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Yellow Tang 02-15-2005 02:19 PM

YT's Tank
1 Attachment(s)
Hmm.. let me say, it's a little bit late, but without a good camera it wasn't easy to get some nice pictures of my tank...
It is running since Oct. 2004 and of course, I still have a little algea problem. Basically it is (will be) an east-african cichlid tank with fishes of lake Malawi.
At the moment there are only 3 adult 'Pseudotropheus elongatus' in it, together with some little 'Danio rerio' (the number of them is constantly decreasing, depending on the appetite or the cichlids :D )
I will keep you updated with the progress, there are more fishies to come!

drfish 02-15-2005 02:25 PM

Very pretty, of course I would have gone with Tangs myself... ;)

feldon34 02-15-2005 02:47 PM

Very nice photograph. Rarely do I see such detail in photos of aquariums.

Marian Nichols 02-15-2005 02:53 PM

Looks good to me,

Surferminn 02-15-2005 02:58 PM

YT- Very nice picture, love the black and pink rocks. was this photo take by your brand new Canon digital camera?

patscarr 02-15-2005 04:31 PM

Yes, it looks great. A little algae is a good thing.

klyntun 02-15-2005 07:32 PM

Nice! Are those plants anubias? I'm guessing you must have some strong support under it with all those rocks in it.

IXNAY 02-16-2005 01:32 AM

Cool tank man, but the white wall behind it doesn't look good.

Yellow Tang 02-16-2005 03:22 AM

I know, Malawian are a little easier to keep so I started with them, but maybe somewhen I will switch to Tangs, I love those Tropheus.

If you like pink rocks, go to south-west sweden, they use such rocks as gravel besides sidewalks (I took them with me at a trip last year). Of course it was my new cam.

Yes, for the fishies, they like (and eat) it! But I would prefer to get rid of them.

Yes, the plants are anubias, those are one of the species which doesn't get ripped by cichlids, at least so far! It's only a 200l (55 gal) tank, so it's not that heavy.

Yes, I'm still looking for a nice background picture, maybe I will paint one by myself. Could also be just plain blue, any ideas? :confused:

Tiny Turtle 02-16-2005 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Yellow Tang
If you like pink rocks, go to south-west sweden, they use such rocks as gravel besides sidewalks (I took them with me at a trip last year). Of course it was my new cam.

I'd mail you some pink granite, but I fear the postage may not be to your liking...

I think the background looks ok. The crystal clear water looks even clearer like that.

Marian Nichols 02-16-2005 05:23 AM

I once installed a mirror on the back glass, and it looked really good. At two other times I painted the back glass blue and once black.

I do not like those painted backgrounds myself,

drfish 02-16-2005 05:56 AM

I've never had any trouble with them at all, as far as I'm concerened they are as easy to keep as Mollies or something, and they breed like Mollies too... :eek: Give them a try, at least try to find yourself some shell dwellers... :D

Tiny Turtle 02-16-2005 06:32 AM

NOTHING breeds like Mollies – Except maybe Guppies,, wait... – oh forget I said anything! :D

Marian Nichols 02-16-2005 07:12 AM


drfish 02-16-2005 07:16 AM

The funny thing is that I've never gotten any of the livebearers I've kept to breed, but the first Brichardi I ever had made more babies than... Uh, better stop there... ;)

Liath 02-16-2005 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Yellow Tang
Yes, I'm still looking for a nice background picture, maybe I will paint one by myself. Could also be just plain blue, any ideas? :confused:

I like a plain black or dark blue background. That's what I use for my big tank. For smaller tanks I just keep lots of plants so you can't really see the back anyways.

drfish 02-16-2005 08:49 AM

He said that to me? ;)

I guess I'll comment anyway, both of my tanks just have a plain black background...

Yellow Tang 02-16-2005 11:04 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Ok, I'll probably give that black a try.

Speaking of breeding... those Malawian cichlids are very productive.
Every 5 weeks the females have their mouth full of eggs, 3 weks later 20 little fishies more... :eek:
At first I thought the newbies wouldn't have a chance to survive (that's why I have this little breeding box inside) but fortunately they have also no problems in the tank. If anyone would like to have some of them, no problem. ;)
The 1st pic is from the breeding box, the 2nd inside the big tank.

drfish 02-16-2005 11:25 AM

Awww, they're sooo cute!!! :heart:

Liath 02-16-2005 03:17 PM

oh my goodness. They're so tiny :D :heart:

Tiny Turtle 02-17-2005 02:02 AM

No I'm not!

Marian Nichols 02-17-2005 05:18 AM

(snicker ;) )

Yellow Tang 03-17-2005 06:40 AM

New fishies!
3 Attachment(s)
Long planned, and finally those 4 little yellow fellows made their way into the tank.
Again, these are from Lake Malawi, called Labidochromis caeruleus yellow.
So far the are doing very well.
The Pseudos were really surprised and curious, I suppose they haven't seen such colorful fish in a while. :eek:

Marian Nichols 03-17-2005 07:22 AM

They are a beautiful shade of yellow and your tank arrangement looks very natural. :TU:

Tiny Turtle 03-17-2005 07:32 AM

Nice and very clear water, Andreas. Keep those pictures coming!


Surferminn 03-17-2005 07:44 AM

And you're pretty good with that camera too! Thanks for sharing your fishes and fishtank with us. :)

clifdene 03-17-2005 09:03 AM

I envy you. I used to have a Malawi tank until I moved to an apartment. Your Labs. should do very well. My bred prolifically and the whole cycle is very interesting. Unfortunately most of them wind up as food.

ESHIREY 03-17-2005 12:49 PM

That setup is sweet. I love the color of the fish. Good job. :TU: And by all means.................... Keep the pictures coming.

patscarr 03-17-2005 05:53 PM

YT, I love your tank! The water is so clear and the arrangements are very neat. It looks awesome!

drfish 03-17-2005 07:35 PM

Beautiful! :TU:

Panthera 03-17-2005 08:18 PM

I love your tank, good job!

klyntun 03-17-2005 08:59 PM

It is beautiful, and I must admit I'm a bit jealous. How do you keep it so algae-free?

Yellow Tang 03-18-2005 04:23 AM

Thank you guys for the kind words!
Algea is still a problem, weekly cleaning of the glass is absolutely necessary.
Every few weeks I have to clean some stones.
I think I must add some more plants to prevent them growing so fast.
Maybe I will post a picture with the tank not cleaned for a month, and you can decide which one looks better... :D

IXNAY 03-22-2005 03:56 AM

Yellow fishs for Yellow Tangs Tank ;) hehe
They look really nice and your tank is awesome. Everything is so clean, looks really good!!!

Yellow Tang 03-29-2005 10:18 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Got a new plant recently, I couldn't resist because of this lovely blossom. It's another Anubias species.

ESHIREY 03-29-2005 10:22 AM

Great shots buddy. I love it. Keep them coming. :TU:

cjmaddy 03-29-2005 11:36 AM

Your aquarium shots are amongst the best posted on this forum, YT. :TU:

drfish 03-29-2005 11:53 AM

Yes, that's what I was looking for, I just didn't know how to say it. :D

Marian Nichols 03-29-2005 02:03 PM

I also agree with Doc and Cliff, there isn't anything I rather view that photographs of well maintaine aquariums.

Surferminn 03-29-2005 09:22 PM

wow, your pictures are just as clear as your tank. amazing that plant looks like a regular houseplant and yet can actually breathe and live under water... :TU:

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