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feldon34 02-20-2004 02:45 PM

Sharks -- DOWNLOAD NOW!!
Prolific's Sharks: Terrors of the Deep public beta test has been launched!


Download Sharks and try it out! You may purchase it for a reduced rate of $14.95. This purchase includes upgrades through the 'final' version and any bug fixes.

Sharks is featured at, the same site that carries the Goldfish Aquarium. This is currently being updated to reflect the availability of Sharks. This is a major rollout which will include 16,000 e-mails.

A small group of long-time forum members have been testing Sharks for quite a while, so hopefully we'll see smooth sailing with this version!

Please post your comments about Sharks under this thread. Please create a new topic (or find a related topic) for any bug reports. It's at your descretion where you post suggestions. :)

James 02-20-2004 03:09 PM

GREAT!!! Does the Sharks: Terrors of the Deep has its own website or embedded in lifeglobe website?

Schnaaps 02-20-2004 03:18 PM

Sharks is part of the LifeGlobe product line, and will be available from


Lostboy 02-20-2004 04:16 PM

I'm sold! :D

James 02-20-2004 07:28 PM there any "Calculate Sharks Normal" option included? Cliff, DO YOU KNOW any hidden keys for that? :D:D:D

Anyway, it runs perfectly on my system, I'm going to announce this great news on AR forum, I know there are people there also want some sharks!!!

Overall is very good, just the whole scene looks a bit dark to me even I turned off Fog, Caustic effects....I just simply adjust my monitor's brightness, but when the SS exit, my desktop become too bright to me... :( other than this, I have no more complain!

drfish 02-20-2004 08:33 PM

Yeah, a gamma control would be nice...

sunny 02-20-2004 09:33 PM

i have tried out the demo version....
first impression:
1.sharks images is nice...
2.small fishes only swims at middle or side of the screen.. :(
why can they come closer to the front?
3.fantasy theme looks very unreal although is only fantasy..
i dunno seems pretty fake to me.will there be added scenery in future?the ship wreck too colorful...:(
once in the dark, the reef in the front like paste image..but the background looks good.
4.lightings , fogs , caustic , water surface effect is very nice..:TU:
5.if disable all effect , everything looks like cut and paste thinggy.
6.bubbles effect is not highly visible.
anyway,just my comment. :D

Lostboy 02-20-2004 09:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The first thing I tried to do is lighten up the scene, but something didn't look right for me. After playing around a bit, I was actually more satisfied with it nice 'n dark.

sunny 02-20-2004 11:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
hope the below post is not offending.:(
some underwater scene from (reef demo)
i wish the ss will have something similar to this one:

EVERRET 02-20-2004 11:38 PM

I bought the shark screensaver today I will check it out it. : )

sunny 02-20-2004 11:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)
and this , plus without those reefs

sunny 02-20-2004 11:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
and the final one

James 02-21-2004 12:12 AM

matrox's demo is much brighter!!! I like that

Sergiales 02-21-2004 11:50 AM

Matrox's demo looks terrific, but i like Prolific's Shark SS anyway. the small fishies looks so cute...

kona001 02-21-2004 02:02 PM

First Impressions on Demo
*edited this post*

I have some suggestions to make it better. Like the poster above, I do agree that

1) There should be fish coming closer to the screen instead of staying so far away and bunched up in the middle.

2) Have three layers of fish, one being at the distance, some closer to the front, and others that randomly appear to be in front of the screen.

3) Perhaps have the fish swim or scurry away as the shark gets near them, especially the ones close to the front of the screen. That would be impressive and make it unique compared to sharkvisions and matrox.

4) Have an option to choose even more fish than 100 ;)

I have tried atlantis3d sharkvisions demo a few months back and liked the moving camera effect, although I know it would be taxing on most video cards and probably wont find its way into this screensaver.

Marian Nichols 02-21-2004 06:35 PM

I bought it this morning and I think I like the open water affect the most. The coral needs movement, like the sway of ocean currents. I do like the reef fish but occasionally it would be nice if they came closer to the front of the screen. I think what we are wanting, and this is so funny, is Jim’s fish in the foreground and the sharks in the back. His aquarium has really spoiled us or me anyway. The ship wretch gets lost a little so another scene of it by itself would be a nice addition. What about a deep sea diver walking along the bottom?

stephen barackman 02-21-2004 07:07 PM

Marian, did you have any problem getting your key code. After buying sharks this afternoon something happened and I did not receive a key code

Schnaaps 02-21-2004 07:33 PM

Hello All,

Thank you so much for you comments and input. As with every product we (prolific) work on, we are constatnly working on, improving and polishing the look of this product. It is our plan to overhaul much of the art work to improve this product. As early users, you get the opportunity to provide us with feedback for improvements.

