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01-25-2001 08:43 PM

Re: Already have this?
Here is a fish that is very pretty . I had a full grown adult about 12" at one time in a 200 gallon fish only tank. I have alot of good video of all my fish and my of my 100 gallon reef. Unfortantly i dont have any way of getting video into my Pc. The reef tanks are my favorite and i plan to have another reef setup when i get a permanent place to live (undesireable when you have to move one). So thats why i dont have one right now. It's my passion...Corny eh?


01-25-2001 08:47 PM

Re: Already have this?
Oh it's a Racoon butterfly. You probably figured that out.


feldon34 01-25-2001 08:47 PM

Re: Already have this?
We're getting to have a LOT of Butterflys (sp?) in the Wishlist. I saw the Raccoon earlier but skipped it. I can add it to the Wishlist though, now that it's going to be 2 pages.

01-25-2001 08:50 PM

Re: Already have this?
Ya there are alot of Butterfly's > i agree. You dont have to add it. I just think its one of the more attracive butterfly's. Have you seen a real one?

Pyros9 01-26-2001 08:08 AM

Bangai Cardinal
I know this list is getting pretty long, but I thought I'd add another anyway. Hey, variety is the spice of life right? Anyway, more for Jim to pick from.

The Bangai Cardinal is not a very colorful fish, but it has rather striking fins. :smokin:

feldon34 01-26-2001 12:52 PM

Re: Bangai Cardinal
The Bangai would satisfy some people who have been hoping for fish similiar in appearance to fresh-water species.

01-26-2001 02:29 PM

Lionfish! Triggers are excellent!
I would most like to see a Lionfish in the tank.

The new Triggers in "G" are outstanding. Great work, Jim. You have my support (and $).


Jim Sachs 01-26-2001 02:57 PM

Re: Bangai Cardinal
This one is high on the list. They cooperate by holding very still, and I got some excellent shots of them at the Long Beach Aquarium.

--- Jim Sachs

feldon34 01-26-2001 04:01 PM

Re: Lionfish! Triggers are excellent!

I had a Red Lionfish on the wishlist but you couldn't really tell what one looks like from the picture, so I replaced it with a picture of a Black Lionfish. Was there a particular species of Lionfish you think should be included?

01-27-2001 06:23 AM

snowflake eel
I know you have had alot of requests for fish and I don't want to be a bother to Mr. Sachs, but I'd really like to see a Snowflake eel in this incredible program.
Thank you for your time.

Jav400 01-27-2001 01:41 PM

New Addition Consideration
I have been using my past salt tank experience to look for fish that are either rare, to difficult, to expensive, or unusual for the average enthusist to keep. In the unusual category, you might consider the Yellowheaded Jawfish. I don't know if Jim would consider this an actual "fish" choice or something in the "bottom dwellers" category. This particular fish burrows in the sand or shells on the bottom of the tank and makes its home there. It swims around rarely, mostly it hovers right above the opening to its lair in a vertical position, and if startled will dart backwards into its hole. Info can be found at this site --
and a picture at this one --

01-27-2001 05:44 PM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST
It would be great to maybe have a selection for two or more of the same type fish swim together, like two wimplefish playing follow the leader and the rest doing their own thing. Some same type fish like to swim together, not schooling but following the same general direction and level.

I'm sure you have better things to look at, but I figured this is why the board was started in the first place, which is to collect ideas from others and use what you want and fix reported problems.

It's just an idea. The fish are great.

feldon34 01-28-2001 02:26 AM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST

You'll be happy to know, Schooling of like species is on Jim's list of things to add.

Digital Lungfish 01-28-2001 08:39 PM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST

I already suggested this to Jim a while back and he said that he really like the idea and would try to put it in later on. I called it the "Mated Pairs" function.

- DL

hooters 01-29-2001 04:11 AM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST
i just came across a pic of a Jewel Damsel i think this would make a verry good fish for the tanks wish list

01-29-2001 11:36 AM

Wish List
First, god...that's all I can say. I have a 125, 80, and 50 gallon at home wich keep me very relaxed, but at work, you saver is my savior. I know that every time you come out with another version people have renewed interest in bugging you for more. I want to say "go at your own pace". Better to make us wait a little than to burn out.
Ok, that said, I have an item for the wish list (not a priority).
Two of my tanks are reef tanks, meaning they need high current (couple of power heads in each). I get a big kick out of watching some of my fish, particularly the tangs and a couple of damsels, swimming against the current. Swimming fast but not moving at all. I thought that might be a neat feature. I don't know that a non-fish person would get it unless they could actually see the pump, but thats my 2 cents. Almost all my fish love to play in the power heads, just thought it would be a neat feature.
Much thankx for the whole program. Peace

01-29-2001 03:08 PM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST
Hi everyone.

Just a small idea: Given the fact that you can select random fishes, how about giving the user the
option to create a list of fishes that the randomizer will choose from? So I can put like 5 fishes on
my list and the program will select only from those.

Take care,

Lostboy 01-29-2001 11:34 PM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST
I just thought of a fish I'd love to see included. A few years ago while snorkeling in Jamaica, I came only inches away from a fish that was calmly blending in with the coral and rock. Later on I found out that this fish was the venomous Spotted Scorpionfish.

Here’s some links to a few kinds of Scorpion fishes:

feldon34 01-30-2001 12:37 AM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST

If you pick out one or two of these fish, I can post them on the Wishlist.

Lostboy 01-30-2001 12:56 AM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST
The last link, the Red Scorpion fish, is nice and colorful, but isn’t really like the one I met. The middle link, the Scorpaena Guttata, is too dull in color (although that may be a good thing for variety). But I’m going to have to say I like the first link, the Spotted Scorpionfish, the most.

He’s kind of ugly, but I like him. :)

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