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Jim Sachs 03-08-2003 05:55 PM

The Queen Angel ranked dead last, so I replaced it. If another one is extremely unpopular, I'll probably replace that, too.

I doubt if it would be the Picasso Trigger, though. This one looks EXACTLY like the ones in my local aquarium shop.

Reichart 03-08-2003 05:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)
1. Q: Digital Lungfish wrote: why is the Queen Angel the only fish that has been changed so frequently when other fish on the list also rank on the low end near it,
A: If you had been in charge of this, and changed one of the other fish, then we would be asking you the same question. Think of this more like a pet peeve. Since every one has one pet they like best, everyone else's peeve seems like the wrong choice :)

2. Q: Also, in regards to polls, have you considered trying a different type of poll? For example, perhaps instead of basing it on popularity, you could try one which allows users to vote whether a fish should be modified to reflect a more attractive stage in it's lifecycle or to replace it entirely with a new and more attractive fish. Your thoughts???

A: In a national poll, 53% of the people stated they did not like taking polls. This was concluded from the 47% of people that did not take them. so what is wrong with this poll?

And to quote one of my close personal friends,

James 03-08-2003 06:55 PM

Alright, I concur with u guys now(just Morgan's explanations r more persuasive more acceptable than Reichart:P, but Reichart got some good point too :)). as I'm a programmer myself, I know the pain when debugging and thinking the logic and stuff, I fully appreciate those artist in Plolific :), $5 is a very low price for that upgrade if u see the point this way.

Still no one answered how's gonna be if ppl who intend to wait untill 3D bckgnd come out? do they get diff key code or?

EddieWan 03-08-2003 06:56 PM

I'm looking forward to this new release. Haven't seen this much excitement around here since the lionfish release :)

Reef Shark 03-08-2003 07:11 PM

Great news ! I can't wait to see the new fish in version 2.0 !

cjmaddy 03-08-2003 07:24 PM

Morgan ....

The current brown Queen Angel scored behind the other 20 fish in a poll
then ....

The outcome shifted slightly...
Jim ....

The Queen Angel ranked dead last, so I replaced it.
then ....

If another one is extremely unpopular, I'll probably replace that, too.
"scored behind"
"shifted slightly"
"dead last"
"extremely unpopular"

I'm sorry if this sounds very picky, but IMHO there is a fairly big variation in emphasis there!
Looking at those graphs and pie charts, my conclusion is that the vast majority are very close in popularity!
Yes, the Queen Angel is last at one stage, and second last in the other. - But only just, and by a small amount!

I don't call that 'extremely unpopular' .... I still like it, it's a very nice piece of artwork and an elegant fish, in my book it's very near the top of the list, - and I wish it wasn't changing.
I'm sure the replacement will be an equally fine piece of work, and that we will no doubt get used to it. - It just seems like change for change sake, when what we have is superb!

Lets have another poll! .... I'll make multiple entries on the forum, under every name I can think of, - then my favorites will never come last again! :)

/Tiny ballot-rigging. - (Used under licence .... not!) ;)

feldon34 03-08-2003 07:28 PM

Frankly, I don't think it's complete until there is a juvenile Queen Angel and adult Queen Angel available. Just my opinion of course.

Took me 4 hours sleep to realize that the brand new Queen Angel (photo) was the reference point for the original Queen Angel (hand-drawn) in version .99D.


Jim Sachs said:
I doubt if it would be the Picasso Trigger, though. This one looks EXACTLY like the ones in my local aquarium shop.
This is the one I've gone back and forth on with other people. The one in the Aquarium now is brown/tan with muted colors.

The Picasso (Humu Humu) Triggers I have seen have been soft white, picking up ambient blue and green colors from the surrounding environment, with parts of the flesh semi-transparent.

As for other fish I have commented about in the past (including the Addis Butterfly), it really comes down to the lighting.

Most tanks have a percentage of Actinic lighting which causes certain blue and white colorings on fish to phosphoresce a piercing blue. Also the fish colors are faintly skewed towards yellow/green.

Jim, I finally found a photo that depicts the Addis Butterfly very close to the way you have it in the Aquarium now. I imagine it is very subdued light with 0% actinic. (on the left)

I guess it is time for me to trot out these perennial favorites again. The fish on the right are Photoshop mock-ups of coloring that appeals to me...

