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Mark Newman 09-22-2005 07:59 PM

I Can't Get My Screensaver out of Demo Mode!
I bought Marine Aquarium for Mac OS X version 2.0 out of the box in the Apple Store where I bought my first generation iMac G5 20" computer. I had to download the software update to 2.0.6 so that it could work with Panther. Since then I upgraded to Tiger (OS X 10.4.2) and it still worked fine. Unfortunately, like many first generation iMac G5 computers, I had to get my motherboard replaced. Well, I got it back yesterday and when I go to System Preferences now, I place the CD-ROM into the slotdrive and everything looks great. Unfortunately, when I go out of System Preferences and eject the CD-ROM from the slot drive, the Marine Aquarium goes back into demo mode and won't work. I put the CD-ROM back in and I'm fine again but everything ends after I take the CD-ROM out once more. Help! Does anybody have any suggestions? Why won't the CD-ROM permanently register the software?Please respond on this site and/or e-mail me at

JimO'Connor 09-22-2005 11:27 PM

Hi Mark,

The solution is fairly straightforward. This happened because Apple saved and restored your hard drive, which confused a file permission.

In the terminal application (/Applications/Utilities/ type in the command

sudo rm /Library/Preferences/com.prolific.*

and press the return key. It will ask you for your password so it can have permission to remove the file. You need to have administrative authority on the computer to do this.

You'll have to enter the CD one more time, but it should be fine without it after that.

Let me know how it goes.

Mark Newman 09-23-2005 05:09 AM

You're a Genius!
Jim O'Connor--You are the best! Not in a million years would I have figured that one out. Furthermore, I've never done anything in Terminal and was always terrified of messing around with that. However, your confidence gave me confidence and I tried it. Not only did it work instantly and perfectly but, you should know, I did not even need to re-insert my CD-ROM. May G-d bless you and I hope I can help others in my life as wonderfully as you've helped me!

Jim Sachs 09-23-2005 09:47 AM

Ha, ha - "The solution is fairly straightforward" :)

feldon34 09-23-2005 10:32 AM

Someone at Order-N-Dev should write a little Permissions Cleanup script ala my Registry Cleaner for Windows. :)

JimO'Connor 09-23-2005 03:02 PM

Feldon, we'll probably include it in the AppleScript suite for future products.

Mark, thanks for your kind words. There are methods of fixing this problem with the UI but none of them are as hard to do wrong as "copy this string into terminal".

schneb 09-30-2005 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by feldon29
Someone at Order-N-Dev should write a little Permissions Cleanup script ala my Registry Cleaner for Windows. :)

If you open up the Drive Setup Utility, they have a "Fix Permissions" menu item that should do this.

BTW-Marine Aquarium is working flawlessly on the latest version of Tiger.

HisDudeness 12-19-2005 04:39 AM

Just signed up but dont seem able to post new threads here.So I,ll just have to use the quick reply method to post my feedback. Very happy with my Aquarium screensaver and it runs perfectly on my Imac G3 400Mhz DV. Just like to make one suggestion- How about increasing the realism by having the kelp and other forms of aquatic plantlife move and sway in the underwater currents.

JimO'Connor 02-09-2006 09:29 AM

Hi Dudeness,

Artistic feature issues are handled in the PC side. If you want a UI feature or Mac specific change which doesn't affect the art then we are happy to talk about it here. Jim Sachs holds final authority on all features.

Tiny Turtle 02-09-2006 10:02 AM

Hallo HDude and welcome aboard!

The reason you (nor anyone else) can start a thread with their first post is that we've had some problems with trolls posting inapropriate (sp?) stuff all over the place so now every new member has to be validated by our admins (Feldon29 or Jav400).

/Tiny Addendum

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