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flip 09-03-2012 01:21 AM

Eel only showing part of his head
I have just had my computer serviced and since then Mr Eel does not come out.

In six passes all I could see is part of his head (lower RH corner of cave) then disappear again

Please help I miss that fella.

Thanking in advance


Ralph 09-03-2012 08:20 AM

I think that service person violated Mr. Eels privacy. Eels have short memories so I think he will soon forget this invasion and venture forth again:D

Jim Sachs 09-03-2012 08:27 AM

The eel moves at random, so it's probably just coincidence that he hasn't come out. There's nothing in the code to keep the eel out of sight if a computer has just been serviced :)

flip 09-04-2012 12:52 AM


Thank you

For some reason he always came out at every pass.

I will let him be and see what happens.


harris 09-04-2012 04:23 PM

Hi Jim,

I'm trying very hard not to add to the feature creep :D. But, when you add the new feather-duster worms and a setting to keep the starfish at the last shut-down position can you also add a setting to disable the eel? The eel is really a nice addition, but sometimes it is more serene when he stays hidden :).

Thank you for continuing with the new additions, hopefully they will not delay your home construction too much. Also, add me to the list of owners who will gladly purchase (full price) the first creature-pack when it is released... when or if it happens ;).


Nicki 09-04-2012 07:20 PM

The eel is part of the background and can't be turned off. For now you've got the option of using version 3.1, which is probably what you are doing.

harris 09-04-2012 09:51 PM

Thanks Nicki,

Now that you reminded me, I do remember Jim saying that... but it was so long ago I forgot. :)


Jim Sachs 09-04-2012 09:53 PM

Yeah, I didn't really want to open up the Interface can-o-worms.

harris 09-05-2012 04:47 AM


Will the new feather-duster worms and starfish control be added to version 3.1? Nicki is right - 3.1 is used when the mood is for fish but not eel.


Jim Sachs 09-05-2012 09:53 AM

The reason I was telling people to use v3.1 was so that I could avoid opening up the User Interface code to add a control for turning the eel on and off. If I have to do that anyway to add a starfish-on-glass control, then I might as well add one for the eel.

Oh, well - I have to look at the code anyway. I'm providing it to a Japanese company to do a Droid translation.

patscarr 09-05-2012 10:03 AM


harris 09-05-2012 11:27 AM


I was really trying hard to NOT add much to the feature creep pile :). However, since you are willing to do it (grudgingly? :D) your labor is greatly appreciated.


Nicki 09-05-2012 01:42 PM

Sweet. I just got an Android phone.

flip 09-05-2012 10:30 PM

The Eel is still hiding which is rather strange as he was always poking his head out.

This might be a silly question but could it be one of the Adobe programs I have not installed or its playing up.


Jim Sachs 09-05-2012 11:29 PM

I don't see how that would have any effect.

flip 09-06-2012 09:08 PM

Thanks Jim it was just a thought.


henemly 09-07-2012 01:06 PM

Typical eel behavior:

Jim Sachs 09-07-2012 01:38 PM

Why is the video running at 4x normal speed?

Nicki 09-07-2012 06:25 PM

Maybe it's like photos on packages that are enlarged to show texture? ;)

flip 09-07-2012 10:38 PM


That is what it used to be but certainly not that speed.

Would it help if I reinstalled the program again?

I still have my Code.

Can you give me a link to Download it again please.


Jim Sachs 09-07-2012 10:52 PM

You can always download the program anytime from

Are you absolutely sure you're running the version with the eel? When you press the W key, can you see the eel behind the rocks?

flip 09-08-2012 04:01 AM


Thank you
That looks Fantastic.

When I press the W Key I can not see him at all.

But when the Cave is about centre screen I can just see about less than half of his head.

This is the Version I am running UA26.3.1.5563

If this is not correct what version should I be running with W7 32bit


Jim Sachs 09-08-2012 07:54 AM

I don't know what you're seeing in the cave, but if the eel isn't there in wireframe, then it's never there.

I believe the version on is W207.3.2.6025.

Xylem 09-08-2012 03:38 PM


I have what I think is the recent version (with the eel). It is V 609.3.2.5991.

Is this the correct one? Maybe the D/L screen could be labelled with the available version?


Jim Sachs 09-08-2012 04:22 PM

We will be taking control of the website soon, and will include that.

Ralph 09-08-2012 08:20 PM

Just where are you all getting that version number? My copy D/L 7/18/ 2012 under properties of MA3Ex.exe shows File version The File Version of MarineAquarium3.scr shows as 3.2

There never was a systematic numbering system in place as far as I am aware.

Okay... found where you all are getting that version number from.. the About Screen reached by actually running the program. Which in my case is the same number as Xylem has noted

Jim Sachs 09-08-2012 09:40 PM

All the 3.2 versions are practically identical. Edgar had to recompile when we made some extremely minor changes for Mindspark, so a new version number is generated each time.

cjmaddy 09-09-2012 03:00 AM

Perhaps this might clarify things a little... ?

... In relation to: - Version: U527.3.0.4745

Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 122312)
That's a stamp which is put on by the build system each time the program is compiled. Generally, the higher the number the newer the version, but it also depends on whether it was compiled on my computer or Edgar's. The breakdown is: Year U (2010), Month 5, Day 27, Version 3.0, Build 4745.

Mine currently shows.... Version: W207.3.2.6025 .... And I have a fully present Harvey! :)

Xylem 09-09-2012 08:50 AM

Thanks cj. That makes it clear that we will all be a little confused :)

Glad you're taking control, Jim. I wonder how we will know when a new version has meaningful changes. Will there possibly be an 'Update' button or some such thing added to the program?

Sorry if this has all been previously discussed ad naseum.


Jim Sachs 09-09-2012 09:47 AM

The version number would be updated when there is any significant change or addition. The next version would be 3.3.

I'm sure there will be plenty of discussion around here.

flip 09-11-2012 12:58 AM

Jim I did a lot of back tracking and found this link you posted a while back.

I down loaded it to my desk top and I can see the Eel very clearly

Next question is how do I get it to my Screen saver please?

Or how can I Download it I still have my Key Code


Jim Sachs 09-11-2012 08:49 AM

Downloading it from (or anywhere else) does not affect your Key Code.

There are 3 ways to set it as your screensaver:

You can download it from the SereneScreen page and use the automatic installer.
You can set it from the Screensaver section of Display Properties.
You can right-click on the icon or filename, and choose Install from the menu.

flip 09-12-2012 10:33 PM


You can right-click on the icon or filename, and choose Install from the menu.
Jim this is what I did and finally it works Mr Eel is out and about again.

Thank you for your help.


Jim Sachs 09-12-2012 11:54 PM

Glad to hear it.

henemly 09-18-2012 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 143214)
Why is the video running at 4x normal speed?

Shows it without waiting 4 times longer.

Jim Sachs 09-18-2012 03:53 PM

Yeah, but the movement is all messed up.

henemly 09-21-2012 11:36 AM

No problem, both MA vids deleted.

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