What I'd like to know is whether we will be able to adjust actinic light % in the future and if this is something *you* want, Jim?

feldon34 03-08-2003 07:41 PM


Chalk up my version of the events to politeness. :)


James said:

Still no one answered how's gonna be if ppl who intend to wait untill 3D bckgnd come out? do they get diff key code or?
The architecture behind the Aquarium now supports individual fish/creatures each having their own keycode. I imagine the 3D background could be given out without giving the fish?

Jim Sachs 03-08-2003 07:46 PM

It's concievable that I might add actinic lighting. Putting it on the to-do list now....item 1,000,073.

feldon34 03-08-2003 07:58 PM

Well, is actinic lighting something you really want if time stopped and you could do everything you wanted?

I realize it means an additional texture/stencil for each fish with blue/white sensitive markings plus some way of doing the blue glowing.

drfish 03-08-2003 08:34 PM

Wow, I've been working 60 hour weeks lately and only just now got caught up on everything that's going on... Wow! Great news! I was practically in shock as I read about 2.0 and saw the new fish, Jennifer thought I was crazy... I can't wait, my co-workers will be very jealous. :)

STEVEPOON 03-08-2003 10:13 PM


MA2 will be released. How about Wide verison? I like wide version. Will it be stopped until 3D background is introduced. (Two version merge together) Why I like wide, one more fish can come out.


Reichart 03-08-2003 10:32 PM

Wide Screen

Digital Lungfish 03-09-2003 12:45 AM


This one looks EXACTLY like the ones in my local aquarium
I do know a fair bit about fish species both fresh and salt, present day, and especially prehistoric, but I don't obviously know everything and I'll be the first one to admit it. :) The Picasso happens to be a fish I've only seen once and it was an adult, so I had nothing to compare yours to beyond that. Just for the record Jim, I didn't think your artwork was suffering since that's almost never the case, I'm just commenting on the natural appearance of the Picasso which is rather plain and doesn't catch the eye like other more colorful species do. But like you guys said, to each their own.

so what is wrong with this poll?
Nothing is wrong with the poll Reichart, nothing at all. I was just suggesting an alternative method for polling that "might" yield more specific results. To me a poll that asks "Which fish do you like the most?" or "Which fish do you like the least?" doesn't tell the software developer "why" they do or don't like those fish. I was only offering up an idea to consider, not trying to knock anyones efforts by using polls. I think you and Jim are both to be commended for the work you've done past, present, and for what's yet to come.

As for paying $5 for MA 2.0, count me in, it's only fair.

P.S. Jim,
Since we're on the topic of fish improvements, did you ever manage to fix the open yellow mouth problem that the Regal Tang has been suffering from since it was born? :)

Oh and one other thing, did I hear right in another post that you guys are no longer using the Wish List? Or do you mean that you plan to create more fish than just those on the Wish List?

patscarr 03-09-2003 02:52 AM

Thats right, Reichart said something like they created five new fish but not from the wishlist. Why was (or wasnt) that?

Jav400 03-09-2003 06:10 AM

Morgan and I will always be updating and keeping the wishlist, I just added another fish to the thread the other day, and we have been having discussions about different layouts to the wishlist photo page. Once we settle on one and get it implemented, I have alot of updating to do to that page, so keep those ideas coming.

cjmaddy 03-09-2003 06:23 AM


Frankly, I don't think it's complete until there is a juvenile Queen Angel and adult Queen Angel available.
Excellent solution, Morgan ! :TU:

Jim Sachs 03-09-2003 12:15 PM

The adult Queen Angel is pretty big.

grape_jellyfish 03-09-2003 02:39 PM

Re: Best things in life are free.

Originally posted by Reichart
1. Q: Grape wrote: I guess the old saying "Good things come to those who wait" just doesnt apply to this.
A: I think you have this backwards. The people that waited the longest are the very people that get the good things, and for free.

I was referring to those of us who bought the aquarium "as is" without waiting until it had a certain feature or fish. :)

Tiny Turtle 03-09-2003 03:08 PM

One small thing about Humu Humu.

The Hawaiian state fish is the Painted Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus rectangulus) which in Hawaiian tounge is called the "Hu-mu hu-mu nu-ku nu-ku a pu-a-'a" which supposedly translates into "Fish who comes out of the water and sounds like a pig". The Picasso Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus) is not the same thing.

/Tiny Trigger Tutorial

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