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crdesigns 01-28-2002 05:07 PM

I was just curious about what the latest wish date was on the release of V.1.1. Can you give us an update. Please.

Great job Jim on the best screen saver/program on the web!!!


Jim Sachs 01-28-2002 05:11 PM

It's undergoing testing now. When they stop finding things for me to fix or add, they'll put it on the Web site.

hooters 01-29-2002 12:30 PM

U can Just Taste It Can't Ya

raZorX21 01-31-2002 10:24 AM

Lionfish,.. whoa

The picture supplied by Hooters is an Antennata Lionfish, while the the one in the tank will be a Volitans Lionfish. The look is somewhat different.
Here is the LINK
to the Volitans Lionfish. It has basic information,... I know it`s not much but I,... can`t see how this fish can (co)exist in your Aquarium,.. It`s eating habits are somewhat incompatible, wouldn`t you say?

HERE is an interesting link, where you can see fish in action, so to speak. It has some links to videos if certain fish, so you can see them move. It may help in creating movement patterns. You must be a member of CoralRealm to view these videos, which costs $29.95 a year.

Jim Sachs 01-31-2002 11:20 AM

Lionfish can co-exist with most other species, as long as the other fish are not too small. It is a fairly popular aquarium fish.

Jav400 01-31-2002 11:28 AM


Jim is right, I have seen V. Lionfish in with many other species. Basically as long as the others aren't small enough that they represent food, generally things are ok.

But, one of the points of Jim's aquarium is to be able to have species in the tank that wouldn't normally be compatible with each other. There will be several in this category before things are finished. Namely the Eels and the Octopus. Octo are favorite dining for Eels. There will be others besides this, but it is Serene Screen after all. No fighting or problems will ever be represented here in this screen saver.

SanDiegoBryan 01-31-2002 12:49 PM

Open Source???

Great job Jim on the best screen saver/program on the web!!!


Have you considered allowing members to create fish based on an open source code?

I would love to create some interesting fish like my Watchman Goby, or possibly my 6 line wrasse!

These aren't your normal "Main Water Column" fish, as the watchman "Hovers" over his favorite rock, and the wrasse likes to swim very close to the rocks.

I'd also like to create an anenome and stuff...

What do you think?

Jav400 01-31-2002 12:53 PM


Unfortunately, we have had some problems in the past. At this point Jim has come to the conclusion that everything in the aquarium must be made by him.

In addition, he wants to keep things "pure" and true to his original ideas. Don't want to look back a year from now and see the entire idea changed all over everywhere because someone has turned fish upside down or created singing mermaids or some such nonsense.

SanDiegoBryan 01-31-2002 01:29 PM

Open Source...
That's cool.. I can understand that. Everyone has to make money.. Bummer...

Digital Lungfish 01-31-2002 04:28 PM

Hey cool, another San Diegan! :TU:

Welcome aboard.

- DL

Jim Sachs 01-31-2002 04:41 PM

Everyone has to make money.. Bummer...

Exactly the opposite. I would sell more copies if I let people do their own modifications.

SanDiegoBryan 01-31-2002 06:25 PM

Hmmm - Never Thought about it like that... Selfishly, I just want specific fish that act a certain way, and wanted to make some.... FOR FREE.... I was hoping you'd be open to the idea so I could share them, as I know of several people that really want certain fish, and I wanted to make them as a gift...

Is there a Development "Team" or are you the only one that makes the fish?

Is there a list of fish you're planning on completing?
Is there a list I could add to?
Can I help YOU??? You'd retain all licensing and rights, and stuff.

Jav400 01-31-2002 06:35 PM


Jim is the only one who creates the fish for copyright and several other reasons. I know how you feel though. Morgan and I both have fish that we would love to see, but it probably isn't going to happen for one reason or the other. Morgan's is the Red Sea Sailfin Tang, and mine is the Long Finned Batfish.

You are more than welcome to add your requests to the wishlist topic here on the forum. Jim looks over all of them and considers them carefully for inclusion in the aquarium. We do have a wishlist photo page located here this page will let you see more about what is planned, both in fish and invertebrates. You can also see what features are scheduled for inclusion in the program. If you have some different ones that you would like to see, post the names on the Wishlist forum Topic, and we will try to add them to the photo page.

SanDiegoBryan 01-31-2002 06:50 PM

Cool!! I knew I wasn't the only one...

I'll add a couple things to the list, but I don't think the list is very fair... I wish it was sorted by votes, or requests for that fish....

I'll keep my eye out for the Lionfish!!!

Take it easy guys...

PS - What would you charge for a custom fish?

Jav400 01-31-2002 06:57 PM

Sometimes the final yes or no has more to do with other considerations than just popularity. The Long Finned Batfish that I would like to see would take monumental collision detection and flow dynamics for the fins, for it to be included in the aquarium. With the room alloted in the tank it just isn't workable. Some of the others that have gotten the no vote are because of display problems from the color patterns in the fish, or for various other reasons.

Jim tries to include as many as popularity and reasonable success will allow. But I don't blame him for setting high standards. The results are obvious. :)

xdawgg 02-04-2002 05:00 PM

Whats the low down?
Any new news when we can expect our new update?..........

feldon34 02-04-2002 05:06 PM

...And it continues...

Another test version will be, um, tested possibly this week.

Until all the bugs are gone, it's not going out to the public. Even if it takes another month.

ESHIREY 02-04-2002 05:35 PM

Well we just got to think positive that everything is ok this time so we can get it real soon . I know it's been a long time and that everyone is working hard to get it out , But I'm sure when it is out it will be well worth the wait .:D

Jim Sachs 02-04-2002 05:58 PM

I am what's currently holding up v1.1. More specifically, it's my inability to come up with a satisfatory way to keep the Lionfish from passing through the coral and other fish. This has always been a problem, but the Lionfish is much more prone to it than the other fish because if its width. I've been working on this for over 4 weeks now, but it's the type of problem where there is no progress until you actually get it.

feldon34 02-04-2002 06:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
if (Lionfish = near tall coral structure on left) then LionfishCanChangeDepth = false

if (Lionfish = near bottom center of tank) then LionfishCanChangeDepth = false

else LionfishCanChangeDepth = true

Create 3 rectangular areas where the Lionfish can't change depth.

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