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Jeremy 01-05-2016 03:23 AM

Goldfish Aquarium 2 and Windows 10
1 Attachment(s)
Hi -

Since the installation on my PC of Windows 10, a week ago, Goldfish Aquarium 2 is problematic for the first time since getting it years ago. With Windows 10 on my PC it's as if I zoomed into the tank and the perimeter on all four sides of the tank is not seen; including very little gravel is showing. Please see the screenshot. I tried different Anamorphic settings below 1.0000, but that reduced the upper and lower sides of the tank only, crunching it vertically. All other screensavers display normally.

Is there anything you suggest doing about this issue?



Jeremy 01-09-2016 02:31 AM

In the registry I found the following values but I don't want to experiment changing them.
Would you please let me know if I should change them and to what? Thanks:







Jeremy 02-05-2016 12:27 PM


Would someone at least please let me know if it's possible to adjust Goldfish 2 or should I just dump it with Windows 10?


Ralph 02-06-2016 08:11 AM

I am under the impression that the Goldfish SS belongs to Prolific. And.. as with all things belonging to Prolific.. support is the last thing on their list.

Jeremy 02-06-2016 01:06 PM

I believe you're right Ralph. Prolific has lost one customer at a time to the point that they really have ceased to exist. I wonder why?

Ralph 02-07-2016 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Jeremy (Post 156907)
I believe you're right Ralph. Prolific has lost one customer at a time to the point that they really have ceased to exist. I wonder why?

I think you are being kind to suggest they lose one customer at a time.. :D As to the "why".. I have my opinions.. but this is a family friendly website so will reserve my thoughts.

Jeremy 02-07-2016 12:01 PM

I'm guessing of course, but I believe Prolific would need to let me know what numbers are added into the registry for MonRatio0, so that the aquarium zooms out from where it is now. The interesting fact is, none of the other screensavers are affected as Goldfish 2 is - as I said, in Windows 10 it's as if I zoomed into Goldfish 2, as in the attachment in my other post.

Come on Prolific - This is not a big to do for you.

cjmaddy 02-07-2016 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Ralph (Post 156909)
.... As to the "why".. I have my opinions.. but this is a family friendly website so will reserve my thoughts.

I'm finding it hard to reserve my thoughts, - but I'll try!

feldon34 02-09-2016 07:35 AM

At the best of times, Prolific did not really focus on any one thing. It was completely scatterbrained and everything got about 30% effort. Add a messy divorce and you have what you have now -- silence.

Jeremy 02-09-2016 12:58 PM

Thanks for your reply, feldon34, and sorry for the troubles at Prolific, especially the "messy divorce." Still, I would like to know how I can zoom out of Goldfish Aquarium 2 and have a normal view of it as I had with all other operating systems.

In the meantime, good luck to the fellow at Prolific.

Ralph 02-10-2016 07:55 AM

Does Jim's Serene Screen show properly? There has been some discussion on the forum (and suggestions) as to zooming problems with Windows 10 and Serene Screen. Perhaps.. searching the forum for Windows 10 issues might give you some help

Jeremy 02-10-2016 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Ralph (Post 156915)
Does Jim's Serene Screen show properly? There has been some discussion on the forum (and suggestions) as to zooming problems with Windows 10 and Serene Screen. Perhaps.. searching the forum for Windows 10 issues might give you some help

Thanks Ralph:

Jim's SereneScreen Aquarium as well as all the other screensavers display properly, as they always have. A zoomed-in effect is just a problem that Goldfish Aquarium2 has in Win 10. I'll look into your suggestion as soon as possible. Thanks again.

Jeremy 02-10-2016 04:39 PM

Hi Ralph:

Ever since I read your post I've been searching the forum for anything about "Windows 10," "zoom," etc, but I can't find anything. According to the search engine (that really does not work) everything contains those words that I searched for, but they're not in any of the posts, except in my own post.
I would greatly appreciate you posting a link to any post you saw that contains a zoom problem. Thanks.

PS - To the Admins:
Perhaps It's time to upgrade this forum's software to one whose search engine gives results of only what is searched for.
Otherwise it's completely useless.

feldon34 02-11-2016 09:32 AM

"10" is too short. No search term can be shorter than 3 characters.

