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Tiny Turtle 05-24-2009 03:00 PM

One (hopefully) easy way to make the tank more customisable would be to make the featherduster optional. In reality it's not much of a feature, but it would still allow the users just a little extra perceived control over the tank, neh?

pogona 05-24-2009 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 113649)
Yes, that would be nice.

that is a yes, or a, maybe later?(creature packs).:TU:

pogona 05-24-2009 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Tiny Turtle (Post 113656)
One (hopefully) easy way to make the tank more customisable would be to make the featherduster optional. In reality it's not much of a feature, but it would still allow the users just a little extra perceived control over the tank, neh?

this will be able with the creature packs no?

Overlord 05-24-2009 03:41 PM

I think Jim is going to be very busy for a while with the electric eel that has his name flashing across the body!

Wizwad 05-24-2009 03:43 PM

I agree with Overlord!!

FrankGuy 05-24-2009 07:21 PM

The shark feeding with all that blood and fish debris in the water is bound to take a while as well. :)

Jim Sachs 05-25-2009 10:37 AM

TT- I had always planned on having a Feather Duster in that location, so it was never going to be an option. The idea is to have something moving in the background no matter where the camera is positioned. Additional tubeworm species might be an option.

FrankGuy - I think you may have SereneScreen confused with ViolentBloodyDeathScreen :)

Mikey242 05-25-2009 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 113673)
TT- I had always planned on having a Feather Duster in that location, so it was never going to be an option. The idea is to have something moving in the background no matter where the camera is positioned. Additional tubeworm species might be an option.

FrankGuy - I think you may have SereneScreen confused with ViolentBloodyDeathScreen :)

Haha, I love that screensaver..

Marian Nichols 05-25-2009 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 113673)
FrankGuy - I think you may have SereneScreen confused with ViolentBloodyDeathScreen :)

For real! It would not be Serene Screen with blood and guts. :shiver:

kona001 05-29-2009 01:39 PM

Hey Jim,

Everything is looking great so far :). I have one suggestion that would be amazing. In the cave, I always feel it is missing something and then at The Rusty Pelican restaurant they had a saltwater tank very similar to your new MA3 screensaver with a cave as well. inside the cave popped out an Eal to my surprise.. I know that the cave in yours is small and has a back to it that is fully visible. However if you re-design it in such a way where an Eal head could pop out every now and then or simply be on screen at all times would be amazing. I love the featherduster as well.. Very nice work Jim.

Jav400 05-29-2009 01:52 PM

Actually, thats exactly what the cave is for. :)

Jim Sachs 05-29-2009 01:53 PM

An eel has always been planned. The cave is actually open-ended at the back on the right side, so anything living in there can get completely out of sight if it wants. When I have created several different cave-dwelling critters, the user will be able to choose which of them will be used.

Marian Nichols 05-29-2009 02:07 PM

I thought you had said as much in an earlier post. Michaels Morey eel would just be perfect. Every time I would see it, I would think of Michael. :)

henemly 05-29-2009 02:29 PM

It'd be nice fast forward 4 or 6 years from now without waiting :D

kona001 05-29-2009 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 113785)
An eel has always been planned. The cave is actually open-ended at the back on the right side, so anything living in there can get completely out of sight if it wants. When I have created several different cave-dwelling critters, the user will be able to choose which of them will be used.

I'm glad to hear it will one day happen. I haven't been on this forum as regularly as in the past so I have a lot of catching up to do. The tank looks great so far and I love all the work you are putting into it. That little cave has a lot of possibilities that can go into it. The anemone all the way to the right also has a lot of possibilities. That would be nice to have a clownfish interact with it and so forth as I have a feeling that has been planned as well. I look forward to all the updates as your work of art keeps on marveling upon every update.

feldon34 05-29-2009 03:35 PM

The anemone on the right is one frame out of a high definition video that Jim shot at an aquarium shop. Getting a long, high definition video into the Aquarium without it becoming a 50MB download may be slightly less complicated than building the pyramids.

cjmaddy 05-29-2009 03:48 PM

Oh come now, - building the pyramids must have been a piece of cake by comparison. ;)

..... And they did it quicker too! :eek: ................. Thinks.... I'd better run for cover now!... :erm:

Jim Sachs 05-29-2009 04:44 PM

Anybody can stack up a bunch of blocks, but the Egyptians were terrible at 3D apps. Probably because perspective drawing had not been invented yet. :)

Wizwad 05-30-2009 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by henemly (Post 113787)
It'd be nice fast forward 4 or 6 years from now without waiting :D

From my brain to yours, Henemly! I was thinking exactly that a few days ago!

FrankGuy 06-02-2009 08:49 PM

While we wait expectantly for the next incarnation of Jim's video art to evolve, here are presentations that may interest both the vicarious the and real fish nerds in the forum:

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