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bratboy 02-05-2003 02:14 PM

the ones I had had a very nice full folage on the top this ones just puny as heck will see if can find a better pic

bratboy 02-05-2003 02:24 PM

Found a few pics. Its called Nymphoides aquatica

heres a link to a silk one

live pics:

and these are good shots on a german site

I suppose its still up to taste but I just always had good looking ones so thought it looked nice hehe if I had one looking like the earlier pic Id of tossed it as Im picky

cjmaddy 02-05-2003 05:22 PM

From AQUARUM PLANTS by H. C. D. De Wit.


Nymphoides aqauatica (Walt) O.K.- (Fig.63) Banana Plant

1788: first described by Th.Walter (as Anonymos aquatica) (Fl. Carol.:37). Renamed by O.Kuntze (Rev.Gen.Pl.2:429.1891).
Syn.Villarsia lacunosa,Limnanthemum aquaticum,L.trachyspermum).
Distribution: E.and S.United States (Florida).
Description: This species owes the name of "Underwater Banana Plant" to the bunch of miniature "Dahlia tubers" from which it sends up its rosette of long-petioled subcircular light-green or purple leaves with a cordate base. Mature leaves are floating, the petiole bearing purple warts, the lamina somewhat more stout and spongy, olive-green above, purple beneath, with many small depressions. They may exceed 10cm in length. Flowers 1 to 2cm in diameter, white, and apparently arising from the petiole, a few cm below the lamina.
Biology and cultivation: In America a popular aquarium plant but cultivated only rarely in Holland. In the wild state it occurs in pools and slow-moving water. It needs plenty of light. After fertilisation the pedicel bends over, as a result of which the fruit ripens below the surface. Can be propagated from leaf-currings.

Gerty 02-20-2003 06:17 PM

That is classic!!! And SOOOOOO true!!! I love it! Great shot, Patrick!:TU:

EddieWan 02-25-2003 08:49 PM

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Here's my baby :)

Gerty 02-26-2003 02:07 PM

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I found a picture of my little baby....he was sleeping and I woke him up. I think he is so cute!! I just love him!
His name is "Hotshot" and believe me, he sure runs my house!! :p

Liath 02-27-2003 10:39 AM

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Here's my little troublemaker, Pepperpot. She recently received a DVD of David Attenborough's Life of Birds. It's now her favorite show. Hopefully soon I'll be able to run SSA on my computer at home. Then I might regain control of the TV remote.

Liath 02-27-2003 10:41 AM

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and another.

Panthera 03-04-2003 02:29 AM

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Here's my 22lb baby boy :)

Jim Sachs 03-04-2003 09:53 AM

Cute pic, but I think we are straying from the original concept for this thread. Maybe we could have two threads -- Pets with the Aquarium, and all other pets.

Reichart 03-07-2003 04:23 AM

Pictures of ....
Ya know, I think Hustlers magazine had a section in the back devoted to Beavers, then it strayed too.

If anyone would like to submit their photos, we will publish it on our website at

The photo must include some part of the Screen Saver, with the animal’s name, and a cute quote, and clear permission for us to use it how ever we see fit. We would like to publish your first name, and city.

The animals must be of legal age.

Rich 03-07-2003 10:01 PM

Riccia Fluitans

Rich 03-07-2003 10:11 PM

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Riccia Fluitans
I found a picture of this ground cover that was mentioned in one of the earlier message posts...

Jim Sachs 03-07-2003 11:20 PM

Yep, that's riccia alright. The question is, where can I buy some in Southern California?

Rich 03-08-2003 12:09 AM

Sorry Jim
I cant help u, seeing as I live in Western Australia.
but its very difficult to find here too, saying its classed as a noctious weed, that is invading wetlands here...
and too a bad is trying to be done in the states from the couple of websites I read from, saying its a noctious weed...

Rich 03-08-2003 12:11 AM


and too a bad is trying to be done in the states from the couple of websites I read from, saying its a noctious weed...
sorry my typing sucks at times
bad = ban

Jim Sachs 03-08-2003 02:28 AM

Yes, I've heard a rumor that it is banned as a weed. But I've also heard that it is pretty hard to keep alive in a tank. The two reports seem contradictory. Anyway, Amato uses it heavily in his books, and I will have some in the Freshwater program.

IXNAY 03-08-2003 07:22 AM

Looks really good

AKcrab 03-16-2003 10:44 PM

Two of my silly cats.

feldon34 03-16-2003 11:47 PM

I had to clear out IE a couple of times, turn off my ad-blocking software, and close and reopen IE to get that page to load. *sigh* Unnecessary Javascript infuriates me...

Anyway, cute pictures, this one is priceless...

With a good caption, this would be great on the site.

Yeti, a [type of cat], adjusts the settings on his/her Aquarium. :)

and this one...

Yeti shows off the Aquarium to a friend.

I think we'll get e-mails saying that these pictures are staged. :eek: :D

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