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Coelacanth 11-25-2001 12:18 AM

It's not really a problem with the aquarium; it's just that the sound level of the card is loud in any application. Imagine that your sound card volume settings start at zero, and the next notch up is 5. And from there, each subsequent notch up increases the sound level about twice as much as it should. That's the way it is with this card.

feldon34 11-25-2001 09:55 AM

I have to have the volume levels very low on my card, but with the master volume set to the 2nd notch, the wave volume provides me a complete range from quiet to loud with enough steps to satisfy me.

I guess your card is an even more extreme case than mine. Note that the volume control in Winamp, for example, changes the wave volume, not the master volume. Changing the master volume on my system has the same result as your system, a few steps make it too loud, because the master volume is cumulative with the wave volume.

Coelacanth 11-25-2001 12:52 PM

Yep, that's what I've had to do with my master volume control. It must be a bug in the driver then. There's no way that the second notch on the master volume should make it so loud. My old Aureal Vortex2 card didn't do that. It had a more sensible range.

Jim Sachs 11-25-2001 09:24 PM

Are you plugging amplified speakers into the pre-amplified jack on the sound card?

Coelacanth 11-25-2001 10:30 PM

No, I don't use speakers. I just have a pair of Sony MDR-V600 headphones.

("What, no speakers?," I can hear everyone saying. Yeah, well, after years of using headphones only, I finally see PC speakers get up to the point now where they're worth buying. I'm saving up for Klipsch Promedias :) )

Jim Sachs 11-25-2001 11:22 PM

Even more important to use the non-pre-amplified jack.

Coelacanth 11-26-2001 12:23 AM

Um, the "non pre-amplified jack"? I guess I don't know what you're referring to. My SB Live 5.1 has:

A digital out (orange jack)
A line-in (blue)
A microphone jack (pink)
An analog line-out #1 for front speakers (green)
An analog line-out #2 for rear speakers (black)

The only jack that I can use is the green one. None of the other ones produce output....except the digital out. But it's not designed for headphones, obviously, and plugging my headphones into it produces weak sound in the right ear only. No sound in the left ear.

The green jack is the only one to use. Is it "pre-amplified"? Yeah, I imagine it is, by necessity, to drive enough sound to the headphones. The problem is that the volume SCALE is too loud. Like I said, volume notch #1 sounds like it should be notch #5 or 6. This never happened in Win98.

Jim Sachs 11-26-2001 12:47 AM

I don't know about the SB Live, but most cards have 3 jacks - Microphone in, pre-amplified line out for "dead" speakers, and non-pre-amplified line out for headphones and amplified speakers.

Sounds like the SB Live might have gotten too fancy for it's own good.

Coelacanth 11-26-2001 07:45 AM

Hmm. Well, I guess I can live with it. I just did what Morgan did -- turned the master volume control all the way down to 1.

nicksteel 11-29-2001 09:00 AM

Frame Rate Radeon DDR Card
I'm running a PIII 750 with 128 MB and Radeon 32 MB DDR video card with a SUN 21" flatscreen set to 75 MHZ, 1600x1200. My frame rate is 39 after dxdiag reset to 75. Is this the max I should expect or am I doing something wrong?

iatros56 12-09-2001 05:37 PM

Yey another hardware question
I just bought a P4 1.9GHz, 512MB RDRAM and a 64MB GeForce 2 MX 400 running XP. I'm only getting 53 fps. I've updated drivers and it didn't make a difference. My old P3 550MHz with a 32MB NVidia TNT2 card got 100fps in 98SE.

Any suggestions? Is the OS the problem or is it the user? :-)

Thanks in advance.

feldon34 12-09-2001 10:13 PM


Thou shalt find your answers here:

Let us know if you have any troubles with this.

iatros56 12-10-2001 07:35 AM

...feldon. It worked like a charm. I'm back over 100fps and it has cleared up other vidoe issues I was having.

I really appreciate it!!

FRiC 12-16-2001 11:09 PM

Is anyone running the aquarium on ECS DeskNote (i-Buddie) in Windows 2000? After running anywhere from a few seconds to few minutes the computer reboots... The DeskNote is based on SiS630 chipset.

It runs fine on the same computer with Windows 98SE and Windows ME, and I also have other computers with the same SiS630 chipset running Windows 2000 with no problems.

Any ideas?

iatros56 12-17-2001 05:56 AM

I had the same problem...
...when I upgraded my video drivers. I have to revert back to my previous version. The problem went away.


Tiny Turtle 01-05-2002 07:01 AM

Computer & TV far apart
Hello good people!

A fellow Sachs ichtyoculturist asked me a question yesterday and I thought I'd pass it on to you:

He wants to connect his GF2MX TV-out to the livingroom TV without moving the computer out of the bedroom. How long a cable would still produce an acceptable aquarium on the TV set? Ten feet might be enough if we play around a bit with a powerdrill...


nicksteel 01-05-2002 08:06 AM

Choosing Video Card Replacement
My previous post:

I'm running a PIII 750 with 128 MB and Radeon 32 MB DDR video card with a SUN 21" flatscreen set to 75 MHZ, 1600x1200. My frame rate is 39 after dxdiag reset to 75. Is this the max I should expect or am I doing something wrong?

I am having other graphic difficulties and am considering purchase of another video card. I notice that GeForce cards are popular on the forum and need advice concerning best choice. I see a lot on Ebay and want most stable one with tv video out. My monitor has maximum of 75FPS at 1600x200.

Jim Sachs 01-06-2002 01:33 AM

Nicksteel - I restored a '60 Healy 3000 once.

nicksteel 01-06-2002 10:25 AM

Nicksteel - I restored a '60 Healy 3000 once.
Jim Sachs

I've been restoring this one (1962 3000) since 1978 (never ending quest due to constant foreign travel). Am shipping back to Napa this summer and let my now grown up kids finish the thing before I grow too old to get in and out. Really enjoy the screensaver (in the process of getting a replacement key code due to loss of all on my c: drive) and look forward to your future creations.

Jim Sachs 01-06-2002 10:51 AM

Just email Steve or Vic at, and they will look up your Key Code for you.

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