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Jav400 03-20-2003 04:22 PM


Thanks, there is alot more in the planning stages that Morgan and I have been going over.

feldon34 03-24-2003 10:19 AM

Oops. That wasn't supposed to affect the whole forum!

If you are wondering, check out the Mac forum. If enough people ask, I can make the blue a selectable theme.


In your "Settings" under "Options" near the bottom, You can now choose either the "Default" green style or the new "Blue" theme which is the new default Mac forum style.

feldon34 04-05-2003 12:57 PM

2 new improvements.

-Now you can Subscribe AND Unsubscribe from within a thread.

-Now you can Search WITHIN a long thread! So you can search for every mention of "Mandarin" within the 50 page Saltwater Wishlist topic. :)

More to come...

feldon34 04-06-2003 04:07 PM

If you have been waiting for a good reason to download and install a new version of Netscape or Internet Explorer, now is the time. vBulletin 3 will not, by default, support 4.xx versions of either browser. I may put a compatibility style in if there is enough demand.

Ralph 04-06-2003 07:31 PM

vBulletin 3

Originally posted by feldon27
vBulletin 3 will not, by default, support 4.xx versions of either browser.
So this forum will not be viewable with Netscape 4.8 at all? :( Or only some new features? :)
Netscape 7xx has an excelent browser but the email newsgroup side kind of suck . IE is .....well M$. I rather enjoy browsing without my browser being hijacked at every opportunity. But, lets not start a browser war, to each their own. :TU:

feldon34 04-07-2003 09:41 AM

Netscape 4.xx fails to display about 20% of HTML 4.0 and 100% of CSS, CSS2, and XHTML.

I wonder how many people try to use the e-mail client NS shoehorned into their browser. I proudly use Eudora.

diverslung 04-12-2003 04:03 AM

1 Attachment(s)
feldon, that is onlypartly right - I myself design for web for years and my experience shows, that only a few things in Netscape 4.xx don't work at all - most of them will work if the code is correctly adapted.

In every case: For things like splitted pictures or damaged tables (see attachment) Netscape 4.xx is NOT to blame.

cjmaddy 04-12-2003 04:37 AM

Only a few! ..... is too many! :) ........ Update! ....... They're free!!!! :)

Netscape 4.xx nearly drove me to distraction !!!!!

diverslung 04-12-2003 04:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)
It's me once again...

I tried to adapt the code of the banner-table. Now it works
with both - IE and Netscape 4.xx. Here you are:


<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  <td align="center" nowrap>
  <table width="620" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td colspan="4"><a href=""><img src="banner_01topA.jpg" width=620 height=63 border=0 alt=""></a></TD>
    <TD><img src="banner_01topB.jpg" width=343 height=52 border=0 usemap="#bannertop"></TD>
    <TD><a href=""><img src="banner_01topC_lit.gif" width=60 height=52 border=0></a></TD>
    <TD><a href=""><img src="banner_01topD_lit.gif" width=66 height=52 border=0></a></TD>
    <TD><a href=""><img src="banner_01topE.gif" width=151 height=52 border=0></a></TD>
    <TD colspan="4">
      <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <TD><img src="banner_02left.jpg" width=165 height=25 border=0 alt="" align=top></TD>
        <TD><a href=""><img src="banner_03settings.gif" alt="" border=0 width=92 height=25 name="usercp"></a></TD>
        <TD><a href=""><img src="banner_04members.gif" alt="" border=0 width=74 height=25 name="members"></a></TD>
        <TD><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="banner_05faq.gif" alt="" border=0 width=68 height=25 name="faq"></a></TD>
        <TD><img src="banner_06updates.gif" alt="Updates" border=0 width=70 height=25 name="updates"></TD>
        <TD><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="banner_07chat.gif" alt="" border=0 width=50 height=25 name="chat"></a></TD>
        <TD><a href=""><img src="banner_08search.gif" alt="" border=0 width=62 height=25 name="search"></a></TD>
        <TD><img src="banner_09right.jpg" width=38 height=25></TD>
      <map name="bannertop">
      <area shape="rect" coords="171,0,219,51" href="showthread.php?s=&threadid=416" title="Cat and Pet Photos">
      <area shape="rect" coords="220,0,282,51" href="showthread.php?s=&postid=21556#post21556" title="Widescreen 16:9 Aquarium Info">
      <area shape="rect" coords="283,0,342,51" href="showthread.php?s=&threadid=8" title="Saltwater Aquarium Wishlist">
      <area shape="default" nohref>

the result is this:

Mountainmaster 04-12-2003 06:49 AM

Netscape 4.xx wasn't that bad. But if you are still happily using that version, you will be absolutely thrilled by Netscape 7. And as Cliff says, it's free. Although a broadband connection would make the download more comfortable.

diverslung, I am pleasantly surprised that there are still webdesigners like you who are willing to support Netscape 4.xx. Good job!