TEXAS: Contact tech support about that keycode.


kona001 02-22-2004 01:42 AM

My comments above may have seemed a bit harsh on the demo and I was too quick to judge it without changing the settings, so I edited the above post a bit. I guess I'm a bit spoiled by Jim's aquarium and your Goldfish as well that I was expecting just too much. I know this is a beta version and know there will be many improvements before the final release so I'm looking foreword to seeing what you can do.

I have some good news for you guys. After changing the amount of little fish to 100 of them from the default 20, it looked more realistic to me. It's a bit dark or gets dark too quickly, so I made it static and got the lighting the brightest I think I could. It's looking good. I actually like not having the fantasy ocean background at all better for some reason. I have one question, is the reason the little fish aren't swimming closer to the screen because they are not actually pixelated "to scale" as compared to the sharks for example? That's why they stay in one plane as an illusion.

Good luck. I wish your team the best. -Kona

Marian Nichols 02-22-2004 05:35 AM


Originally posted by stephen barackman
Marian, did you have any problem getting your key code. After buying sharks this afternoon something happened and I did not receive a key code
No problem, it came up within seconds of the final approval of my credit card. Then within minutes, I received it in my email. I have taken to saving my key codes to a file I Named ‘Key Codes’. Every product I own that require one is save to this file along with order number, date of purchase and any other information needed to install them. It is also back up to diskette. So, when it becomes necessary to reinstall, all I need do is cut and paste. Every thing is in one place and I don’t need to search for it or re-enter information manually.

ROBinLA 02-22-2004 04:09 PM

Bought it, Like it...but...
Coral/ship definitely needs work. Too fake looking now that we've been spoiled by the moving plants in Goldfish Aquarium, it's gonna be hard going back to a still bitmap!

I like the sharks themselves. The artwork is very good. Movement can be tweaked to be a little more fluid I felt. Actually, on viewing the shark movement in the open ocean view I'm more impressed. I think the fantasy background doesn't do the shark's justice.

To be honest I'm not a fan of the coral and ship background as it is right now at all. I'd like to see the coral removed from the front and see some some sea "shelves" and a more convincing 3d and fog effect look similar to the Matrox demo. I also second the thought of having some of the small fish being able to scale closer to the screen if possible.

Overall, a good first shot with some strong elements and I did buy it to show my support, but I do think at this stage it is a rung below how the Goldfish Aquarium first Beta looked and needs substantial work.

Just my 2 cents!


Tiny Turtle 02-23-2004 02:23 AM

Yup, that's it. Neither the textures nor the polygon count of the small fish are detailed enough to stand up to such a close inspection. Making them that way would force the system requirements through the roof.

/Tiny Texture

Sergiales 02-24-2004 03:00 AM

I suppose this already have been discussed before, but... what about using two sets of 3D models?. I mean... if you have a high-end machine/hardware/gfxcard, then what's the reason for not seeing more complex and detailed models?. In the configuration options, you could choose a detail option based on the power of your PC.
In addition of this, I can tell you that I've been working with 3D modeling systems for a long time, and there are some tweaking methods for optimizing the 3D meshes in order to save a lot of extra polygons, and without sacrifying the model appearance.
It's only an idea ;)

Tiny Turtle 02-24-2004 03:14 AM

Prolific has talked about high-definitions versions of their stuff. Primarily the Goldfish, but I suppose there could be more. That was however an "identical" version with cooler graphics. You're talking about adding new behaviour and features. Still, I'm not Prolific so who knows...

Jim's fish in the MA series have a pretty low poly count and still seven or eight of those fish can put at least some strain on a card. Imagine what 70 would do (and combined with a score of sharks too).

/Tiny Poly Count

Sergiales 02-24-2004 04:11 AM

Yes, Jim's models look very optimized. Marine Aquarium runs surprisingly smooth even in my old Nvidia TNT1. That's what i referred about. I think that when optimizing the 3D models you can have 70 fishes (or more) with enough detail. Nowadays simple-textured polygons are drawn very fast by almost any video card.

I'm tired of programming boring management software apps. I should code DirectX apps :D:D:D
Does anyone offers me a new job?. :D I think i'm going to send my curriculum vitae to Prolific. :D

feldon34 02-24-2004 10:23 AM

Jim's fish have 185 vertices.

The sharks range from 332 for the Angel Shark to 764 for the Great White.

Sergiales 02-24-2004 11:29 AM

That's not too much. What's the real poly fill rate for a regular video card?.

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