-13-2002 11:32 AM

Absolutely right Feldon23 ;-)
"Windows XP Service Pack 1 and Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 are most certainly not out yet.

A few weeks away still."

Absolutely right Feldon23. But this beta release will do just fine for now. It’s working just great :D

SunKing 07-14-2002 09:15 AM

Hey Tycoon - does the WinXP SP1 fix the refresh rate issues that XP has. Specifically, does it restore the 'optimal' refresh rate (rather than being stuck to 60Hz)???

The | Tycoon 07-16-2002 07:30 PM

As far as I know this prob has been sorted out. However in the meantime check the article out below, that I found on a board:

NVRefreshTool is a utility used to fix the problem in Windows 2000/XP that sets your refresh rate to 60Hz when you play ANY game. This problem occurs whether or not you have a higher refresh rate set in your Display Properties of Windows.

What's New

Startup Feature added

Installer Program

Older Detonator Support

New and improved help file translated in 7 languages.

Direct3D-based Vsync testing tool

Code cleanup and UI changes

Custom Resolution/TVTool support

Debugging text file for better support

Download NVRefreshTool 1.0

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