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cohiba420 03-07-2012 11:42 AM

same thing here... still beautiful, with the only real issue being the occasional fish swimming through something. I see it a lot by the mouth of the cave, specifically.

All in all though.. I love it! :D

bobert 03-11-2012 11:26 AM

I'm new to the forums but an old hand with the Windows version of MA3. Having switched over to a MacBook Pro, I've only just discovered that a Mac version of MA3 is available and I wish to be up to date with the beta version.

Is the version linked in the first post of this thread always directed to the latest beta version (thinking of beta expiry date here)?

Thank you all for producing MA3 and especially those producing the MAC version.



Derwinator 03-13-2012 06:30 PM

Beta 3.2 has expired (again) :-(

Will there be another beta or is this going to release? When?


JimO'Connor 03-14-2012 01:43 AM

This should go final by the beginning of April.
A build with a new beta date has been posted -- 3/31.

Derwinator 03-14-2012 08:26 AM

Thanks Jim - will keep testing with the new build. So far, everything seems pretty solid.


JimO'Connor 03-14-2012 11:06 AM

Thanks Derwinator. I'm sorry for dribbling these out. I time them to expire about when I expect to get enough time together for a new build. My prognostication hasn't been very good.

hayc59 03-14-2012 05:50 PM

Just Curious has new version gone 'Final'?

JimO'Connor 03-14-2012 06:05 PM

Hi hayc59,

Mac version should go final by the beginning of April. I have a little more I want to get done.

Derwinator 03-15-2012 06:56 PM

Hi Jim,

One small issue I've noticed under Mac OS X Lion when you have the LaunchPad open and the screen saver starts. Moving the pointer no longer exits the screen saver but you need to click the mouse to exit.


JimO'Connor 03-15-2012 07:59 PM

Thanks Derwinator,

We don't have control over that, so it is most likely an Apple issue. Could you see if other screen savers behave the same?

jgbackes 03-15-2012 08:53 PM

I'm running a yet to be released version of MacOS X. When the screen saver kicks in the fish just stop but the screen does not go black.

Just wanted to make you aware of the problem.

BTW: The app is amazing.

Thanks for your hard work.


JimO'Connor 03-15-2012 08:55 PM


please message me details.


Derwinator 03-15-2012 11:03 PM

Hi Jim,

You're right - it's a problem on Apple's side. Other screen savers have the same problem when the LaunchPad is open. Will file a bug report with them.


Endie 03-17-2012 08:00 AM

Hi Jim,

thanks for new build. As Derwinator already said, everything seems to be pretty solid. Playing around with the background colors I've noticed that the two presets are not editable anymore (bug or feature?).

Just want to tell, that I replaced my stock Radeon 9000 Pro in my old G4 MDD Dual 1,25 with an Radeon 9800 PRO (flashed PC card) so now my Computer is also capable of displaying the ripple effect... :) Huuuiiii, eats a lot of FPS (from 55 to 35 with fish set to "one of each"). I thought the new graphics card would eat that new challenge for breakfast...

Since I have the PC and Mac Versions running side by side I've noticed some differences: The bubble column on the Mac doesn't come out of this tube-like-thing, and it is missing the bigger, faster bubbles in the foreground. Is my Computer still missing hardware capacities of displaying the bubbles, or ist the Mac bubble column complete different in design?

Overall everything looks great anyway, and you did (and still doing) a great job. Thanks for that Jim.


stevependleton 03-17-2012 01:56 PM

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the new build and so far I've not found any real issues apart from confirming what Endie has found with the two default backgrounds being un-editable. Creating new backgrounds and editing previously created ones is okay but not the two defaults.

There's still the odd fish swimming through the scenery but it seems mainly to be through the top of the eel cave entrance.

One feature I would like to see added at some point is to be able to change the font used for the digital clock display on the crystal along with the colour and transparency of the text. Any chance of this feature being added sometime?



Mac Mini 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM and OSX 10.7.3

Feashman 03-31-2012 12:45 PM

Current 3.2 Beta Has Expired
When will 3.2 be released as final?

JimO'Connor 04-01-2012 05:11 PM

Odd. I missed the e-mails that there were messages here.

The default backgrounds are not editable. That is by design.

I'll have to look at what you are mentioning about the bubbles. I didn't notice that. I didn't see any changes in Jim Sachs's code so I didn't really examine it by eye-ball. It may be something which has just been wrong.

For the request for changing the font color/transparency will be considered.

Thanks for the help.

I'll make another post when I get a refreshed build up.

GRChachi 04-02-2012 07:30 PM

The 3.2 Beta Expired.

Are you going to extend the Beta or are we to just wait for the final?

JimO'Connor 04-03-2012 02:56 AM

I'm going to convert the last beta into release and post it today (4/3/12).

JimO'Connor 04-03-2012 08:00 PM

I posted a release build of the last source code set. No time out. Otherwise, identical.

I'd like confirmation that it works on PPC as I can't test that.

My "day job" has had me blitzed for the last month so I've not been able to make the changes I wanted, but it is good enough to stop sending it out with drop dead dates.

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