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clifdene 03-05-2010 06:20 AM

Cliff. Many thanks.
Sorry for being dense but I do not have = or : showing in the registry and I am confused as to which digits to change. When I right click on the registry entry a new line for New Value appears. What do I enter here?

Jav400 03-05-2010 07:05 AM


once you get there you should be able to left click once on "backgroundbottomcolor" to select it, then right click choose modify. Change only the last numbers in the sequence as those represent the hex value for the colors.

clifdene 03-05-2010 07:19 AM

Many thanks Jav. It is very easy when you know how. Now I have to lighten the colour to match Cliff's colour. Mine is much darker.

cjmaddy 03-05-2010 07:24 AM

The = and the : are in the BackgroundColor.reg script!... ie, - "BackgroundTopColor"=dword:ff000040 ... (That is the way it's written in a script)
OR..... In the registry entry just change the Hexadecimal Value data. - ie, Right click on BackgroundTopColor then click Modify and change the Value data to the Hexadecimal number of the colour you want, (not forgetting the ff).

Do NOT enter a new line! .... You should right click on the name BackgroundTopColor.

It's much easier to use the script........... That's why I wrote it!!! ... ;);)

clifdene 03-05-2010 07:28 AM

Thanks again Cliff. I used ff000040 which was too black. Changed it to ff000080 which you mentioned in an earlier post. Looks very good.

Jav400 03-05-2010 07:43 AM

I agree. I prefer more of the "darker royal blue" look than I do the "lighter black blue" look as well.

cjmaddy 03-05-2010 08:02 AM

Once you've got the colour you like, because any use of F1 to F4 will immediately revert back to the default colours, it's useful to have a simple script that will return you to your chosen background colour, at the click of a mouse! :)

clifdene 03-05-2010 09:41 AM

Cliff. My reason for looking to alter the registry direct was because I did not know how to use your script. When I ran it it brought up CCleaner so I then tried WordPad. As it would be useful please tell me how I should have used it.

feldon34 03-05-2010 09:58 AM

Normally you double-click on a REG file and the Windows Registry Editor (RegEdit) comes up and asks if you want to patch the changes in the file into your Registry. The fact that CCleaner came up means it's intercepting any Registry files.

You could right-click and tell it to Open With... RegEdit, or you could first open RegEdit and then open this file.

cjmaddy 03-05-2010 10:15 AM

clifdene......... What Morgan just said! ;)

clifdene 03-05-2010 10:16 AM

Many thanks. CCleaner seems to be capturing the file even if trying to open it in RegEdit. I will follow it up.

EDIT. thanks Cliff.

Dale 03-05-2010 11:05 AM

Well, that's a simple addition. :)



Originally Posted by flip (Post 119331)

... a quick and easy method of selecting your own music.


Flip, what would be your idea of a "quick and easy method" that would be easier than what's currently included?

Jack Gilvey 03-05-2010 03:41 PM

How 'bout spawning coral? Just one night a year. ;)

jleslie 03-05-2010 03:53 PM

Now that would be an "Easter Egg" :-)
I wouldn't get your hopes up tho...

Nicki 03-05-2010 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by jleslie (Post 119373)
I wouldn't get your hopes up tho...

'Specially if the female coral has a headache.:p

henemly 03-05-2010 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by cjmaddy (Post 119349)
it's useful to have a simple script that will return you to your chosen background colour, at the click of a mouse! :)

I got a small app that compiles .reg files to exe and that works well for instant changes with premade themes.

Another vote for etched (white?) calendar/clock colors (like v2 has). Font change would be great but know that ain't gonna happen.

Jim Sachs 03-05-2010 08:14 PM

I'll consider some enhancements to the clock/logo system.

cjmaddy 03-06-2010 04:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I've made another very small .reg file that fixes the stationary Scroll Position to where I want it!. - I use two 5x4 monitors. (I don't use auto-scroll). And after some trial and error, I got near to the right spot that didn't split too many corals across the two screens. I then placed the Hex Value in.... ScrollPosition.reg ... and did some more fine adjustment with the Hex Value, until I got just the position I ideally wanted.
For anyone that's interested, in common with BackgroundColor.reg, just open the .reg files in Notepad, and change the eight digits after the colon, to whatever colour or position is right for you.

Edit:- Scroll Position, dividing line.......
(If you have any eye for composition, I think choosing that particular change-over point makes a very big difference. - It almost makes up for not having a bezel gap adjustment! )

Dale 03-11-2010 03:41 PM

I'm not sure if the #1 posting has been updated recently.

