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DrNemoJr 10-04-2009 10:18 PM

If you're dismayed that Nova already has the program available for download on their site, then what's the reason for the delay in getting it up on the Serene Screen site????

Jim Sachs 10-05-2009 12:12 AM

No idea, but don't forget that JimO just barely finished the conversion. Nova may have a slightly different definition of "finished" than Prolific. I know they like to have a fairly comprehensive set of Frequently-Asked-Questions in place before putting a new version up for download.

feldon34 10-05-2009 09:00 AM

Why is Nova allowed to sell an online version?

Jim Sachs 10-05-2009 01:19 PM

They wouldn't do a deal without it.

Ozzpot 10-08-2009 11:18 AM

So, Nova have had it up for over a week now, and we loyal customers still can't get an upgrade because someone at SereneScreen can't get their finger out.

I'm jonesing to pay $10 to have the latest version of this amazing app. I don't think I've ever been so eager to give someone money! If I don't spend it soon it'll go on drink and that won't do anyone any good. ;)

Sorry to be so impatient, but can't someone crack the whip or something?

JimO'Connor 10-08-2009 12:19 PM

Hi Ozzpot,

Your request is helpful in encouraging this task to be a priority with those who make the decisions.

dsanfili 10-08-2009 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by JimO'Connor (Post 116082)
Hi Ozzpot,

Your request is helpful in encouraging this task to be a priority with those who make the decisions.

Jim, I realize that this is totally out of your hands, but is there anyone at Prolific that can give us an idea of what is going on and when, if ever, a Mac update will be made available?

At this point, it's almost beginning to look like Marine Aquarium 3 for Mac is vaporware!

feldon34 10-08-2009 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by dsanfili (Post 116084)
Jim, I realize that this is totally out of your hands, but is there anyone at Prolific that can give us an idea of what is going on and when, if ever, a Mac update will be made available?

At this point, it's almost beginning to look like Marine Aquarium 3 for Mac is vaporware!

I think you are confusing Jims.

Jim O'Connor has FINISHED Marine Aquarium 3 for Mac OS X. However the upgrade is not yet available from Please be patient.

dsanfili 10-08-2009 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by feldon33 (Post 116085)
I think you are confusing Jims.

Jim O'Connor has FINISHED Marine Aquarium 3 for Mac OS X. However the upgrade is not yet available from Please be patient.

Nope, I'm not confusing Jims at all. That's why I said that I know it's out of his hands (he's finished it and has no control over when it becomes available).

It would be much easier to be patient, however, if someone from Prolific would jump in and give us an idea of what the hang-up is. Have they discovered bugs, decided to do more testing, or are they simply dragging their heels? Since Jim O'Connor finished it over a week ago and anticipated it appearing on AND Nova released it over a week ago, what's the problem at Prolific?

Inquiring minds want to know!!!!!!

kenmeier 10-08-2009 03:15 PM

I can't wait much longer. I'm trying to wait for serenescreen but much longer and I'll pay the full price and get it from nova.

JimO'Connor 10-08-2009 04:31 PM

Nova doesn't let you try before you buy.

Please wait for SereneScreen.

kenmeier 10-08-2009 05:11 PM

But they do claim a Satisfaction Guarantee or money back for 90 days. Not sure how you return a download but I'll wait a little longer I would prefer to do buisness with Serenscreen.

DrNemoJr 10-08-2009 05:33 PM

So, how much longer are we going to have to wait????? Getting really impatient here!

JimO'Connor 10-08-2009 11:54 PM

I have good reason to be hopeful that this is going to be handled very soon.

Jav400 10-09-2009 05:41 AM

If it isn't I would suggest that you circle the wagons, and get the women and children to a safe place. It looks like an uprising is in the works. ;)

Duke 10-09-2009 07:02 AM

I'm still watching the circa '60's Twilight Zone circle screensaver. Please hurry!!! :rolleyes:

glenng6 10-11-2009 09:41 PM

Based on some of the posts in the forum, I went to Nova's website. I saw, from one of the images on their website, that Marine Aquarium 3.0 will display on at least 3 monitors, each with a distinct background. How does this work on a single 17" (laptop), or 20" (desktop) monitor? Do you just get one of the backgrounds, does the background scroll as the fish swim, or do you select the background you prefer? ;)

Jav400 10-12-2009 05:36 AM

Look here for what MA 3 looks like:

JimO'Connor 10-12-2009 05:39 AM

Marine Aquarium 3.0 for Mac doesn't do monitor spanning. That was something we had to prune to get done in time.

feldon34 10-12-2009 07:04 AM

An ill-considered deal + Photoshopped product shots. *headscratch*

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