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KeyOh 06-21-2004 12:14 PM

Isn't this a wish list post?
You don't have to get mad, just because a new guy, comes with a new point of view. It's only suggestions. No need to get upset.

What I didn't like was that feldon28 actually applied I had a psychological problem. Many of the most famous writers in the world, focused a lot of their writing on suffering and death. William Shakespeare is one of them. Personally I wouldn't call any of them psychos.

Anyway, you talk about realism. Realism isn't only the good sides of reality. In fear of getting this forums hate object number one =), I just have to say:
In reality fish does crap. Why work against it when you can embrace it?

If what your trying to, is to make a realistic aquarium, you can't just look past things that maybe isn't a fantasy world.

Another thing. If you watch a fish closely, you will see it's actually making small bubbles from time to time.

And again I don't think a wish list thread is the place for personal attacks. Come with constructive criticism instead.

Surferminn 06-21-2004 12:39 PM

Hi KeyOh - Welcome back to the forum. Glad you came back. These guys are usually a very hospitable and welcoming group of folks. Think they might have nibbled on some bad seaweed floating around somewhere here this morning. Thank you for your ideas and input. Several of your ideas have already been mentioned numerous times by enthusiastic fans such as yourself and listed on a FAQ at the beginning of this Forum, and a few I haven't heard of before. I haven't read all 55 pages of this wishlist thread yet. I particularly like your idea about the acceleration of fish when it gets startled to make it more real. and that much of your ideas are geared towards making it more real altho I expect that might entail so much memory that maybe only the hi techie folks could afford the system to see it (guessing as I'm no techie). Please feel free to visit our other threads to see other thoughts on the aquarium.

Minn :)

feldon34 06-21-2004 01:29 PM

"Embrace Fish Crap" = The next hot bumper sticker.


Now you're comparing yourself with William Shakespeare?

I think that with therapy, the art can be lost with the sickness. It is hard to sing the Blues with a few million in the bank (although B.B. King does a good job :)). I am not comparing art with the scatological requests people keep posting. Cutting off your ear is passion, but fish poop?

SereneScreen means SERENE. No cleanup, no dead fish. Some of your other suggestions are very good and are already in consideration.

I guess it is a sign of our society that Ben Stiller's bathroom humor "Dodgeball" beat the Spielberg/Hanks dramedy "The Terminal" and Disney's "Around the World in 80 Days" over the weekend. People really DO want farting fish.

Jav400 06-21-2004 01:37 PM


In response to your previous post:

* You should be able to edit the aquarium
- insert logs, stones, even small "sunken" ships, and of course plants
This will not happen. In the first place Jim doesn't want his work to end up being degraded and looking horrible just because someone wants theirs to look that way, so people being able to edit it is out. Next this is a saltwater aquarium, not freshwater, so sunken ships, plants, logs, stones, do not fit and are not used in real saltwater aquariums, also out.

* The depth of the aquarium should be more visible
- Fish swimming straight against the screen
The fish swimming is totally random, not preplanned, so they swim where they want too.

* Fish should move at different speeds
- In real life, a fish will accelerate fast to high speed, if it gets freighted, would be a nice touch
planned for the future

As far as the other things you mentioned you cannot create 3D objects on the fly, so allot of those are out by default. The purpose of this aquarium is geared towards realism, but it is not intended as a simulator. Jim wants to capture all the good things about having an aquarium without having to deal with all the bad things. If you want a simulation with feeding, dying, fighting and so on, you will have to look elsewhere.

By the way, Welcome to the Forum.

Marian Nichols 06-21-2004 03:51 PM

People really DO want farting fish.


No we don't, besides I don't believe they can do it.:D

ESHIREY 06-21-2004 03:54 PM

Yes they do . Weird you know it . I know a few people that would want it . :eek:

raven 06-21-2004 04:57 PM


Originally posted by Marian Nichols
People really DO want farting fish.


No we don't, besides I don't believe they can do it.:D

Yes, with cute miniature bubble columns ;)

GreenHsiF 06-21-2004 08:12 PM

Clown grouper
1 Attachment(s)

GreenHsiF 06-21-2004 08:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)

GreenHsiF 06-21-2004 08:16 PM

Six Bar Angel
1 Attachment(s)

ESHIREY 06-21-2004 08:19 PM

Those pic's are awesome . Great job . :TU:

Tiny Turtle 06-22-2004 01:31 AM

The current arbitrarity of the fish swim pattern lacks a bit as the fish mostly swim in a left-right direction, not diagonally really. This due to the current nature of the slitted 2D background (as i typed up in my answer to KeyOh four or five posts before you).

There are a some smart remarks here by people who entered the forum foot-in-mouth in similar style when not bothering to read anything before posting...

I didn't really like that psycho-joke by Morgan myself, but that famous writers stuff isn't the way to go. Just because some famous writers were committed to mental institutions dosn't mean everyone committed to a mental institiution is a potential world class writer...

/Tiny Alienist

cjmaddy 06-22-2004 03:25 AM

Oh no! - not the return of the phantom carrots! - I don't think I can face any more!

Sorry Ed and GreenHsiF, . ....... To each his own! :)

drfish 06-22-2004 03:55 AM

:) Where are those pictures coming from anyway???

Marian Nichols 06-22-2004 04:43 AM


Originally posted by Tiny Turtle
There are a some smart remarks here by people who entered the forum foot-in-mouth in similar style when not bothering to read anything before posting...

I didn't really like that psycho-joke by Morgan myself, but that famous writers stuff isn't the way to go. Just because some famous writers were committed to mental institutions dosn't mean everyone committed to a mental institiution is a potential world class writer...

/Tiny Alienist

Darn, now you tell me.

Jav400 06-22-2004 05:22 AM

You mean I am supposed to actually read your posts tiny? hrmph, who knew..............

ESHIREY 06-22-2004 07:35 AM

Hey Cliff , That's ok . I just meant the fish . Not the carrot .

cjmaddy 06-22-2004 07:41 AM


Jim Sachs 06-22-2004 08:57 AM

To repeat what DrFish asked - Where are these pics coming from? If it's from a public-domain source, that six-bar angel might be a usable texture.

grape_jellyfish 06-22-2004 09:02 AM

I found another picture of the same fish here

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