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Vish 03-05-2003 05:53 PM

Flags Of World
I would like to know if India is in the list of "Flags Of the World?
I would be the first one to buy it...

feldon34 03-05-2003 07:26 PM

Took me a second to find it.

I would be surprised if the Flags of the World product did not have a *choice* of flags for India.

James 03-05-2003 07:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
if they have one of this, I'll certainly buy it too

James 03-05-2003 07:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
and this one as well, coz I'm also a NZ citizen

Morgan, where to find the flag on Flags of the World site?

feldon34 03-05-2003 09:48 PM

I don't think it will be "Flags of some of the world". :)

Jav400 03-06-2003 05:27 AM


According to an email from Reichart, they are still working on a complete list for flags of the world. There should be something posted and available within about 30 days for that one.

I would say that now is your chance to suggest any flag you would like to see included in the "World" saver. For now, post info and a small photo here if you have any, and I am sure Reichart will make a list of all requests.

PS. Morgan and I were talking about creating a wishlist for these savers last night, but we ended up working out the details on a few other problems, and planning out some new options that are in mind. Hopefully today or tonight we will get the wishlist threads started for these and give you a place for these things. All requests will be moved there once we get to that point.

Tiny Turtle 03-06-2003 06:45 AM

About that Taiwanese flag: As far as I know, that particular flag isn't too popular in mainland China. IIRC Taiwan use a different flag in sporting events. It's not that I believe the People's Republic will make up for any greater number of sales – I'm just trying to explain James' caution.

/Tiny Taiwanese

James 03-06-2003 07:06 AM

I was expecting that flag might lead to dispute to the Chinese ppl, especially for those chinese ppl from mainland china, they might castigate the flag is not internationally recognized, they done this on sooooooooooo many event on soooooooooo many contries include NZ, I remember one time back to few yrs ago, a senior personal from china visit NZ but refuse to go into a building due to that building's hall was hanging the Taiwanese flag, and this makes the NZ government a dilemma.

it's very world famous that china ppl want to wipe out the taiwanese ppl's mark in any type of form include flag in every country.

however, they cannot fight with it on a software, for example, ICQ Lite download site has Taiwanese flag sign as an indicator for traditional chinese version for download. there r other example too, like Red Hat Linux, but on this one, they did fight with, they ask Red Hat company to remove the flag from langauge preference page, there has been a big fight back there, I dunno the ending but I beleive that the software developer has its own right to put any flag he/she/they like to implemented.

I hope prolific can include that flag and won't bow their head down to china ppl.

however, don't reply me with any political issue regard to this, I hate politics a lot, and I don't wanna waste my time on arguing about which is realy chinese flag, this is the chinese ppl's shame anyway, fighting wth their own.

Jim Sachs 03-06-2003 10:15 AM

I'm sure that Flags of the World will include the flag for Taiwan. Mainland China accounts for virtually no sales for any American software product, since they do not enforce copyright laws.

feldon34 03-06-2003 10:53 AM

I mentioned this just last night in the chat.

I hope that Prolific will not be afraid to add controversial, but necessary flags such as the Taiwanese and Tibetian flags.

Jim Sachs 03-06-2003 12:54 PM

I'm sure Prolific feels no pressure to exclude any flags that mainland China doesn't like. It's highly unlikely that China would use nuclear weapons on Burbank, so all they could really do is boycott the software, which is pretty much what they do anyway.

James 03-06-2003 02:40 PM


I'm sure Prolific feels no pressure to exclude any flags that mainland China doesn't like. It's highly unlikely that China would use nuclear weapons on Burbank, so all they could really do is boycott the software, which is pretty much what they do anyway.
I'm glad to hear this


Tibetian flags.
Tibetian has thier own flag? interesting, I didn't know that, anyone has the pic?

feldon34 03-06-2003 02:44 PM

Well before China started the occupation. I smell politics. Not good for this forum... :(

Tiny Turtle 03-06-2003 04:45 PM

Tibetan Flag

/Tiny Tibet

All the flags you can eat

feldon34 03-06-2003 05:27 PM

I've seen that flag on bumper stickers.

Jim Sachs 03-06-2003 06:00 PM

Yes, pro-Tibetan sentiment is high in the U.S. The Dalai Lama is very popular.

Reichart 03-07-2003 05:09 AM

Flag feedback
Feldon: Q: I hope that Prolific will not be afraid to add controversial, but necessary flags such as the Taiwanese and Tibetian flags.

A: How about allowing one to burn flags (of the enemy……of course).

NamesNZ Q: their own flag? interesting, I didn't know that, anyone has the pic?

Vish: Q: I would like to know if India is in the list of "Flags Of the World?
I would be the first one to buy it...

A: Of COURSE! And with honour! I once carved the flag of India into a wood mantle for a friend and then stained the wood orange and green. It was really stunning.

JamesNZ: Q: if they have one of this, I'll certainly buy it too
A: Asian Taiwan, of course! One day I imagine the Chinese being stunned when the technologically advanced Taiwanese press a button, and the entire island turns into a boat, and sails…whereever it wants to.

Socrates: Q: I can't help ask myself, "HUH?" Is this a joke or is this is a real product?
A: What part of national pride do you think is a joke? But, we do have a Happy face flag, so…Have a Nice Day.

Sachs: Q: I'm sure Prolific feels no pressure to exclude any flags that mainland China doesn't like. It's highly unlikely that China would use nuclear weapons on Burbank, so all they could really do is boycott the software, which is pretty much what they do anyway.
A: Very true. I personally recognize both Taiwan, and Tibet as sovereign countries.

Michael Babin 03-07-2003 02:37 PM


Originally posted by Jim Sachs
It's highly unlikely that China would use nuclear weapons on Burbank...
Well, not just because Prolific is located there and caused offense, anyway. :)

Russell Mix 03-07-2003 08:44 PM

As a general rule of thumb, Prolific is reviewing UN membership and country lists, various lists from international sports organizations to see whom they let compete under which flag (like Scotland, Puerto Rico, Taiwan and many others), regional international coalitions and associations of countries (like ASEAN)various almanacs and encyclopedias, plus various sellers of actual flags. Additionally, if a country is perceived to no longer exist (for whatever reason) there is still a strong chance that its flag will be in the bonus flags collection. Good example, the former Soviet Union Hammer and Sickle.

Politics and controversy should not be an issue, but of course they will be, and we will operate on the side of inclusion.

A future product will be historical flags (countries, groups within countries, organizations, etc.) as well as military, heraldry and other product ideas.

Thanks to all of you for your input on the FlagPride products.

Russell Mix
Prolific Publishing

patscarr 03-07-2003 08:54 PM

Here's one that should be in there...
The unified Korea flag, used occasioanlly at sporting events such as the last winter olympics, etc.

hpman77 03-17-2003 05:21 AM

tibetan flag rocks! really a beautiful flag!
spanish one's pretty hmm..... boring...

I would like to see the cantabrian flag, but it's a flag not recognised, as the official Cantabria's flag (cantabria's the province where I live) is divided horizontally with a white and red stripe (white upper, red lower), although the Cantabros (ppl from cantabria) has been known as one of the first having a flag, and reported by the romans (who invaded us some time ago ;) ), as a "red squared cloth" they called "cantabrum", although some time ago the design of a cantabrian symbol was added in yellow on it. I'll try to find a picture of it, or create one myself.
The cantabrian symbol included appears on some big round stones, legacy of the celts who lived here, that represents a cult of the sun. <- the "official" flag of my province<- the "Lábaro", our real flag (although not accepted by the government)

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