And you want me to upgrade the forum software, at a cost of $250 plus dozens of hours of work, for 19 users?

cjmaddy 02-11-2016 10:17 AM

The SereneScreen search function has always worked fine for me.

It's worked as an invaluable link with the past on many occasions, - but then I don't use Windows 10....

That could be your problem?

Jim Sachs 02-11-2016 10:58 PM

Marine Aquarium doesn't have a 'zoom' feature. That's Eric Daniels' Goldfish program. I'll be seeing him on Sunday as he passes through my town on his way to Portland. I'll ask him about this feature.

Jeremy 02-12-2016 01:42 AM

To Feldon34:

I don't mean my post to turn into a debate, but according to figures shown on this forum, it boasts "Registered Members: 3,971" and now "Browsing Forum: 49." However, you say only 19 members of those are active members. Who's correct, you or the figures displayed? Also, from what you say, does it mean that out of all the sales at SereneScreen, money is not allotted to maintain a forum to serve as support for the SereneScreen Aquarium community? That I find extremely odd.

Regarding Prolific, by what is shown on the SereneScreen website, Prolific is part of SereneScreen, Is it not? I sent a question to the SereneScreen website over a month ago specifically about this problem but I didn't even get a response.

As for the search words, I agree with you, "10" is too short a word to search for, but I did search for "windows" and "zoom," and those words displayed so many results where "windows" and "zoom" were not even mentioned. It should have displayed results only where those words do appear. I'm not sure, but maybe the search engine can be additionally configured to display more accurate results?

To Jim Sachs:

When you speak with Eric Daniels would you please ask if anything can be done about "zooming" out of "Goldfish2" in Windows 10? I love that goldfish aquarium as much as I love your "Marine Aquarium." I keep an auto screensaver changer installed that alternates the two.


Ralph 02-12-2016 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by feldon34 (Post 156922)
And you want me to upgrade the forum software, at a cost of $250 plus dozens of hours of work, for 19 users?

Are we really down to 19 users.. :sad:

Jim Sachs 02-12-2016 09:18 PM

Jeremy - Yes, I'll ask Eric about that feature when I see him on Monday.

Regarding your other questions -
It's true that Marine Aquarium is one of the most popular programs of all time, and it has made a lot of money for a lot of people - a little for Prolific, some for me, a lot for distributors, and a huge amount for Microsoft. It's been 14 years, which has got to be some kind of record for a program that was only expected to last a few months. Sales have dwindled to practically nothing, and for the past few years I've been living on royalties from Mindspark, while trying to build my house (

Morgan (feldon34) created this Forum, and has always owned and maintained it. In happier times, I sent a monthly stipend to help offset his costs, but after my ability to do that ended, he has maintained the Forum entirely on his own dime. He has upgraded the software more than once and the Search feature actually does work a lot better now than it used to.

Ralph 02-13-2016 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 156938)
while trying to build my house (

Some of us.. are missing your progress reports on the house :sad:

AND.. a big :TU: to Morgan for continuing to keep the forum running..

feldon34 02-14-2016 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Jeremy (Post 156929)
To Feldon34:

I don't mean my post to turn into a debate, but according to figures shown on this forum, it boasts "Registered Members: 3,971" and now "Browsing Forum: 49." However, you say only 19 members of those are active members. Who's correct, you or the figures displayed?

Number of unique users who have posted since January 2016: 19
Number of unique users who have posted since January 2015: 65

I setup this forum on December 12, 2000. That's over 15 years ago. Yes, there have been a lot of registered users since that time. It was a very active forum in the early days. However after 15 years, interest in any product or topic will eventually fade.

Originally Posted by Jeremy (Post 156929)
Also, from what you say, does it mean that out of all the sales at SereneScreen, money is not allotted to maintain a forum to serve as support for the SereneScreen Aquarium community? That I find extremely odd. Regarding Prolific, by what is shown on the SereneScreen website, Prolific is part of SereneScreen, Is it not?

I started this forum within 2 months of the Aquarium being released. At first, the Aquarium was independently published by Jim Sachs off his own website. Then it went to a publisher and that's when it blew up. It went to retail sales in stores and sold by the wagon load. Now it's pretty much back to how it was at the beginning-- one guy.

