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cjmaddy 02-22-2009 12:33 PM

Beta 9e
9e.... Eureka!

Jim Sachs 02-22-2009 12:38 PM


cjmaddy 02-22-2009 01:09 PM

Setting logo time to 0 seconds still allows the logo to flash on for a moment. Is there no way to only change the logos manually by pressing the L key?

Dale 02-22-2009 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by cjmaddy (Post 111243)
Setting logo time to 0 seconds still allows the logo to flash on for a moment. Is there no way to only change the logos manually by pressing the L key?

Approximation: set all logos to the maximum time alllowed.

Bigger approximation: try editing the .lst file to make the time REALLY large.

henemly 02-22-2009 01:26 PM

9e seems to be crash proof and everything works perfectly, I think.
Fast work, Jim.

ps- Make 2 or 3 png's with correct colors, offsets, set them to 0 sec-
onds, and it has a beautiful real flickering blacklight effect!

Jim Sachs 02-22-2009 01:30 PM

Cliff - Yes, I'll work on that. It hadn't occurred to me that people would want to load a bunch of logos, but only show one of them.

Dale 02-22-2009 01:36 PM

Jim, re:

"The C key switches to a clock, which plays for the remainder of the time alloted to the previous logo...."

Consider that it might be preferable to have the C key switch to a clock, which plays for some reasonable fixed interval (say 10 seconds) - and additional presses cycle through the "clocks".

That would allow people who only have logos in their list, to get a brief view of the clock/calendar.

[For really-long logo display times, the interaction of C and L is a difficult design decision]

Dale 02-22-2009 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by henemly (Post 111246)

ps- Make 2 or 3 png's with correct colors, offsets, set them to 0 sec-
onds, and it has a beautiful real flickering blacklight effect!

Aha! Animated Logos.

Jim Sachs 02-22-2009 01:38 PM

Dale - You've just described the behavior of Beta9d and 9e.

Dale 02-22-2009 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 111250)
Dale - You've just described the behavior of Beta9d and 9e.

Great. Obviously, I didn't do an extensive test, and missed the change of description (I just saw it in another thread).

Glad you made that change before I suggested it - timelord must have been helping out. :D

Nicki 02-22-2009 02:57 PM

I'm still getting the crash if I remove all logos and then try to add one . Should I purge the registry all all files ? Realistically nobody would ever remove all the logos , just people like me :cool:

P.S. I like to put Commodore 64 music in my playlist . There's a wicked version of the Doctor Who theme .

P.P.S. on this forum x posts in y topics - does that have any bearing on reality , lol ?

Jim Sachs 02-22-2009 04:37 PM

I'm unable to duplicate that. Are you positive your running Beta 9e? I guess it's possible that a bad Playlist entry is messing it up, but the code that I added should actually fix a bad playlist.

Ralph 02-22-2009 06:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Still not right here...
Two issues.. #1 when the logos change there is a definite pause in the scrolling of the SS and pause in the fish. If I have more than one logo.. and a clock and a calender .. have them ALL set to "0" I get each one flashing in turn... and my FPS drop to ~12 and I get real jerky fish / scrolling.
And..#2.. If I remove "altlogo.png" then add a logo.. browse to (default folder) altlogo.png and select it... in a few seconds.. the interface is replaced with the paused SS.. My screen shot shows it after I have dragged the dialog boxes around.
This was an issue at some point in the Alpha test when after making a change this would happen... That was hard to duplicate on some systems... and eventually went away

This seems to be related to making a change.. selecting / deleting a file. The same thing happens if I delete a song selection

Nicki 02-22-2009 08:00 PM

Yep , it's 9e alright . If I delete my .lst files , everything works as it should , but then after the program creates the list and I pull up the option again , it will crash . The windows box comes up , I select my logo and click open , and that is when it happens . I can't really see how my logo files would be bad since they were made on PSP according to the instructions , but I do have another computer to check this on . Unfortunately I can't do that until tomorrow , but if nobody else can duplicate this problem it might be unique to this machine .

Edit - I can add a clock to the empty list and then logos afterwards and it is fine . My logos are .png 256x256 .

Jim Sachs 02-23-2009 12:18 AM

Ralph - Your issue #1 is normal behavior. Remember, the Logolist is just a list of filenames - the actual loading of the picture takes place when it's called up. After that it's not stored, so it has to be loaded each time. On my rather weak development machine, it's able to load 256x256 PNG files in the space of a single frame. But there's a noticeable pause with a smal JPEG, and a long pause with a larger pic.

Your issue #2 is troubling. I can't duplicate it all here, but will keep trying.

Butters - I can't duplicate yours either. When you delete the list and let the program recreate it, does the new list simply consist of "SSLogo256.png, 20"?

If anyone else is able to recreate this bug, please come back with any info you might uncover.

Yodelking 02-23-2009 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Butters (Post 111252)
I like to put Commodore 64 music in my playlist . There's a wicked version of the Doctor Who theme.

Now THIS is a request worth working on!! ;)
Or you just use Sidplay2w and export the SID to WAV and then convert to MP3...