So this board does take html samples without using spaces, let's see... <br>

Jav400 04-12-2003 08:22 AM

It has been so long since I used Netscape I hardly even remember what it was like, other than installing plugins for whatever I wanted. I had alot of those.

feldon34 04-12-2003 09:54 AM

[Stats for April]
Netscape 4.7 is used by 0.82% of our visitors.
Netscape 4.0 is used by 0.16% of our visitors.
Netscape 3.0 is used by 0.90% of our visitors. (and other browsers identifying themselves as Mozilla/3.01)
Internet Explorer 4.0 is used by 0.14% of our visitors.
Internet Explorer 5.0~6.0 is used by 91.86% of our visitors.

Remember that vBulletin 3 will not support Netscape 4 or IE 4.

feldon34 04-12-2003 10:10 AM


Thanks for the solutions.

Ralph 04-12-2003 10:28 AM

Sad, but interesting stats. I notice nothing for NS 6 or 7, that catagory too small to count? Shows what happens when a browser is thrust upon you, good or bad it is what you use.. and get used to it, foilbles and all. I suppose if the government gave us all a Lada with our drivers licence 92% of the cars on the road would be Ladas

feldon34 04-12-2003 10:34 AM

I wish IE had been $20 like all the other browsers.

It would still have won because it displays pages better and more complete/closer to HTML specs than any other browser.

I do have complaints about IE, but it's the browser I have had the least trouble with. Unfortunately, there is no way to get IE running smoothly on Windows 98/ME.

After using XP for about 40 hours now, I am almost violently promoting the Windows 2000/IE6 platform. :)

diverslung 04-13-2003 11:29 AM


Originally posted by Mountainmaster

diverslung, I am pleasantly surprised that there are still webdesigners like you who are willing to support Netscape 4.xx. Good job!

I spent years with searching for Netscape 4.xx-compatible solutions. Not just that I prefer the policy of it long before IE (things like surfing-tracks and temp-files are much more controlable) but remember, that almost every network running OS like linux or unix refer to Netscape or mozilla...
IE-codeing is that easy - there are no longer designers necessary. To me the real art is to combine functionality, design and browser-compatibility. IMHO the last one is increasingly missed too often.

remember: there's no bad weather (or browser) - there's only wrong outfit (or codeing) ...;)

feldon34 04-13-2003 12:45 PM

I know of a few tags I'd like to use that FREEZE Netscape 4.

kona001 04-13-2003 11:28 PM

I like it, whats the button going to be linking too???

kona001 04-13-2003 11:29 PM

Sorry, I posted in the wrong thread =( It was supposed to go below the animated fish...

diverslung 04-14-2003 04:24 PM


Originally posted by feldon27
I know of a few tags I'd like to use that FREEZE Netscape 4.
Yep! I never said Netscape is the ultmative browser... There were millions of moments in my short life when it drove me bananas...

new theme -
I would make the following suggestion:
would it be possible to repeat the breadcrumb-navigation below the topbanner at the end of the page?
I myself prefer navigating with it but I hate the scrolling-session.
What about it?

Ralph 04-14-2003 09:14 PM

While we are discussing browsers..... With NS 7 this Quick Reply box is 33 characters wide. With NS 4.8 it is 50 and in IE 6 it is 52 characters. Would it be possible to make this a bit wider now that I have upgraded to 7? ;) Please. (and in the edit box as well)
And.... in IE 6 the forward feature does not work. Going from "view new messages" I hang with the Your search is in progress and you will be taken to the results in a moment. Thank you for your patience.

Click here if you do not want to wait any longer
(or if your browser does not automatically forward you)
Probably something wrong with "my" setup but .......


SouthPaw42 04-14-2003 09:45 PM

Yea post a bug report to Netscape about not following XHTML standards.

feldon34 04-14-2003 10:27 PM


Originally posted by Ralph
While we are discussing browsers..... With NS 7 this Quick Reply box is 33 characters wide. With NS 4.8 it is 50 and in IE 6 it is 52 characters. Would it be possible to make this a bit wider now that I have upgraded to 7? ;) Please. (and in the edit box as well)
In other words, you want vBulletin to work around ANOTHER bug in Netscape. :(

vBulletin has a universal input box width, and then various compatibility settings to deal with Netscape's inconsistancies. :mad:


And.... in IE 6 the forward feature does not work. Going from "view new messages" I hang with the Your search is in progress and you will be taken to the results in a moment. Thank you for your patience.