SereneScreen is Jim's baby. Prolific are a software development company that Jim partnered with and allowed them to sell his products as well as use the Aquarium screen saver tech to expand into other products like the Goldfish Aquarium, FlagPride, etc.

Originally Posted by Jeremy (Post 156929)
I sent a question to the SereneScreen website over a month ago specifically about this problem but I didn't even get a response.

Prolific had been handling the tech support, paying a support person out of the money made from the Aquarium. I'm not sure what the current status is on this. I even did support for a few months but when I tried to push them to modernize things, they couldn't be arsed to give me an hour with one of their programmers to setup an environment so I could start coding the new support site. I gave up and so it's still an unnecessarily annoying process to lookup each customer, compare notes, and send support e-mails. My process would have reduced the average support issue resolution from 15 minutes to 90 seconds. Oh well.

Originally Posted by Jeremy (Post 156929)
As for the search words, I agree with you, "10" is too short a word to search for, but I did search for "windows" and "zoom," and those words displayed so many results where "windows" and "zoom" were not even mentioned. It should have displayed results only where those words do appear. I'm not sure, but maybe the search engine can be additionally configured to display more accurate results?

This forum is set to use the SQL FULLTEXT engine for searching which I agree is inaccurate for common words. I made this decision years and years ago as a performance savings over the built-in search which is more accurate but slower, because at the time I had a slow server with not a lot of RAM. Now that we're on a fast server (which I pay for every month out-of-pocket), it should be possible to switch to the more accurate search.

I have initiated the migration to Built-in Search. It will take about 30 minutes for the process to complete...

feldon34 02-14-2016 05:47 PM

A search for "windows zoom goldfish" now reveals only this thread.

Jeremy 02-14-2016 09:55 PM

Hello Jim:

As per usual, the artist has always made and always will make much less than the business people involved in any artistic project. Unfortunately I know from having been involved in the music business since I was thirteen years old; That's me. I have written songs ever since then, under several names, and most of the money has gone to the business people involved. Somehow, they can always justify where it all goes, into promotion, never into lining their pockets; anything to keep it away from the artists who do the creative work.
The very best of luck to you in finishing all construction of your home. It looks beautiful. I took a good look at the images on your website. May you enjoy many happy years in it.

Hi Feldon34:

Looks like all the work you've put into this website has been and is a labour of love. I admire you for having done it and for continuing to do simply because you obviously love the aquariums. I do also. I couldn't think of a better reason for doing anything; that's why I always write songs, because I love to write them. It makes me happy, and hopefully it does the same for those who hear them.
Thank you for the explanations in your post. Although users are not posting as much as they did, I see there are many browsers; 52 right now! Thank you also for configuring the search engine as you explained.


Billy Joe Conor

Jeremy (user name)

Jeremy 02-14-2016 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by feldon34 (Post 156944)
A search for "windows zoom goldfish" now reveals only this thread.

Thank you again for your reconfiguration of the search engine. I look very much forward to using it.

Jim Sachs 02-15-2016 10:14 PM

Jeremy - When I go to your website, it sounds like two songs start playing at the same time.

Jeremy 02-16-2016 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 156949)
Jeremy - When I go to your website, it sounds like two songs start playing at the same time.

Hi Jim:

Thank you very, very much for pointing out the problem. Yes, in fact two songs were being played by the player on website load. Thanks to you, the problem has now been corrected and only one song at a time plays on site load.
I have to say, this is a perfect example of something good coming out of something bad: If it weren't for the fact that I had a display problem with Goldfish Aquarium2, I never would have been alerted by you to the fact that the music player on my website somehow corrupted.

Many Thanks,

Jeremy 02-16-2016 05:51 PM

Hello again Jim:

I have to mention how much I love your Marine Aquarium. Initially, I wasn't crazy about the elk's horn you added when you first made it 3D, but now it's grown to be one of my favorite additions you made. The aquarium has given me and continues to give me many hours of pleasure.