Press "Settings", "Wav", and change how many seconds you want to record.
Press File, Save as, and change format to WAV.


hololo 02-23-2009 01:53 AM

Beta9e on Notebook Gerforce 9200 GS Graphic problem
After I switching logo to clock, it turn back to MarineAquarium 3.0 logo in 16 seconds.

Jim Sachs 02-23-2009 01:56 AM

How did you switch to the clock - by pressing C or putting a clock in the Logolist? When you press C, the clock should be on the screen for 10 seconds. When it's in the Logolist, it's onscreen for however many seconds you set it to.

hololo 02-23-2009 01:58 AM

Pressed [C] only one time. Beta9C is no this problem.
And this Graphic Card Driver is the latest.
Beta9e in my ThinkPad X60 Intel 945GM is ok.

Jim Sachs 02-23-2009 02:16 AM

I don't know what could make it stay on for 16 seconds instead of 10. It's programmed for 10 seconds, and that's how long it is displayed on my computer.

I don't consider this a big problem, but if anyone else is seeing it, please speak up.

cjmaddy 02-23-2009 05:56 AM

The only strange effect I can duplicate is the expected effect of 'flashing in turn with low FPS', if all logos are set to 0 seconds.

If MA3Logolist.lst is deleted, and logos are then added to the regenerated list, then the first logo stays on screen for approx 15 seconds, (as reported elsewhere), before each logo then starts to change at however many seconds they were set to.
But as the "empty-playlist bug" is now fixed, - why on earth should we want to delete the MA3Logolist.lst ? :)

The longer all this goes on, the more I'm convinced that all these bells and whistles are not worth it, and are a distraction to the whole project!
I wish it didn't have ANY "songs" :rolleyes: - OR clocks! .... It used to be all about fish and corals! - Anyone remember those days? ;)

clifdene 02-23-2009 06:20 AM

I could add dual monitors to songs & clocks!! Must admit I had three aquariums!!
I well remember the days you mention. Looks as if these things are now more important than fish etc.

cjmaddy 02-23-2009 08:53 AM

I've gone back to using 9b, it works how I want it to, - nice and simple!
9c, 9d, and 9e are too unnecessarily complicated and problematic, in my opinion. - Like all software, it's getting too complicated, - keep it simple!

Jim Sachs 02-23-2009 09:42 AM

I had to add these interfaces, Beta 9b was not ready for the general public. Now that it's starting to get wider disribution, it was unacceptable that you had to rename logos, copy them into certain hard-to-find folders, manually switch using the L key, and only get one alternate.

If I can just get these last couple of bugs squashed today, it's back to the clams.

cjmaddy 02-23-2009 10:24 AM

I appreciate all that, Jim. And I can see that you are now committed to how you have implemented certain features. But to appeal to your mass wider target customer base, I think these interfaces are getting complicated. ..... We, can follow them, - but time alone will tell.

.... Just my opinion, of course!

Jim Sachs 02-23-2009 10:43 AM

I'm totally open to suggestions, but I thought the playlist interfaces were pretty simple compared to the previous way of setting an alternate logo. I also thought that doing away with a clock interface entirely, and just incorporating everything that can show up on the crystal into one list, greatly simplified things.

I've now changed the code so that a logo will not attempt to load if its time is set to zero. Maybe someday I'll add functions for setting it to infinity or graying out unused ones, but this should be good enough for now.

clifdene 02-23-2009 10:51 AM

Roll on the clams!

De Bobo Mon 02-23-2009 11:20 AM

I am using 9E on an XP machine.

When the timeout occurs on the logo, regardless of whether I have one or many images the entire display does a short freeze/stutter. Even with one logo this occurs every (timer setting) x seconds. If set to '0' then it begins to continuously stutter. Sound playback does not appear to be affected.

Perhaps a stopgap would be an option to not change the logo but to asllow a selected item to display continuously until the issue is resolved.

I just noted that if I select "C" the clock display appears but after (timer setting) seconds the Logo reapepars with the aforementioned stutter.

I have only one image selected in the logo screen and had not added any clock / calendar items to it. I had assumed that if I hit C that it would stay with the clock item I had selected.

Jim Sachs 02-23-2009 11:52 AM

The Beta9f version will contain code which totally skips logos whose time has been set to zero, so unnessesary stuttering will be eliminated.

Regarding a pause when new logos are loaded, there is no issue to resolve. If a logo is big, it will take the computer a certain amount of time to load it. On my 5-year old XP machine, a 256x256 PNG file loads in the space of a single frame, so there's no glitch at all.

On the clock issue, the idea was that if someone wanted to see what time it is, pressing the C key would interrupt the Logo playlist, and display a clock for 10 seconds. If they wanted a continuous clock, they can simply put it in the Logolist. Since you are the second person to ask about this, I may need to add some way of making the switch permanent.

Dale 02-23-2009 12:05 PM

I believe that the UI is well-designed and has the correct feature set. I don't think it is too complex.

However, with any feature-rich UI, there are many opportunities for misunderstanding.

