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Marian Nichols 06-17-2005 08:09 PM

I so wanted to post a screen shot but was afeared too as a tester. The lagoon is very soothing to watch, that is until ...?

iMark 06-18-2005 07:09 AM

ooohhhh Marian...don't tease us like that

Marian Nichols 06-18-2005 07:57 AM

I can't spoil it just now. But since there are sharks about think about it. :D

Wizwad 06-20-2005 07:00 PM

So what you're saying, Marian, is that the sharks get mobbed by a gang of crabs? :p

That is a nice screenshot. To go all american on y'all, "Now that's what I'm talkin about!" :D
Oh my, too much Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, ya think? :o

Anyway, that's a wonderful bit of reef, so much improved over the original that there's just no comparison. Well done to which-ever artist(s) worked on that! :TU:

Tiny Turtle 06-20-2005 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Wizwad
Oh my, too much Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, ya think? :o

Any amount of EM:HE is too much...

/Tiny Bullhorn Shoved Down Ty's Throat

cjmaddy 06-22-2005 08:06 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I've had the OK from, "Jim, no not THAT Jim ...", to post a screen shot. - Apparently there may be a short hold-up in finalising the beta testing. - But I can assure you that the wait will be well worth it, from what we have seen so far.
These shots are from the option that just shows the Manta Rays swimming in an open ocean setting. (The rays are a particular favourite of mine) - Their movement is quite balletic, - so smooth and unrepetitive! - Though only as close as this occasionally.
These are using the 'wide' option setting. There is no cropping of the pictures, and no image enhancement of any kind. - Just file compression for web use.

For those who haven't seen it yet, you have a treat in store!

feldon34 06-22-2005 09:06 AM

Too bad the eyes couldn't be a separate piece of reflective geometry.

Surferminn 06-22-2005 10:02 PM

Looking good. This is back on my list. Avoided it since sharks are scary but since playing Far Cry, my level of fear has risen and I do like the movement description by Cliff. Will there be a demo to see before buying and what's the timing on the actual roll out date? Also, as these are big creatures (bigger than the fishes in an aquarium tank), do we track and follow the sharks and manta rays on their swimming around the ocean since they're not in a tank? :)

Pushwall 06-23-2005 05:35 AM

Cool pics! Can't wait!! :cool:

Thanks for posting them, Cliff.

ESHIREY 06-23-2005 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by Surferminn
Looking good. This is back on my list. Avoided it since sharks are scary but since playing Far Cry, my level of fear has risen and I do like the movement description by Cliff. Will there be a demo to see before buying and what's the timing on the actual roll out date? Also, as these are big creatures (bigger than the fishes in an aquarium tank), do we track and follow the sharks and manta rays on their swimming around the ocean since they're not in a tank? :)

They do look great, but sorry no tracking or following.

Surferminn 06-23-2005 09:25 AM

too bad. guess it must be a fixed location like a tank and waiting for them to do a swim by/around. still up for consideration tho. thanks ed.

ESHIREY 06-23-2005 09:47 AM

You'll love it when it's out. Trust me. :TU:

iMark 06-23-2005 01:12 PM

ok more screen shots, no more're killing me here...LOL..I want my new and improved Terrors Of The Deep....bring it on....

enigma63941 06-23-2005 05:09 PM

Anybody got some screen shots of GA 2.0? :D

feldon34 06-23-2005 10:00 PM

Sharks is testing now. Goldfish after that.

Frank-N-Stein 06-25-2005 08:01 AM

To Schnaaps
1 Attachment(s)
Dear Schnaaps:

I didnt mean to be rude with my comments, Im just a little frustrated since there has been no official updates for "Sharks" since the very beginning.

About my ideas and suggestions, I'll try to explain clearly, since English is not my "Mother Language". (sorry about that)

First of all, we must understand that there are 3 companies with Shark-Themed screensavers with their own features.

1.- Prolific/Lifeglobe... "Sharks: Terrors of the Deep"... Since we already know all your product's features, I'll go on to the next one.

2.- Atlantis 3D... "Shark Visions"... This Screensaver has the very best and accurate Shark models on the Net (Attachment enclosed), they open and close the mouth when swim, and the enviroments are TRUE 3D (Sunken Galleon and a Coral Reef)... However, these sharks follow a predetermined path over and over and cant swim freely on the Screen.

3.- 3dRelax... "3d Living Sharks"... The only "cool" feature of this SS, is that the Sharks are really "alive" (They eat fish, and sometimes they hit the camera while swimming)... However, their models are butt-ugly (looks like made by a 5 year old kid) and the sharks swim very fast (Almost like and F-1 car)... Anyone for a Shark race?

My suggestions goes as follow.

a) Improve the Shark models to match/surpass the ones made in SharkVisions (believe me they are worth it).

b) To implement Eating Sharks and the "Hit camera" features...

c) If possible... to make a True 3d enviroment.

d) Remoras..... Please

What do you think about it?.... Hope to hear your answer soon.

By the way people... I really dont think that a Megalodon is worth for this SS (Since it is already extinct). We should focus on new species like the Whale Shark, Thresher Shark or the Mega-Mouth Shark.

P.D.... Can you tell us the date for the Sharks 2.0 release?

feldon34 06-25-2005 11:19 AM

In case you missed it, Sharks 2.0 is in Beta testing right now which means the features are already locked down. It's just bug fixing now.


Originally Posted by Frank-N-Stein
a) Improve the Shark models to match/surpass the ones made in SharkVisions (believe me they are worth it).

The shark swimming has been improved in the new version. Hammerheads and Manta Rays have been added.


Originally Posted by Frank-N-Stein
c) If possible... to make a True 3d enviroment.

The new backgrounds are very nice.


Originally Posted by Frank-N-Stein
P.D.... Can you tell us the date for the Sharks 2.0 release?

We don't do release dates. We're testing the 4th beta right now which is good news.

Frank-N-Stein 06-26-2005 07:46 PM


Are you sure about the Hammerheads?

Sharks 1.0 has a Hammerhead... aren't you mistaken?.... or are you talking about NEW hammerheads?

Do you have any image on the new hammerhead?

Please reply.


feldon34 06-27-2005 06:50 AM

I was mistaken. I don't have my PC up and running yet after moving so I have yet to test the new Sharks.

ESHIREY 06-27-2005 09:50 AM

You moved? I didn't know that. Where? When?

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