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Socrates 06-22-2002 02:43 AM

Painted Glass Fish.
I used to have a bunch of these in my fresh water tank a decade ago.

I just today went looking for some pictures and found out that when they say "PAINTED" they mean that literally. I always thought it was just descriptive like the "painted desert" or something like that.

Turns out they inject a dye into part of the fish to give them pink or green stripes.

Seems to be kind of controversial. Lots of people sying it makes them prone to disease and shortens their life span. I don't think I'll buy more of them, just seems to Franken-Fish, but for the record mine lived for a long time, a couple of years I think.

drfish 06-24-2002 12:53 PM

I've always hated those fish, but felt sorry for them at the same time. :(

James 06-24-2002 07:25 PM

inject a dye into part of the fish to give them pink or green stripes.
HOW CRUEL:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

feldon34 06-24-2002 11:19 PM

I smell a political tussle over genetic engineering coming on...

hpman77 06-25-2002 12:47 AM

I never bough any of those fishes. They looked way too "unnatural"... and finally I knew what "they" were making with those poor fishies... somebody should inject some dye on their tissues, just to see if the new color looks nice :( :( :(

Enigma 06-25-2002 12:57 AM

I've never even heard of these fish. Definately sounds like abuse, though.

Has anyone found a pic so we know what to stay away from?

Socrates 06-25-2002 11:32 AM

Socrates 06-25-2002 11:38 AM


I never new they they were modified. I actually thought they looked kind of neat. Now I wish I had been told...

Anyway I went looking for them to put in the wish list. Now I'd rather just have plain glass fish - which someone already put in there I think.

By the way. This is oddly reminiscent of people requesting fish with logos on the side. Hardly equivalent, but reminds me of it anyway.

Lightfeather 06-25-2002 01:15 PM

No one seems to get upset when they see women injected with botox walking around. (Not that I am advocating the injection of fish, they didn't have a choice. It's pretty crappy.)

But I just saw the similarities and had a chuckle.

nreimer 06-25-2002 01:25 PM

Actually the fish aren't injected, but it is still a horrible process.

"The "Painted" Glass Fish is not a natural color morph. These fish are actually painted. They are dipped into a mild acid solution to dissolve their protective "slime coat," a vital part of their immune system. They are then painted with semi-permanent fluorescent dyes, after which they are placed into an irritant bath so that they will regenerate their slime coat (as if any more irritation was necessary). Of the few of these fish that survive this process, most will die within the two months following the trauma, and those that still survive will have lost their coloration within six to ten months. Only about 10% of the fish that survive for sale will keep their coloration for any length of time. The practice of painting these fish has nearly eliminated the availability of the unpainted variety in the pet industry"

They are also not the only species that is subjected to color modifications by the industry. See for more info.

aloha, Neil

drfish 06-25-2002 02:01 PM

The poor baby fish, that sounds worse that I thought...

it was my understanding that the women who use botox do so quite willingly, I doubt their doctors did it to them without permission. :)

Since it was mentioned:

I smell a political tussle over genetic engineering coming on...
Feldon, I'm a little upset to see the Blood Parrot Cichlid on the wishlist... If it's included I hope the is some kind of check box to remove fish from the random selection bank, I would never want to see it swimming on my screen... But that could be just me...

feldon34 06-25-2002 03:00 PM

Make your opinion heard, vote in the Poll on this subject.

James 06-25-2002 07:51 PM

excuse me....what's botox?
I gotta improve my English.....sigh

feldon34 06-25-2002 10:00 PM

This link seems as good as any on the subject...

Lightfeather 06-26-2002 01:07 PM

Botox is a poison, venon from some snake I think, that is injected under the skin to remove fine lines and wrinkles. It is the newest "fountain of youth" on the market.

Lightfeather 06-26-2002 01:08 PM

oops. I should have checked Feldon's link before responding. It is a better answer than mine.

James 06-26-2002 06:58 PM

Icic...thx guy...

ur answer is simple and I teneds to read ur answer first then check Morgan's link...=)

Digital Lungfish 06-27-2002 01:16 AM


No one seems to get upset when they see women injected with botox walking around.

For the most obvious reason, women (and men) opt to have it done to them by choice. The poor fish on the other hand have no say in the matter, so I don't think that Botox is relevent in this case.

Sorry! :)

Also, here's a bit of interesting information regarding Botox that a fair number of people aren't even aware of. Before its first experimental use in monkeys in 1973, and on humans for the treatment of strabismus, botulinum toxin (botox) was best known for causing a type of severe and often fatal food poisoning, botulism. :eek:

Lightfeather 06-27-2002 11:38 AM

I know it wasn't relevant.

I just had an image in my mind of a woman, who "improves" herself with surgery, botox and other "barbaric" practices protesting against the same type of practices on fish. I know that the differences between the woman and the fish are HUGE and that the similarities are so small as to almost not exist, but I saw them and laughed. So I shared.

I guess I am just easily amused with my own imagination.


Digital Lungfish 06-27-2002 10:29 PM


I guess I am just easily amused with my own imagination.
I think a lot of us are Lightfeather, I know I am. :D I wasn't trying to take the wind out of your sails or anything, honest. ;)

As for women doing that sort of thing to themselves, yeah, I would have to agree with you. Besides, Botox paralyzes the muscles making them useless, that's sort of trading one thing for another and I for one wouldn't want to loose control of the muscles that move my face! I've already seen pics of women that had it done (before and after). The pics I've seen are of a woman with her eyes closed very tightly in the before shot which shows the lines between her eyes. The after shot (Botox) looks weird because those muscles wont move when she does the same thing, just looks like the middle of her forehead is paralyzed to me.

chaosworrier 07-16-2002 07:31 PM

This is how naive I am...

When I orig. read the subject title, I thought it was about those pieces of *real* glass shaped like fish, etc and with pretty colours injected through them. They are attached to baubles with varying lengths of clear line to make them float.

Most ppl. get a few in a glass vase to brighten the place up but I had an empty tank that I filled with them - fish of sundry shapes and sizes, divers, crabs, dolphins and even a submarine.

Of course it does not look at all realistic but it brightens up the room it is in and is so much easier to maintain.

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