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Digital Lungfish 03-31-2003 11:38 PM


Are you clicking EDIT, or are you clicking the BACK button in your browser?
I've just been using EDIT.

Ormus 04-01-2003 03:28 AM

Reichart, is it possible to bribe you to get this one earlier? ;)

Reichart 04-01-2003 04:57 PM

Bribes are always welcome. But keep an eye on in the next 24 hours.

P.S. this translates to Morg clicking on refresh on our site every 10 seconds so he does not miss anything.

drfish 04-01-2003 05:05 PM


Derrek 04-01-2003 05:16 PM

I sure hope this isnt an april fools joke

feldon34 04-01-2003 05:24 PM

Still think the buttons should be labeled

Download) Buy/Upgrade or FREE Demo

Digital Lungfish 04-01-2003 08:41 PM

You talking about this, Reichart?

Goldfish Coming Soon...

Or was this link already there long before today and I'm just now seeing it for the first time? :dunce:

Derrek 04-01-2003 08:43 PM

I saw that too DL, I was hoping for more than that though.

On a side note, that coming soon on changes from flagrpide to goldfish screensavers. So hmmm, is this it or not?

Leviathan 04-01-2003 10:35 PM

Should we be watching for the release of the Goldfish Aquarium, or the Banner that is advertising the Aquarium to be coming soon. WE CAN'T WAIT!!!! :)

IXNAY 04-02-2003 01:44 AM

*refresh* *refresh* *refresh* ...

EddieWan 04-02-2003 11:28 AM

lol! Thinking maybe Reichart was playing an April Fool's Day joke :) Still can't wait for this one...

Jav400 04-02-2003 12:28 PM

Reichart???, nah not him. Surely you don't think he would do something like that.:rolleyes: :flush:

Leviathan 04-02-2003 08:46 PM

So this was just some April Fools joke so we would keep checking back at that site and give it 5000+ hits...I'm not laughing. I am hoping that I am speaking too soon and the aquarium will be up any minute now...fingers crossed.

Reichart 04-02-2003 09:21 PM


Originally posted by Leviathan
So this was just some April Fools joke so we would keep checking back at that site and give it 5000+ hits...I'm not laughing. I am hoping that I am speaking too soon and the aquarium will be up any minute now...fingers crossed.

No…now you have jinxed it for everyone.

Leviathan 04-02-2003 10:20 PM

Well you should'nt punish EVERYBODY on my behalf...just go ahead and release it and I promise I won't download it ;)

Digital Lungfish 04-03-2003 02:04 AM


Why do I have this feeling you're not going to tell or show us anything until it's been 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds??? :drool:

IXNAY 04-03-2003 03:44 AM

Time has run up, nothing happened so let's start a war until we have the goldfishaquariumscreensaver :D

Ormus 04-03-2003 06:21 AM

Exactly. Us Germans are known for not waiting for a UN decision and going to war with our French allies to free all the goldfishes from imprisonment. ;)

Tiny Turtle 04-03-2003 07:19 AM

Whoa, there guys!

Could we try and not make political jokes/comments/whatever here on the forum as times are what they are at the moment?

/Tiny Blix

IXNAY 04-03-2003 08:23 AM


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