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rctneil 09-04-2009 04:21 AM

Windows 7 Super Bar
Why will the MA3 executable not let itself be pinned to the Windows 7 Super Bar?

Jim Sachs 09-04-2009 07:21 AM

Not having seen Windows 7, I don't really know what a Super Bar is, but one possibility is the filename. If you rename it as an .exe file instead of a .scr file, does it change anything?

mnielsen574 09-04-2009 10:48 AM

I assume you are referring to the start menu in Windows 7. You cannot pin a scr file to the start menu. It will have to be exe file.

streetwolf 09-04-2009 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 115371)
Not having seen Windows 7, I don't really know what a Super Bar is, but one possibility is the filename. If you rename it as an .exe file instead of a .scr file, does it change anything?

That's the reason. Must be an exe.

rctneil 09-04-2009 03:33 PM

Right, If I change the MarineAquarium3.scr file to an exe then I can add it to the Superbar, BUT, If I right click on the desktop and select Personalize and go to Screensaver, it does not appear in the screensavers list and will not let me use MA3 as the default screensaver. If I alter the file back to an scr then I can have it as the default screensaver but it won;t let me put it on the superbar.

Any ideas guys?



Jim Sachs 09-04-2009 03:45 PM

Windows looks for the extension, and treats the file accordingly. You could just make two copies, using an .exe for one and .scr for the other.

Rob62 09-05-2009 02:30 AM

[quote=Jim Sachs] "Not having seen Windows 7"

Here is something that may be of interest:

From this hyperlink, you can Download Seven Transformation Pack 2.0. and
have your system act, look and sound similar to Windows 7 - that is scheduled for release October 22nd.

As it makes some changes to your system, it may be wise to create a new System Restore point before installing the new software, even though the program does offer you the choice to switch back when (and if) you choose to.


~ God Bless ALL ~

jimkraz 09-05-2009 05:38 AM

Make a shortcut to it on desktop, then pin shortcut to superbar, see if that works better. Jim Kraz

rctneil 09-05-2009 08:51 AM

Thats what I was trying. It'll pin it when the shortcut is pointing to an exe, just not when pointing to a .scr!

Something Fishy is definitely going on!!!!!!!!

Nicki 09-05-2009 12:14 PM

Has anyone tried the seven transformation pack ? Does it eat a lot of resources ( i.e. will a modest XP PC be able to run it ) ?

Rob62 09-05-2009 09:03 PM


You can visit JCXP Forums for support and discussion regarding the Windows 7 Transformation Pack.

If it does not agree with your system or when you want to be rid of it, you can use this to help uninstall it (367 bytes) - log in required. The file comes from here.


~ God Bless ALL ~

Socrates 09-05-2009 10:08 PM

acting and looking like win 7 is not the same as actualyl being win 7 so not sure how useful that is for developers. It is a nice treat though.

celine 09-06-2009 06:45 AM

I have been "customized" my pc almost 10 years. Transformation Packs is the least I would like. Mind you,it overrides default of system's registry,not for novice whom doesn't know how to undo afterwards.Sorry,if my tone was too intimidated.

henemly 09-07-2009 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by celine (Post 115429)
I have been "customized" my pc almost 10 years.

10 years ago as in past tense? or you've been "customizing" it for 10 years?

Wizwad 09-07-2009 04:17 PM

I think Celine, being Taiwanese, uses translation software to communicate with the English speaking world. :)

I could be wrong, but some of her posts have been so intriguing and used such unusual language, that I think it must be true.

celine 09-07-2009 10:08 PM

Well, henemly. My grammar still need improve it and I am not in keen “customizing” my pc lately. The first time I have customized my pc was with Windowblinds which back to 1999. :D

Naw, Mark, again, I am not use “translation software” whatsoever. I did use Google and Yahoo for spelling and vocabulary that I don’t know how to express from Chinese to English though. :o

Wizwad 09-08-2009 03:59 AM

I apologise, Celine. You do very well! Certainly far better than I would speaking any oriental language! :)

celine 09-08-2009 05:33 AM

Thanks the compliment,it's no biggy.

Marian Nichols 09-08-2009 10:43 AM

I am going to try Win 7, but I didn't think it had been officially released, are you using the beta version?

Celine, i have no problem understanding you but then we talk a lot, don't we.

rctneil 09-08-2009 12:11 PM

Nope, using RTM version

BBDave 09-15-2009 06:41 AM

Win 7 pro
You can sort of do it by:

Right click taskbar, untick lock taskbar
Right click taskbar, toolbars, new toolbar
In the folder list on the right of that window, right click, new, folder, call it anything.
You should now have a new toolbar on the right hand side of the taskbar, called anything.
Drag the shortcut to the MA3 screensaver from your desktop on to this toolbar.
Right click the toolbar, uncheck show title.
Right click the toolbar, view - large icons.
Finally, right click the taskbar, tick lock taskbar.

The MA3 icon will be on the right hand side of the taskbar, but other than that it's just like having it on the left with all your other apps.

You can also add other shortcuts on to this taskbar for anything else that you can't pin normally.

Q-Beam 09-16-2009 10:38 PM

RTM here too. Works like a charm.

Check this review;

flipper 09-17-2009 05:54 AM

I don't know how similar 7's explorer is to Vista/XP's, but you should be able to pin any file to the start menu by using drag-n-drop, as long as you haven't disabled that feature.

To do this, use explorer to open the folder where the file is, left click on the file's icon, and while holding down the left button, drag the mouse cursor to the start button. The start menu should eventually pop up and you should then be able to move the mouse cursor up into the start menu area and release the left button. At that point a new start menu entry should be added. You'll probably want to right-click and rename the entry to something more to your liking since it will probably be named the same as the .scr file.

This should also work for any file of any type. The pin to start menu menu option is only available to files with the exe file extension because that's what was set up in the registry by MS. But it doesn't prevent you from pinning any specific file type. It just doesn't make it as easy.

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