Nicki 02-23-2009 12:09 PM

It seems that I have figured it out . I still had the installer version on my machines , and it conflicted with 9e causing the crash . Since removing it , everything works fine . I think we can draw a line under this one now . But I suppose it is good to know that now you should only have one version on each computer .

Jim Sachs 02-23-2009 12:13 PM

Yes, that could explain it. But just to be sure, I put some more safeguards into the code. Beta9f will have them.

De Bobo Mon 02-23-2009 12:18 PM


If I have only ONE logo in the list. Whenever the timer hits the system stutters, even though nothing is visibly changing.

The image is a full color 256 x 256 jpg if that makes any difference.

I have tested this on three systems that I have access to, all XP all 1.6 celeron to 3 ghz Pentium.

While I have 9E installed I have never used the installer version to date.

Jim Sachs 02-23-2009 12:21 PM

Again - jpegs are much more complex to load and decompress, so there will always be a lag compared to PNGs.

Maybe I should just remove jpegs from the file filter.

Nicki 02-23-2009 12:24 PM

Sorry , I meant to say we can draw a line under *my* personal bug . Very few people would ever delete the entire logo list , probably won't ever touch it after the initial set up , but I did some programming in my high school days and know that it's the debugging that often makes the difference between a good and bad piece of software ( if only the folks at iolo knew this... ) . So I tend to torture test .

Jim , you asked what happened to my logo list after the crash . On the next run it would be there just as it was before I made the changes , with all my logos & clocks intact , which was nice because I didn't need to go and rebuild the list .

De Bobo Mon 02-23-2009 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 111284)
Again - jpegs are much more complex to load and decompress, so there will always be a lag compared to PNGs.

Maybe I should just remove jpegs from the file filter.

So I guess you are saying that regardless of the fact that there is only one image in the list it reloads it whenever the timer triggers. And there is no way to tell it to just sit on the logo since there is nothing needed to be reloaded.:confused:

(I had removed the SS Logo)

cjmaddy 02-23-2009 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 111276)
I'm totally open to suggestions...

Ok, - a few, slightly less-complex-to-operate, suggestions....

The C key to be the one and only way to display and cycle through the three clocks and the calendar. This could be programed to override whatever was currently showing on the crystal, and could be displayed for only a limited period of time? - (Unless there was an option to, 'Stay On')

The 'Marine Aquarium 3' to be the default first-start-up logo, (of course! ;)). - Then have a space in the settings panel, to add the specified type of user logos, that would be shown in turn by using the L key. - Each one would remain on until the L key was pressed again to display the next logo. The 'Marine Aquarium 3' would return again, after the last 'user' logo.

When the 'Music' option is selected, (yes, I know it will default to start 'On' ;)), the user's sound files of the specified type could be added to a similar space in the settings panel, and cycled through by using the N key.

'M' would remain as the Music On/Off toggle. 'B' as the Bubble On/Off toggle, etc, etc.

I consider that these might be more acceptable ways for use by a less technical-savvy customer base.
This product is aimed at the wider general public, - yes? ... Not computer nerds! - Right?

If the problems encountered so far by contributors to this computer fan site are representative, - then the general public won't stand a chance! :)

ps, ..... And God help any Customer Service department!

Dale 02-23-2009 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by De Bobo Mon (Post 111286)
So I guess you are saying that regardless of the fact that there is only one image in the list it reloads it whenever the timer triggers. And there is no way to tell it to just sit on the logo since there is nothing needed to be reloaded.:confused:

(I had removed the SS Logo)

Jim, that (don't cycle a 1-item list) should be relatively easy to implement, I suspect.

Jim Sachs 02-23-2009 01:11 PM

DeBoboMon - I am adding code to compare the name of the current file with the name of the next file, and if they are the same, ignore the change.

Cliff -
Clock: Are you saying that adding clocks into the logo rotation should not be an option? The second request seems to be the way it already works (override current logo for 10 seconds). With Beta9f, an Alt-C option will make the switch permanent.

Logos: Adding a space in the listbox - with all the debugging of crashes - would take me at least a full day. Going back to manual-switching between the logos would require the hiring of "L-key Pressers" by all the businesses that want to use the Aquarium in kiosks to advertize their companies. (BTW -I just got another email from someone who wanted me to put his logo on the side of a fish!)

Music: I know you hate the idea of music in the program, but penalizing those who like it by forcing them to press N to switch to the next song seems a bit mean. Not to mention the ill-will from their cubical-mates who have to listen to the same song repeated all through their lunch hour :)

You are right about the contributers - I was surpirsed that the things which I considered so intuitive caused confusion. Well, at least this is the place to sort this stuff out before opening it up to wider release.

De Bobo Mon 02-23-2009 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 111291)
DeBoboMon - I am adding code to compare the name of the current file with the name of the next file, and if they are the same, ignore the change.


I guess we were not communicating. I was pointing out what I thought to be a problem. I appreciate your making the change although I was only pointing out what I thought to be a visible bug, albeit a side effect of using a jpeg.

Needless to say I have been around your product since the .99 days and greatly appreciate your work. :D

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