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cjmaddy 02-19-2008 02:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is what's possible with the settings quoted in that link that I gave!.

Stew2000 02-19-2008 03:20 PM

I always have mine set to: 4x Antialiasing & 16x Anisotropic Filter.
(If anyone wanted to know) ;)

Patrick Gallagher 02-19-2008 08:00 PM


From what I've read I think I'm ok to run M.A. 3.0 but if not I want to upgrade soon because I am really looking forward to your new version.
I may do the duo screens soon anyway.

Pent 4 3 Ghz
1 Gb of Ram
ViewSonic VG910s Display
Nvidia GE Force 4 MX4000, 1280 X 1024, 32 bit

I want to be able to run that octopus creature pack when it comes out.

Patrick in Seattle

Jav400 02-19-2008 08:21 PM

If anything you might want to upgrade your video card. Everything else seems fine. If thats what you are interested in upgrading, let us know how much you want to spend and we can help you pick out a good card.

Jim Sachs 02-19-2008 08:27 PM

People have been having trouble with MA3 on the G-Force 4400. I don't know if any of the Beta testers has tried a 4000 yet. I now have a 4400, and am just waiting for a CPU which will fit in the motherboard that I got to run the card.

Yodelking 02-20-2008 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs
People have been having trouble with MA3 on the G-Force 4400. I don't know if any of the Beta testers has tried a 4000 yet. I now have a 4400, and am just waiting for a CPU which will fit in the motherboard that I got to run the card.

Is the MX440 and 4400 same? The problems was with MX440...

I don't know about Geforce MX4000

Jav400 02-20-2008 06:13 AM

The 4000 is a pretty low end video card. Its AGP and probably somewhere around 64 - 128 RAM. That part depends on who his particular card is made by. They are pretty hard to find anymore, but its something like a $35.00 card.

To run 3.0 well you should be in the 6xxx range at least. But for the money difference something in 7xxx range would be best IMO.

Leon 02-20-2008 08:53 AM

Isn't it a drag to try and keep up with technology? Just when you have it cracked they move the goalposts again!

I treated myself last Xmas and bought an 8800GTX card - I have never made a better purchase...

And what is this I hear about other screensavers? Butterflies, birdies etc? Tell me more!


Jav400 02-20-2008 09:04 AM


Nice card, thats what I use. You will be happy to know that I get over 325fps with that card using some decent settings as far as quality and AA and so forth goes. That of course is with whats in the Alpha currently. There is still alot more to go though. None of the background items move yet, the fish haven't been redone yet, and none of the special creatures are there yet. But, overall you have nothing to worry about. :)

Jim has been under fire alot lately from the testers wanting more and more options and stuff. Personally I am one of those people and fall into that camp. Overall Jim wants to make sure the saver runs on as many older cards as possible, for obvious reasons. But with the caliber of cards generally available these days I think he should push the limit by including "checkboxes" if you will and settings for more options. If people can run them then great, and if people dont have a strong enough card then they don't have to use them. Unfortunately some of the ideas like dedicated settings for AA and so forth within the settings options are a major undertaking to implement and probably wont happen. I am still hopeing for things like a setting for actinic lighting and a few others though.

As for the other question, Jim has always planned a series of savers. The idea was to generate enough money to create a computer generated movie he wants to do.

Jim Sachs 02-20-2008 11:20 AM

Though the GeForce 6,7,or 8 series would be ideal to run MA3, the 4 series should have enough power to run it. My 5-series 5200 gives an acceptable 42 frames-per-second. Two of the Beta-testers have MX440 cards, which is a pretty high percentage, and makes me feel like I really should try to support that card. The problem has not been lack of power, but that the card doesn't work with MA3 at all. As soon as my new microprocessor gets here, I'll try to diagnose it.

Andrew Jenkins 02-20-2008 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by cjmaddy
Your attached image link doesn't appear to be working. :( ..... But I would hazard a guess that you are referring to what is commonly referred to as 'jaggies' - If so, does your video card give you the option to apply AA or AF ? (ie. Antialiasing & Anisotropic Filtering). If it does, try settings like these. - It can make a very noticeable difference to what is otherwise unavoidable, without a lot of complications to the programming.