Also, in the category of "simple fixes", should be sorting out the required-drivers-for-sound issue in

Perhaps Prolific could enhance the installer to check for the presence of whatever is required, and warn the user (or provide a link to the corrective drivers, etc.).

Jim Sachs 03-11-2010 09:36 PM

I'm still hopeful that users will figure out which drivers are required and post the info here. As more people get W7, the likelyhood of someone stumbling on the solution increases. Personally, I'm not eager to spend any of my remaining minutes of existance chasing down something so nebulous.

What I AM working on is a user interface for the background colors. My plan is to have a set of 6-or-so color combinations (top and bottom colors) available. The user can set one or more of them to be active, choose the colors, and set the duration for each combo. At the moment, I'm struggling with how to change the color of a static control to show the current setting that the user has chosen.

Nicki 03-11-2010 10:18 PM

When a user wants to select a custom colour for desktop background (which nobody ever uses since we all just stick a jpeg on there or whatever), display properties-> desktop -> color (and it feels so wrong to spell it that way) brings up a really nice colour choosing box. Is there any way you can call this up from within MA3?

I may be totally misunderstanding what you said though. Maybe you are referring to the transition? If so, maybe a very quick dim of the background would be a good way to do it. And then mr starfish could do his stuff.

Once again, way out of my depth but you never know, maybe my whittering could be useful.

Edit. Dale, you have a real talent when it comes to the details. If anyone could track down which drivers are missing yet necessary, it would be you. A little pet project perhaps?

Jim Sachs 03-11-2010 11:07 PM

Nicki - I thought about using that standard Microsoft color chooser, but it's nearly impossible to modify, and doesn't really do what I want. It's always scary to code in something that the OS has more control over than I do. I've always found it cumbersome to use. The block of standard colors is practically useless, and takes up a lot of space. The block of custom colors often doesn't remember colors I've chosen, and seldom puts them into the box I've selected. It might be useful if I could weld the right side of that dialog box onto a new left side of my on creation. But I still need to display little squares of color.

Dale 03-11-2010 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Nicki (Post 119554)
Edit. Dale, you have a real talent when it comes to the details. If anyone could track down which drivers are missing yet necessary, it would be you. A little pet project perhaps?

Thanks for the compliment. You may have noticed that I'm quite willing to help MA3 users try to track down their problems.

1. If I ever have the problem myself, then I'll try very hard to track down the solution.

2. Otherwise, I view this as a MA3 support issue. Folks in this forum tracked it down to the extent that we could (actually farther than might be expected). So, unless I have a personal need to solve it, it's up to Jim/Prolific.

2B. In the unlikely event that Jim/Prolific is willing to pay for a sound card like Terry has, I would be happy to try to duplicate Terry's configuration and then (if it exhibits the same symptoms) see 1. above.

3. I also have a small consulting business.

Note: I acknowledge Jim's quoting the "Try it before you buy it" policy. But that doesn't help people who have tried it, and bought it, and then install it on other computers in their household; or buy new computers or add-on hardware or upgrade to Wy - and then experience the problem.

The above is, of course, a lengthy way of saying "I'm not eager to spend any of my remaining minutes of existence" fixing a known problem for Prolific. (Uncompensated).

cjmaddy 03-12-2010 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by cjmaddy (Post 119219)
This topic, "Simple additions", could be just what MA3 has needed. - I've been searching around for some time now in my remaining brain cell, to see if I could come up with some approach or other, that might kick-start some progress into Jim's ongoing updating problems. - Then yesterday, we get, as Nicki so well described it.... a Eureka moment!.... Jim himself, starting a new thread, requesting our suggestions for easily-implemented features. - If this goes the way I hope it will, and if we can somehow dissuade some members from introducing the very things that Jim will be put off by. - then this just might be the start of something productive.

Let's all try to avoid resurrecting yet again, old might-be-bugs, that are more likely to be OS or third-party related, and just stick to the type of requests that Jim has indicated, - ie, "Simple additions to MA3, like allowing the user to change the digital clock colours." etc!

It's not often we get Jim coming to us asking us for ideas, it's usually the other way around. - This may all result in only minor additions or changes, but if they can be implemented easily, it could mean a step forward for MA3. After what I think we all will agree has been too long a period of Jim slaving away at his apparently never ending struggles, whilst we just moan or pester for the impossible.

I wish this topic every success, Jim. - If you do manage to succeed in revisiting and implementing some long awaited additions or changes, however small or few in number, I'm sure that not only will MA3 and its ever impatient following benefit, - but you also might return to the new fish models and all their accompanying difficulties, with renewed vigor!


