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Marsh Marigold 07-09-2003 04:02 PM

Which is YOUR favorite goldfish?
We now have seven beautiful goldfish. I like some of them better than others, and I'll bet everyone has a favorite. Here are mine...

Cali - my favorite. #1 for markings and conformation.

Oreo - cute as a puppy - My #2.

Monstro - his tail's a little stiff, but I still like him better than:

Algernon - I wish he was reflective, like a real fish. Coming?

Frieda - honey, your tail is too small! Out of proportion, IMHO.

Ginger - The tail is too droopy, I don't like the way it curves down, but I LOVE her markings.

Moby - A great fish, but I think his eyes are small and "beady". Now if he had more color on his face like Ginger, he'd be EXCELLENT.

I just love this screensaver, can't wait to see the next development!

Louis 07-09-2003 06:59 PM

Frieda #1
Imagine there are 5 ~ 7 Frieda in the TANK that
will make the aquarium to be perfect and lovely.

Monstro #2

Cali #3


Reichart 07-09-2003 10:23 PM

Tanks for the advice.
You can do that with Frieida right now on several of the tanks. just press the "[" several times, for example the top down view, and set them all.

We are going to improve this feature, for example, we will bring back the 5 in the main tank.

sunny 07-10-2003 03:02 AM

Re: Tanks for the advice.

We are going to improve this feature, for example, we will bring back the 5 in the main tank.
i think 7 or 8 goldfish is better just like MA

sunny 07-10-2003 03:16 AM

oh yes....
my #1 favourite is ginger ( i used to have)
my #2 favourite is mostro but i think its dorsal fin is too stiff...:)
my #3 favourite is oreo (i used to have)
my #4 favourite is algernon.......its body is not reflective to lighting :(
my #5 favourite is freida (small and really cute. love to have them around)
my #6 favourite is moby (overall its nice but i dislike its cone shape head)
last on the favourite is cali...why?just its body pattern doesn't suite my taste.

Wizwad 07-10-2003 05:42 AM

And for me:
#1 Cali (as you say, sunny, it's a taste thing :))
#2 Monstro
#3 Oreo
#4 Frieda
#5 Ginger
#6 Edgar Davids - uh, I mean Algernon
#7 Cardinal Tetra - oops, wrong saver ;)
I'm sorry, but I think Moby is just ghastly, in the original sense of that word. Again, it's a taste thing. :(

Pushwall 07-10-2003 05:43 AM

Re: Tanks for the advice.

Originally posted by Reichart
we will bring back the 5 in the main tank.
Oh my yes! Thank you!!!!! :)

IXNAY 07-10-2003 11:26 AM

Freida and Oreo are the best fish I think
Moby is really cool too :D

Tornado Tom 07-10-2003 11:11 PM

I like the little one!

memilm 07-10-2003 11:54 PM

For me:
#1 Algernon
#2 Oreo
#3 Cali
#4 Monstro
#5 Moby
#6 Ginger
#7 Freida (is too small for me in a goldfish tank)

Liath 07-11-2003 08:45 AM

I only use Freida and Oreo. I think Oreo is the most realistic looking fish in the program, and Freida provides a nice contrast to the large ornate fish.

Marian Nichols 07-11-2003 10:32 AM

I love them all, sorry no favorite.

I LOVE goldfish, perriod!

drfish 07-11-2003 01:04 PM

We all know it's all about Oreo, hands down the slickest fish in the tank... I'd like Fredia too but she's a little resource hog, she's so small and cute I don't understand why I get a lower framerate with just her in the tank than any other single fish... Is she eating more CPU cycles to compensate for her diminutive size?

Reichart 07-11-2003 07:57 PM

We think we fixed her. The next update (coming soon) should have a few performance improvements.

IXNAY 07-13-2003 02:47 PM

Are thre plans to add more fish like Freida, uhm I mean GOLDfishs :D

Reichart 07-13-2003 06:27 PM

More fish
We plan to add util we hit about 12, then that will be version 1.

After that we plan to cont. to improve and ad fish over time.

IXNAY 07-14-2003 11:47 AM

sounds cool :D
when can we expect some items for the tank? any plans?

Reichart 07-14-2003 11:53 AM

Are we there yet.
You need to gather all your questions into a single list. :)

And we will answer them after 1.0 goes out.

clifdene 07-14-2003 12:44 PM


You keep promoting PopUp Hitman which is a very good program.
It is a pity that Prolific cannot complete an order in a reasonable time such as within 24 hours!

Reichart 07-14-2003 12:47 PM

This may not be the place for this, so I will hope that Morg (Feldon) will move this to the right place.

But, we sell this product to very happy owners each and every day, so there must be a simple error. Perhaps you can email me your problem, and a copy of your transactions, and I will find out for you what went wrong.

klyntun 07-20-2003 10:46 AM

My favorites are still the first three, with the new teeny weeny one thrown in.
#1 Oreo
#2 Ginger
#3 Freida
#4 Algernon

I like Moby, but he/she is a lot like a washed out Ginger, IMO. Cali and Monstro are two of those "never in MY tank" kind of fish.