Hi cjmaddy- When i try to open your setting like 'these' I get a message that I may not have sufficient permissions to access the link. can you advise what the settings you are suggesting are as I would like to play around with mine also.


Jav400 02-20-2008 02:14 PM

Cliff may have already gone to bed, so I will answer that one for you. Basically what he is refering too are your video card settings like Antialiasing and Anisotropic filtering. You can go to your settings screen for your video card and adjust those manually. These can take a large hit on your frame rate depending on how strong your card is, so start with the least setting, usually 2x and go from there according to your preferences.

Leon 02-20-2008 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jav400

But with the caliber of cards generally available these days I think he should push the limit by including "checkboxes" if you will and settings for more options. If people can run them then great, and if people dont have a strong enough card then they don't have to use them.

I was very, very impressed with the people who made "Crysis", the game a lot of people are raving about (It's French even!). I can run it on my high-end machine and my son (bless his heart!) can also play it on his older PC. We experimented with it after that on various other PC's and it works on most of them. The beauty is, if you do have a fast PC, you really get the benefit of great visuals and excellent game play. Conversely, if you have a older video card you can still enjoy the game.

So, basically, if more people can access the product...need I say more?

This forum fascinates me. I didn't realise so many people are into fish.:D I almost feel guilty going to my fishmonger.

Jav400 02-20-2008 02:52 PM

I'm hopeing for something along the same lines from Jim. But unfortunately, he has some issues to deal with that things like Crysis don't. One of his concerns is that most of the time if you walk into a store and see monitors setup on display his SS will be running on them. Jim is afraid that if he includes alot of these things and some dweb in the store sets things up they may check to many different things on a system that may not be able to handle it and then what is shown on all the monitors will be choppy and messed up in the presentation. I can understand that viewpoint, but conversly I also think that with what can be done with some of those settings even a few of them being setup correctly will far outweigh the others. Not to mention that the effect given will totally blow away any other screensaver on the market, and word of mouth on the net and elsewhere will make it the "Saver to Have. " But it is a difficult decision on where to draw that line on inclusions.

Jim Sachs 02-20-2008 03:18 PM

Leon - the company which developed Crysis has 186 employees, so they can afford to test on just about every platform out there. (Plus, their product was distributed by Electronic Arts, which probably also has a few computers laying around.) :)

I'll do my best to make MA3 run on as wide a range of equipment as possible, but the combinations out there are really overwhelming. The Beta test team has a couple-dozen computers, which seem to represent a fairly good cross-section of equipment.

Leon 02-20-2008 04:22 PM

I didn't for one minute think that you should emulate Crysis. I was just pointing out that "access to a product" is always a good thing.;)

How long did it take you to count the employees?

Jim Sachs 02-20-2008 04:31 PM

Their Wikipedia article says it all

johnblommers 02-20-2008 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Leon
basically, if more people can access the product...need I say more?.

Which is of course why Jim supports porting MA to the Macintosh :TU:

cjmaddy 02-20-2008 05:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Sorry, that was my fault! :o ... The screen shot I wanted to show you had been previously posted by me, and I crossed linked to it again here. - I shouldn't have done that, - it was on the Beta-testing forum! ... Apologies to Jim, Morgan, and Michael!
It was only showing my card's settings though. - This is it. :) ... What Michael said is quit correct! - (Other than saying I was in bed!!! ;) - I was out!) :)

Patrick Gallagher 02-20-2008 07:31 PM

Wow!! Thanks to all on the video card question. I feel that $200. is my upper limit. I'm trying to nurse this set of hardware along for another 2 years. I will check out the GeForce 6,7 &8 series also the 88000 GTX card. I don't do games so M.A and D.A. are my most intense video needs.
I don't want to start a holy war but suggestions of cards and how they are set up like the screen shoot Jav400 did are most welcome. By the way Jim I frequently go down to Walport on the Oregon coast, great area.


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