Have you got some kind of pop-up stopper/blocker/etc.?

If this were a widespread problem, it would have been fixed in a point release of vB. hmm...

feldon34 04-14-2003 10:28 PM


Originally posted by SouthPaw42
Yea post a bug report to Netscape about not following XHTML standards.
Not that the creators of XHTML,, are any better. Try using the HTML or CSS Validators at their website if you want to see how crazy the people who are supposed to be setting the standards are.

Mountainmaster 04-15-2003 04:50 AM

A quick look at the page source reveals that the textarea is defined as rows="7" cols="40". So neither browser gets it right. :D

feldon34 04-15-2003 10:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)

I've changed NS6/7 to 50 cols.

Ralph 04-15-2003 05:11 PM


Originally posted by feldon27
Have you got some kind of pop-up stopper/blocker/etc.?
If this were a widespread problem, it would have been fixed in a point release of vB. hmm...

Beats me....... nothing that I am aware of, I did make some changes in the "security" of internet settings in an attempt to stop pop ups....

So, I reset it to "normal" and now the problem is gone . :D

cjmaddy 05-08-2003 03:36 PM


Is this just my system, or have you changed something?

I don't know what you've done, if anything, but for the past 2 or 3 days, the forum pages have downloaded about 4 or 5 times quicker! ....... Great! :TU:

feldon34 05-08-2003 04:36 PM

I mentioned this earlier in the thread here but I can extrapolate on it some more now.

Internet Explorer 4+ and Netscape 4+ both support receiving the HTML part of a website in GZIP format. This has to be one of the most oft-ignored features of these browsers!

In other words, you can be browsing through a website and each page arrives at your computer in a sort of WinZip format which your web browser transparently unzips and displays.

For broadband users, the delay of the web server GZIPping the page up, sending it, and your browser extracting the GZIP probably negates any possible speed benefit.

BUT!! For modem and/or ISDN users, the speed difference is massive!

The average forum page here is 120-160kb of HTML (this is excluding the pictures!). On a modem, even with compression on, this could easily take 20-30 seconds to download.

However, with MOD_GZIP turned on, the page is already compressed before it is sent. A 120-160kb page of HTML becomes a 8-14kb GZIP package (that is not a typo!).

Now, the HTML comes in in 2-5 seconds.

So the question is, why was GZIP turned off on the release dates of MA2, GA, and the whole time I was on vacation?

We are on a semi-dedicated webhost, which means we have a "slice" of a dedicated dual 1.2 GHz P4 server with tons of RAM and hard drive.

GZIP is *very* CPU and memory intensive. Actually, my webhost told me that they don't recommend me using it, but the speed benefits were too attractive to pass up. The only time I turn off GZIP is if I expect forum traffic to hit 75-85 users within a 30 minute period. At this point, so many pages are going out and being GZIPped that the CPU and memory are getting bogged down.

Rather than leave it off and expect Michael to check in every hour to see if GZIP is causing problems, I pre-emptively turned it off.

I have asked the vBulletin people to add a feature to throttle, or switch off GZIP automatically when the user count goes over X and then turn it back on afterwards.

I might write this code myself.

Ralph 05-08-2003 05:52 PM

This only works for IE 4+ and NS 4+? Is it totally seemless at our end, can we tell if the page is / was sent zipped?
Just an idle curiosity......

feldon34 05-08-2003 09:05 PM


That will tell you IF a page came GZIPped and if it wasn't, it will tell you what savings you'd get if it were GZIPped. The 1200% reduction was eye-popping and hard to resist.

cjmaddy 05-09-2003 01:58 AM


Originally posted by feldon27
The 1200% reduction was eye-popping and hard to resist.
It sure is !!!!! :):)

Yellow Tang 05-09-2003 04:30 AM

Broadband here, so the speed is slightly slower, but still fast enough!

Another question:
Is it possible to turn off all those GA threads when I click the "View new posts" link at the startpage?

feldon34 05-09-2003 09:00 AM

I know there have been a few requests for this. I'll look into it. I could probably give you a link that you would bookmark, but to make it a "setting" for you would be difficult.

Tiny Turtle 05-14-2003 06:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Useful smilies?

Tiny Turtle 05-14-2003 06:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This one

Tiny Turtle 05-14-2003 06:11 AM

1 Attachment(s)
And this one could have it's uses

Liath 05-14-2003 07:40 AM

lol....I like the the last one. I'm keeping it. :)

Jav400 05-27-2003 08:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well I found a "jaw dropping smilie" anyone got any comments about this one?

Tiny Turtle 05-28-2003 12:59 AM


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