Any ideas how to get back to the last build of the tank. Since this new one won't keep the background/foreground light settings and only allows for three fish, I've stopped using it.

cjmaddy 07-20-2003 12:20 PM


Any ideas how to get back to the last build of the tank.
Check here .... :)

klyntun 07-20-2003 12:29 PM

Thanks, Cliff. I know I have a copy of an earlier version on disc somewhere. I just need to dig it out. My lazy brain just refused to remember that before your prompting.
Hey, my best friend lives in Kent. Are you anywhere near there?

Panthera 07-21-2003 05:58 PM

My fav goldfish are Monstro and Cali.

nikkicat 07-22-2003 02:54 PM

My #1 favorite is Monstro. Then comes Cali, Ginger, Oreo, Moby, Algernon, and, finally, Frieda. Actually, Frieda is just too tiny and really doesn't fit in with the rest. I suppose she would be okay in a tank of only Friedas. I'm not too crazy about Algernon either.

Hey guys, how about hurrying the next version. This one is not so great (although I do like the bubbles). I prefer using the last version over this one.

Reichart 07-23-2003 11:47 AM

New version
Almost there. And THREE (3) new fish are coming.

feldon34 07-23-2003 12:13 PM


I do think development on Goldfish is moving along nicely, overall. The last version added quite a few new features, some of them were just a bit unpolished.

IXNAY 07-23-2003 02:20 PM

Yay they are really quick in releasing new versions, and the quality is good. I hope to see some changes to the backgroundstuff soon :D

Marian Nichols 07-23-2003 02:31 PM

Yes, I've downloaded the new version this afternoon, I am very please with it. Three new fish, I love the big white one, can add or subtract plants again, annd we still have the different views. All 'n all quite well done. I haven't watch it long enough yet to see any 'bugs':)

ROMVS 08-06-2003 10:56 PM

Can we please just have a nice Gold goldfish please? The ones that are chubby and have elaborate tails just like in the pet stores? Maybe a mature and a young version would be nice. Thanks

"You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself. - Galileo"

feldon34 08-07-2003 10:21 AM

What's wrong with the ones we have now?

Can you post a picture of a goldfish you'd like to see?

Reichart 08-07-2003 10:33 AM

Morg: You beat me to it.

IXNAY 08-07-2003 02:12 PM

Hey yeasterday I dreamd I saw an aquarium filled with Calis and in the dream I though "hey Profilic did a good job at them, they move really natural in their tank, but they could do some little changes" and then I woke up the next morning and thought about the dream. I never saw Calis in my life before but in my dream they were more real than in the aquarium, crazy :)
I have the ultimate aquariumsimulationbrain :D

klyntun 08-07-2003 04:23 PM

Oh that the dream were reality! Let me preface this with the statement that now that we have Frank and Morgan (and lovely little Freida), I'm more that satisfied with the choices of fish available. IMO, however, Cali and Monstro could be so much more desirable if they didn't seem so plastic or wooden. But hey, I'm just one small voice gurgling in the tank. :D

Marsh Marigold 08-08-2003 06:14 AM

Frank? Is there a new fish?

(hoping for a comet)

klyntun 08-08-2003 07:56 AM

:o No, no new fish. I meant Jack, not Frank. Who, frankly, is a beauty.
I hope I didn't get your hopes up. I didn't mean to jack you around.
By the way, Frito--I mean Freida--is a comet, which I commented on earlier.

Marsh Marigold 08-08-2003 09:51 AM


I know lovely Frieda (sounds like a song...) is supposed to be a comet, but IMHO a comet has a much longer, flow-ier tail.

Maybe there will be another, eventually.

IXNAY 08-08-2003 04:41 PM

We need more of such Goldfish, because in my mind this are the "real" goldfish, that Mature sarassa comet looks really nice too I hope it will get added soon ;)
(I think "Frank" would be a good name for it)

klyntun 08-08-2003 07:46 PM

Marsh Marigold and IXNAY
I agree, a bigger plainer "gold"fish would be nice if it moved as realistically as the first three now do. I used to have a pre-fab pond that I stocked with comets. Koi were just too expensive, and the mortality rate can be so high for goldfish outdoors. Half inch comets in a number of colors were 10 for a dollar! I had
one--named Halley-- that survived for almost 4 years, and travelled with me through three moves. She grew to about 3 inches long with another inch of flowing tail. Then one night, a marauding band of racoons came through my yard and had a feast. They cleaned out almost every comet from my pond, including Halley; uprooted plants, turned over rocks--basically what racoons do. It was the last time I had fish outdoors.

Marsh Marigold 08-09-2003 06:32 AM

How awful.

I had a similar experience, as a child. My Dad had built a really cool concrete-bottomed pond with waterfall in the back yard, this was years ago before the big water-gardening boom. Each of us four children got to choose a goldfish to keep in the pond. Mine was a orange and black fantail I called "Junior".

Somehow the pond bottom cracked, and one morning the water was suddenly gone, and the four goldfish were found strewn about the yard. Much to our surprise, Junior was still alive, in spite of having been carried by some critter (I suspect a cat, a raccoon would have simply eaten him) away from the water.

I nursed Junior back to health in a dishpan in my bedroom under my aquarium table.

Until one day he disappeared. The prime suspect would never talk, he just licked his whiskers and stalked away.

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