Thank You,

Jim Sachs 02-17-2016 01:03 AM

Thanks, Jeremy. Glad to have been of service. Nice website.

cjmaddy 02-17-2016 06:01 AM

Oh no! - Don't say the "Ugly antlers" have returned. - I sense another thread has run its course... ;)

Jeremy 02-18-2016 01:52 AM

Thanks very much Jim.

Jeremy 02-18-2016 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by cjmaddy (Post 156956)
Oh no! - Don't say the "Ugly antlers" have returned. - I sense another thread has run its course... ;)

I love the antlers now cjmaddy. As I told Jim, they've grown to be one of my favorite additions to the 3d tank. Admittedly, when they were first added I was so used to the older tank without the antlers that I didn't like seeing them in the new tank. On the contrary, now I think they're outstandingly attractive. I run Absolute Screensaver Changer to alternate between the Marine Aquarium and the Goldfish aquarium every time my PC runs a screensaver. I absolutely love their realism and beauty and for years they've given me and continue to give me many hours of pleasure.

Jim Sachs 02-18-2016 09:53 PM

Darn - I forgot to ask Eric Daniels about the 'zoom' feature in Goldfish. First we were busy talking about his cool new job at Disney, then Margie's new job, then I gave them a tour of my castle, and the time just slipped by. I'll email him about your question.

Jeremy 02-19-2016 03:16 AM

It's OK Jim. In the meantime I do have your aquarium running! The goldfish can wait.

By the way, is it true that goldfish have a fifteen second memory and so by the time they go from one end of a tank to the other, they forget where they've been? If so, then what they see is always new!

feldon34 02-19-2016 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Jeremy (Post 156962)
By the way, is it true that goldfish have a fifteen second memory and so by the time they go from one end of a tank to the other, they forget where they've been? If so, then what they see is always new!

Nope they tested this on Mythbusters. :)

Wizwad 02-22-2016 06:09 AM

Plus, there have been experiments with regard to feeding patterns, and if they are fed according to a set pattern then the fish will learn that pattern and know when to expect the next feeding. Similarly, if certain sounds have been played at the same time as food has been provided then the fish will come to associate the two events. Then they will remember the association up to 5 months afterwards, or at least that's what it says here.

patscarr 02-26-2016 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by feldon34 (Post 156913)
Add a messy divorce and you have what you have now -- silence.

Have Jim and Prolific parted ways? When did the messy divorce happen? Jim always speaks highly of Reichart.


Originally Posted by feldon34 (Post 156943)
Now that we're on a fast server (which I pay for every month out-of-pocket), it should be possible to switch to the more accurate search.

I have initiated the migration to Built-in Search. It will take about 30 minutes for the process to complete...


Originally Posted by feldon34 (Post 156944)
A search for "windows zoom goldfish" now reveals only this thread.

Great Job, Morgan! Thanks for your never ending efforts! :TU:


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 156961)
...First we were busy talking about his cool new job at Disney, then Margie's new job, then I gave them a tour of my castle...

What's he doing at Disney? Is Prolific, like, still a company with employees or have they fizzled out? If so, what is Reichart doing these days?

How is the castle coming along, Jim? Get your smart phone or tablet out and give us a video tour! How cool would that be! :TU:

Jeremy 02-27-2016 03:37 AM


It should have been obvious that goldfish have a longer memory than 15 seconds, but it wasn't, and I'm glad they do. The experiments with feeding patterns certainly prove it.

By the way, only recently I discovered that Koi fish like to be petted like little puppies. For me this was an enlightening experience. Are there other fish like that?

Ralph 02-27-2016 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Jeremy (Post 156976)
By the way, only recently I discovered that Koi fish like to be petted like little puppies. For me this was an enlightening experience. Are there other fish like that?

I think I read someplace that the great white sharks like that as well. Trouble is like puppies they like to chew on things as well. :D

Robertman 06-29-2016 06:08 AM

Ha-ha - do you really think that white sharks are puppies? I'm afraid they're not, especially looking for them in Australia.

Jeremy 07-02-2016 02:30 AM

Hi Jim:

Just a reminder - Would you please ask Eric Daniels about the 'zoom' feature in Goldfish 2?
In Windows 10, Goldfish 2 needs help in that regard; as it is it doesn't fill the screen on top and bottom.


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