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Tiny Turtle 12-01-2004 01:50 AM

I wonder if it's some U.K. specialty with the "2th" as written in #8. How do I pronounce that?

Surferminn 12-01-2004 02:09 AM

ROLF!! :D!! :D!! :D!! Just the chuckle I needed at this hour. Thanks, Tiny. :D :TU:

cjmaddy 12-01-2004 04:01 AM

Ah! ... you mean No. 8, .......... you need a sense of humour. ;)

Tiny Turtle 12-01-2004 04:34 AM

Actually I mean nr. 8. I'm Scandinavian – I dont need a sense of humour... ;)

/Tiny Svede

Jav400 12-01-2004 07:39 AM


Anyone that lives where it is only daylight ~6 hours a day and freezing cold to boot part of the time definately needs a sense of humor.

Tiny Turtle 12-01-2004 07:54 AM

No you don't. You just smile a lot just before it freezes and then your face gets stuck like that for four months...

Up where I did my military service someone said they only have two seasons – winter and August. Immediately someone else corrected him and said it was winter and August 15th (guess that's August 15st to Cliff ;) )

Tiny Temps

Michael Babin 12-01-2004 11:26 AM


Originally posted by jleslie
...your mileage may vary (as the Americans tend to say).
What a great way to win friends and influence people. Almost as bad as that idiotic letter-writing campaign to try to tell voters in an Ohio county how they should vote.

- Michael

feldon34 12-01-2004 01:06 PM

I thought it was hilarious when I saw it shortly after America went through Indecision 2000.

jleslie 12-02-2004 03:26 AM

I thought it was funny, but also a pocket guide to some of the differences between English and American.

I certainly didn't imagine anyone would really be offended, so if anyone doesn't have their tongue in their cheek please do remember it's a joke!

...and why is everyone ignoring the Pulsing Xenia comment - this is an aquarium forum after all! I'll try to shoot some video to explain what I'm on about.

Jim Sachs 12-02-2004 10:59 AM

Sure, it's funny - and we do love you Brits for sticking by us even when we're wrong - but this one cuts pretty close to the Forum's "no political comments" rule. With this country more deeply divided than it's been since the Civil War, nerves are raw and tempers are short.

Surferminn 12-02-2004 11:59 AM

Hi Leslie -- Thank you for your link. I am also of this country and I do not feel divided and my nerves are not raw nor my temper short nor are those of many with whom I associate. I did very much appreciate the humor contained in the paper and had to sit on myself not to retort (humourously of course) to the comments contained therein (thank you Tiny and Jav for your short but succinct responses). I have passed your paper on to a few others who also got a chuckle. I hope you continue to post in our forum on this and many of our other threads as poor Cliff is almost singlehanded representing your small isle. And, I also liked seeing the "minor" differences between our 2 cultures laid out so funnily which was the first flag that went up when I read this. :)


cjmaddy 12-02-2004 01:38 PM

Hear hear! :TU: ... and thanks! ;)

Tiny Turtle 12-03-2004 02:28 AM

"Small isle"? I thought it was "Great Britain" ;)

jleslie 12-03-2004 03:10 AM

That probably refers to population density. We have about 20.5% of the US population in 2.5% the area. I wonder if someone lost a decimal point somewhere when they planned all this?
(60M vs 293M in 244K vs 9.6M, or "slightly smaller than oregon" as a U.S. source says, but hey, we like it - except the commuting, of course!)

cjmaddy 12-03-2004 03:38 AM

Just think, 'Planet of the Apes', - that brings them back down to size! ;)

Tiny Turtle 12-03-2004 04:19 AM

Population densities in a readable form:

The Netherlands: 385.3 people/kmē
Great Britain: 245.1 people/kmē
Denmark: 125.3 people/kmē
The United States of America: 29.5 people/kmē
Sweden: 19.8 people/kmē
New Zeeland: 14.4 people/kmē
Canada 3.1 people/kmē
Australia: 2.5 people/kmē

/Tiny Statistics

cjmaddy 12-03-2004 04:38 AM

That makes us very dense doesn't it!. :D ................. (Before anyone else says it!) ;)

Jav400 12-03-2004 06:29 AM

Jav looks away and bites his tongue, erm, clasps his hand together so he can't type anymore?:p

Surferminn 12-03-2004 06:44 AM

Oh dear, oh dear, Surferminn begins to type (.... even China recognized population control issues notwithstanding their greater land mass, but then again, they didn't have Henry the VIII as a role model...:rolleyes: ) but decides instead to take her hands off the keyboard and step away from the machine.

Tiny Turtle 12-03-2004 07:32 AM

China have a population density of 133.5 people/kmē in a country roughly the size of the U.S. (9.6 million kmē vs 9.1 million kmē). Slightly more people over there...

Other interesting countries:
Japan has 336 people/kmē That's about half the population of the U.S. in a country slightly smaller than California. (Compare it to Sweden which is slightly larger and just passed 9 million...)

India has 313.9 people/kmē, but since it's roughly a third the size of the U.S. the population has reached 1.015 billion!

/Tiny Three's a Crowd

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