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 119224)
Bravo, Cliff. That's the spirit I was looking for. I know that there have been requests where my response was something like "That doesn't sound too hard, I'll consider it", but I can't remember most of them. I started this thread in hopes that the folks who made those suggestions would jog my memory.

It didn't last long did it, - before the inevitable had to happen!!!

feldon34 03-12-2010 09:38 AM

If only Chip would sign up on these forums. ;)

Dale 03-12-2010 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by feldon34 (Post 119567)
If only Chip would sign up on these forums. ;)

I'll ask him.

But I thought cjmaddy was referring to how far this topic has been dragged away from Jim's request for a concise list of "simple additions".

I quite agree with him: "It didn't last long did it, - before the inevitable had to happen!!! "

My suggestion didn't last long. So the simple additions are being collected in #1 posting in this topic.

Jim Sachs 03-13-2010 11:00 AM

Update: At 2 a.m. I was finally successful at getting a control button to turn a different color. This is nessessary for the background color interface. As usual, the solution was nothing like any Visual C++ example I could find on the Internet (none of which worked). It's all uphill from here! :)

cjmaddy 03-13-2010 12:31 PM

Jim, I appreciate your wish/need to have a colour box or button, and your requirement to show the current settings that the user has chosen. - What's so frustrating is, that it is so easy to have a group of four or six .reg file scripts, and have MA itself show the current choice.
.... Here's hoping that that hill soon levels out... Good luck!!!

Marian Nichols 03-13-2010 01:14 PM

YAY! Here we go.

feldon34 03-13-2010 04:15 PM

Giving Registry files to users would be a Customer Support nightmare, as I'm sure you can imagine.

Ralph 03-13-2010 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by feldon34 (Post 119594)
Giving Registry files to users would be a Customer Support nightmare, as I'm sure you can imagine.

Perhaps we could use the forum to offer those. Have MA as it is but "someplace" a note to join this forum for enhancements and help in making it / them work.. The "someplace" could be included in the crystal as a second cycle of the crystal.

Just a thought.:)

Jim Sachs 03-14-2010 11:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's the basic plan for the background color interface. There will be six color-sets (top and bottom colors) available. The user can activate one or more of these. When you click on any of the color swatches, you can adjust the color with a set of RGB sliders, or type the numbers in manually.

Each color-set has a timer field. If "Change Colors Automatically" is check-marked, the system will display each color set for the chosen amount of time, then fade to the next.

Something like this:

cjmaddy 03-14-2010 11:47 AM

That's looking very good! :TU: ..... (Far more adjustable than I'd expected!!)

..... Should be enough there to satisfy anyone! ;) ..... I'm looking forward to trying it.

Ralph 03-14-2010 12:06 PM

Nice.. you will need to change the spelling of COlors though or else picky people will complain:D

henemly 03-14-2010 12:34 PM

Nice one Jim :TU:

Rick Simon 03-14-2010 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 119597)
Here's the basic plan for the background color interface. There will be six color-sets (top and bottom colors) available. The user can activate one or more of these. When you click on any of the color swatches, you can adjust the color with a set of RGB sliders, or type the numbers in manually.

Each color-set has a timer field. If "Change Colors Automatically" is check-marked, the system will display each color set for the chosen amount of time, then fade to the next.

If you hadn't already considered it, I'd like to make a suggestion. Pre populate the color fields with a series of colors from light shades, to dark shades and back to light shades. Something like:

That way, even neophytes could approximate the V2 day/night cycling by simply checking the Change Colors Automatically without having to learn anything about creating colors from numbers.

A third "Defaults" button next to the OK & Cancel buttons to return everything to its original setting would also be a nice touch.

Just my $0.02 worth....

Nicki 03-14-2010 12:41 PM

Nice Jim, very nice.

And Ralph, I already did ;).

JohnWho 03-14-2010 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by cjmaddy (Post 119598)
That's looking very good! :TU: ..... (Far more adjustable than I'd expected!!)

..... Should be enough there to satisfy anyone! ;) ..... I'm looking forward to trying it.

I agree wholeheartedly.


cjmaddy 03-14-2010 02:58 PM

Ralph and Nicki,

By now, I've become reluctantly conditioned to accepting that there are two ways that we are forced to spell 'colour'.....(a) The correct way! - and (b) The way that's necessary, if we wish a computer program to work!....... And yes, that also, should be, "programme"!... ;);)

JohnWho 03-14-2010 03:54 PM

So, cjmaddy -

You would prefer "COlours"?!


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