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feldon34 12-02-2009 10:00 AM

I think that's the intention, to have the etched look as an option for the time/date.

Jim Sachs 12-03-2009 01:08 AM


Wizwad 12-03-2009 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Jean-Pierre Marro (Post 116907)
Bonjour Monsieur Jim Sachs,
Je me suis inscrit sur le site «SereneScreen», depuis des années j'ai en ma possession plusieurs écran de veille;(Depuis le 1 ere que vous avez créé).
Ils sont tous très jolis mais ce dernier «Marine Aquarium 3» bien que pour l'instant il soit encore sous la forme «Beta» est une splendeur ... je remercie tous les participants a ce programme et j'espère avoir très vite la chance d'avoir le programme définitif :).
Bravo a monsieur Jim Sachs pour cette merveille.
J'espère être prévenu des évolutions futures,
Merci par avance.

I think it goes (loosely) something like this:

"Hello, Mr Jim Sachs.

I have registered on the Serene Screen site. For several years since you created the first one, I've been collecting the various screen savers. They're all really lovely, but this latest one, Marine Aquarium 3, even though it's still in beta, is a splendid! I'd like to thank all those who participated in the program and I look forward to getting the finished article really soon.

Bravo, Mr Sachs, for this marvel! I hope this is a preview of future developments.

Thanks in advance."

Jim Sachs 12-03-2009 02:38 PM

Thanks, Mark (and Jean-Pierre).

Eyesuckle 12-05-2009 01:24 PM

I have installed Marine Aquarium three and think that it looks superior to the old version in all ways but one. The background is far more realistic, and I love the scanning effect. It's beautiful!

However, I have to say that (on my computer) the motion of the fish is less realistic than it was in 2.6. I'm noticing a slight Ray Harryhausen effect. The movements of the fish are just not quite as smooth as they were in 2.6.

Thinking that perhaps the program is pushing the limits of my computer's graphics card or CPU or something, I tried reducing the number of fish, but that very slight stutter is still there.

Any ideas? Have other people noticed that the movements of the fish in this new version are not as smooth as they were in the old?

Jim Sachs 12-06-2009 01:09 PM

The fish movement is what I've been working on for several months.

But you are right about the higher equipment requirements. What frame rate are you getting?

rctneil 12-06-2009 05:24 PM

How is the fish movement going?

Jim Sachs 12-06-2009 07:04 PM

Verrrry slowly.

spetro 12-10-2009 07:08 AM

Hey there all. First post from South Florida! I think the program is GREAT so far and can't wait for the evolution. I love being involved in the development of a program such as this. Much of my time is spent in and around water, being a part of The US Coast Guard and free time on the ocean, everglades, and surrounding lakes.

As for Jim....I've been lurking for a few weeks here. Your work is great and there is no hurry at this end for progression. What happens will be at a pace that is comfortable. They sure the heck didn't rush Van Gogh.
Just want to acknowledge your work and thank you for the previous programs. I was able to upgrade from 2.6 with no probs. Running ZT Quad core 2 Intel with W-7 (64) :TU::TU::TU:

Jim Sachs 12-10-2009 02:17 PM

Hi, Spetro - welcome to the Forum and thanks for the kind words.

ESHIREY 12-10-2009 03:58 PM

I too would like to WELCOME you to the boards.

mrtew 12-12-2009 01:15 PM

I have been a huge fan of MA for many years and absolutely love the the current beta but I have a suggestion for making it seem even more realistic. To my eye the fish look too similar in size to eachother and wonder if you have considered or even tried making some three times as big as others, or even better, custom scalable in the settings?

P.S. May I please have control of the lights for x-mas? (I have MacOSX)

Jim Sachs 12-12-2009 08:58 PM

Yes, there is a scale function built into the new fish models. I've played with fish sizes over the years, and it's hard to judge if it would be effective. Generally, the smaller fish just seem farther away. When I introduce schooling behavior, size and pattern differences within the school would probably be more noticeable.

Simple Steve 12-13-2009 04:17 AM

So can someone give me an idea of when this might be ready for purchase as a finished product? I know it takes a while to create something like this, but you know, damn! :eek:

Jav400 12-13-2009 07:12 AM

Jim has said the it will probably never be "finished" until they lower him in the ground. MA 3 is finished when you think it is............................ If you are satisfied with it the way it is now - then for you it is finished. For Jim - there will probably always be something he is tweaking or playing with..............

cjmaddy 12-13-2009 07:56 AM

Simple Steve, - I agree with Michael, there is absolutely no reason to wait any longer, and to not buy MA3 in its present condition. - It is the best Marine aquarium simulation out there... bar none! - Purchase it now and enjoy it. Then watch it develop even more over the years to come.... Just like we have all been doing for more years than I can remember! ..... I made a one-off payment, a LONG time ago, and I have never regretted a penny of it!

Buy it NOW! :)

feldon34 12-13-2009 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Simple Steve (Post 117296)
So can someone give me an idea of when this might be ready for purchase as a finished product? I know it takes a while to create something like this, but you know, damn! :eek:

Finished? October 2017.

Just buy it and enjoy it!

Jim Sachs 12-13-2009 12:48 PM

It's already about as "finished" as any software out there - it's in the stores and available for download on I plan to keep improving it, as I have for the past decade.

ESHIREY 12-13-2009 02:06 PM

And a great job too.

RA 12-13-2009 08:19 PM


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