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feldon34 11-13-2007 07:20 PM

Jim Sachs 11-13-2007 07:54 PM

Needless to say, I'm very disappointed by this whole turn of events. If I had stepped in a day earlier, it might have been avoided. I don't usually get involved with Goldfish-related issues, and the problem seemed so simple to me that I assumed someone from Prolific would see Cliff's post and correct it. When that didn't seem to be happening I brought it to their attention in Qtask, and they read not just that post, but a few more which had accumulated by then. To them, these posts seemed to be veering away from the lighthearted, and more toward the accusatory. The people involved (Eric, Jim R. (who handles the database), Edgar (Key Code programmer), and Josh (customer service) are among the kindest, gentlest, and most honest people I have ever met. I am sure they have never been accused of any type of wrongdoing, and it would be the end of the world to them. So apparently someone else put into a Key Code what the others must have been silently thinking.

So, I appologize to Cliff for any insult at the hands of my publisher.

Reichart 11-13-2007 09:18 PM

Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand. -Twain

Dudes, com’on, does ANYONE have a sense of humour anymore?

CJ, you took a simple accident in the database, and weaved it into yet another reason to bash away. And yet..we still sent you a keycode within a day of finding out about it.

Can’t you just once not look a gift horse in the mouth, and enjoy the ride? Just once, can you just enjoy that people are having fun?

P.S. I have learned that Anthony Holester is very upset about receiving a keycode starting with CMAD, he sent me a nasty email that this is a coded message about his disposition. I suspect a deep mishap here…probably database related.

And I could not possibly end this without quoting Oscar Wilde “It is a curious fact that people are never so trivial as when they take themselves seriously.”

patscarr 11-13-2007 10:06 PM

I guess it's a little funny. But AHOLE? That's pretty harsh. CMAD would have been more appropriate here and laughable.

Surferminn 11-14-2007 03:19 AM

I am appalled in reading the above posts. Agree with Tiny. I personally found absolutely no humour but rather a total lack of respect in the keycode given to Cliff. To me it reflects incredible immaturity and is a deliberate crude insult. I cannot believe that instead of an apology (not counting Jim's), it is being defended and passed off as a joke of some sort. Just incredible. :TD:

cjmaddy 11-14-2007 10:23 AM

Thanks, forum members for your support.
Jim is aware of my feelings about Prolific 'in general', and understands most of them, I think.
I have given him the 'full' version, and have no desire to discuss it in detail here. But thanks for the offer.

Jim has the ability, 'and guts', to recognise that truth is all that will solve a misunderstanding. If only more were like him.

Reichart, - In your attempt to defend the indefensible, you once more depict yourself far better than I could describe you,
Some advice, if you will take it. Listen to Jim (S),- and don't dig the hole you are in, any deeper, you will only lose yourself, Prolific, and your colleagues, more customers.

Beyond that, I hope this subject can now be closed, at least, as far as I am concerned.

Edit: (After reading the post below). - We have, what I think, is an excellent programme on TV here in the UK. It's called 'Dragons' Den' - Those who have seen it will know what I mean when I say, after reading the presentation below, ... "I'm out!"

..... Please ... close this thread!

Reichart 11-14-2007 11:51 AM

Righteous people have no sense of humor. - Brecht
So let’s have some fun (well, I’ll have fun)…

Morgan, would you be so kind to set up a thread (chat room, or what ever you want to call it) and let’s REALLY get into this. Public or private, I don’t care. Let’s go back into the archives and pull up EVERYTHING so we can see what EVERYONE has really said (and done). This way we can move this into a forum where people can actually be accountable for their statements. None of this “you should see what was written in PM (Private Messages).” No conspiracy.

All are welcome…

But this way we can really dig in and analyze each statement. I think we have everything we need, defendants, plaintiffs, mobs with pitchforks and torches (or at least all the bold command and red fonts), and most importantly, people with lots of opinions and little facts.

I in turn will start a Wiki so we can keep track of everything. Who said what, who gave who what (and I’m not talking the clap here), etc.

Now remember, there is no crying in "forum court."

“A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road.” – Beecher

“Talking with a bunch of regulars in a forum is like talking with a bunch of regulars in a bar, but without the beer, and the beer nuts, and the loud TV to drown everyone out, oh, and more beer.” - Reichart…

"It is the ability to take a joke, not make one, that proves you have a sense of humor." - Max Forrester Eastman (Please print this out and put it on your Fridge)...

feldon34 11-14-2007 12:32 PM

I have a quote for Reichart.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"

I knew there was only one person who would have sent such a keycode.

Nobody in this thread is a saint. It is no secret that Cliff loves to find misunderstanding where there is none. There are some forum members who ascribe motives where none exist. But now I have no way of proving whether the keycode was deleted accidentially or purposefully. Initially I had no trouble believing that it had been automatically or accidentially removed from Prolific customer records (as have all my beta keycodes). But Reichart, you've put that doubt back into the equation.

If you want to move this to a subforum, so be it. There's already a beta forum here that all the involved parties have access to. It already has a red color theme appropriate to the blood feud being suggested. There's already a chatroom (which nobody uses anymore -- maybe due to the age of the Java applet, or the lack of anything new to report, I am not sure).

Jim S. pays the bills around here so I'll probably defer to him. I fully expect an e-mail starting with "Please don't let the forum turn into this."

Manymosi 11-14-2007 01:33 PM

Reichart, Sometimes you just have to let the customer be right, regardless of whether he is, in fact, right. All this is doing is making both you and Cliff look bad. I for one, don't enjoy you "having fun" at Cliff's expense.

Tiny Turtle 11-14-2007 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Reichart

Dudes, com’on, does ANYONE have a sense of humour anymore?

Nope. We are all out of it. You're the single person on the planet with any left. Sorry.

Reichart 11-14-2007 07:50 PM

I have created a thread in the GA Beta project

Please, come and debate, argue, or whatever you would like with me. In one sense we all know this is all silly. But since I truly believe people are more important than constructs, I will always make time for even that which seems silly…

This has got to be better than Dr. house, or Simon on American Idol. No?

Jim Sachs 11-14-2007 10:45 PM

Yes, definitely move it elsewhere. I think many people have forgotton the whole concept of SereneScreen and this Forum - that it is meant to be a sanctuary from the vitriol of the everyday world.

jleslie 11-15-2007 08:19 AM

I wasn't on Cliff's side until the AHOL part, which I think is dreadfully bad behaviour. Moving to GA beta forum (which most people can't see) seems more like hiding the rest of this. I'd say people should apologise and get over it. But Someone should apologise for that code...

SunKing 11-15-2007 08:37 AM

Well - good or bad - this is the most excitement this forum has seen in a long time. ...bouncing to the other thread now.

Yellow Tang 11-16-2007 03:49 AM

Better close this here, this leads nowhere.
Poor Cliff, why always he?
I don't know why, but from time to time he gets into trouble here on the forum.
Hang in there, Cliff!

cjmaddy 11-16-2007 04:33 AM

I feel the same, YT. - It's got something to do with the unmovable meeting the unstoppable. ;)

Marian Nichols 11-16-2007 05:48 AM



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